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Posts posted by bangkokrick

  1. Meatboy we have a Husky I believe that you have the same from your Avatar. The wife takes him to the local dog salon once a month for a shampoo and that seems to be enough. The only exception is when he decides to go digging, which is a Husky trait, I am told. When he gets muddy we just hose him down to get rid of the crap, he seems to enjoy this.

    He too stinks when he want's boom boom!

    Cheers, Rick

    he's an alaskan malamute,the avatar doesnt do him justice,he's a brute of a dog very strong but lovable,does yours talk in their way,ours loves to tell the pizza delivery boy yum,yum,before you give him anything he will sawadee,i did say to the mrs.take him to the salon,i bet he would like a body massage :whistling:

    Hi meatboy,

    Yes I know the Malamut as the guy up the road has one and it is the size of a donkey, but a very nice dog to boot. My dog talks all the time in his own way, but does not bark much. You know Thai women and salon's mate it's just another excuse for a hairdo, so the dog goes next door. They have a special contraption that the put the dogs legs into, so that they can give them a really good scrub down and he seems to like it as well.

    My dog is a Siberian husky and he makes a great pet and a good house dog.

    Cheers, Rick

  2. Meatboy we have a Husky I believe that you have the same from your Avatar. The wife takes him to the local dog salon once a month for a shampoo and that seems to be enough. The only exception is when he decides to go digging, which is a Husky trait, I am told. When he gets muddy we just hose him down to get rid of the crap, he seems to enjoy this.

    He too stinks when he want's boom boom!

    Cheers, Rick

  3. Tsingtao is an excellent beer and there are a few choices to be had. My favourite is the original bottle with the green label as opposed to Gold label which is a bit wishy washy to taste in my opinion.Tsingtao was first brewed by German settlers many moons ago in Quingdao, Shandong province, so it is a fact a German recipe and the quality of German beer goes without saying.

    Snow (Gold label) is also a very good beer and just happens to be the biggest selling beer in the world.

    Seems that you are in a minority.

    Snow beer best selling drink in the world - doesn't mean it is a quality beer. Sole Market is China. Population of China = 1.3 Billion. Allowing for legal age drinkers thats still a lot of drinkers. If it were that good they would export it wouldn't they?

    Well until it is exported you won't really know that will you unless you visit China. Just out of interest have you ever tasted Snow beer? I think that at some point it will follow Tsingtao into the export market.

    Hey each to his own.

  4. Tsingtao is an excellent beer and there are a few choices to be had. My favourite is the original bottle with the green label as opposed to Gold label which is a bit wishy washy to taste in my opinion.Tsingtao was first brewed by German settlers many moons ago in Quingdao, Shandong province, so it is a fact a German recipe and the quality of German beer goes without saying.

    Snow (Gold label) is also a very good beer and just happens to be the biggest selling beer in the world.

    Seems that you are in a minority.

    Snow beer best selling drink in the world - doesn't mean it is a quality beer. Sole Market is China. Population of China = 1.3 Billion. Allowing for legal age drinkers thats still a lot of drinkers. If it were that good they would export it wouldn't they?

    Well until it is exported you won't really know that will you unless you visit China. Just out of interest have you ever tasted Snow beer? I think that at some point it will follow Tsingtao into the export market.

    Hey each to his own.

  5. "Never tasted or heard of any "excellent" chinese beer. The Asahi used to be quite good, but then changed for the worse. The price of a can of Asahi is now almost the same as Singha, which would mean it is made here.

    Never heard of any "excellent" French beer, either.

    Looking forward to drinking Carlsberg again."

    Tsingtao Beer has a pleasant aroma and a well-balanced taste

    Tsingtao is produced with spring water from Laoshan, a mountain area famous throughout China for the purity of its water. Tsingtao ingredients include the highest quality hops, as well as the finest yeast and barley imported from Australia and Canada.

    Try that one ... I used to drink gallons of it when in Hong Kong :burp:

    Alcohol Content: 3.8% alcohol by weight, 4.8% alcohol by volume

    Calorie Content: 157 calories per 12-ounce serving

    Fat Content: 0 gm.

    Original Gravity:

    11.0 degrees Plato

    Tsingtao is crap. I don't know where you copied that marketing text from, but I was in China for 6 months and it was terrible. The Tsingtao Draft was drinkable, Harbin was better. But good beer in China? No. Unless it is imported.

    Snow Beer was actually worse than Tsingtao.

    Tsingtao is an excellent beer and there are a few choices to be had. My favourite is the original bottle with the green label as opposed to Gold label which is a bit wishy washy to taste in my opinion.Tsingtao was first brewed by German settlers many moons ago in Quingdao, Shandong province, so it is a fact a German recipe and the quality of German beer goes without saying.

    Snow (Gold label) is also a very good beer and just happens to be the biggest selling beer in the world.

    Seems that you are in a minority.

  6. It is true that the airport was built in a low lying marsh that was meant for flood waters.

    Back in the day many people argued building an airport there would cause possible flooding in Bkk because of the lack of run off.

    The 3 meter wall isn't really a wall, but more like an earth dyke.

    One can easily see it if you enter the airport from King Kaew road or the other east one from Bang-Na road.

    You can't miss it there are canals on both sides of the dyke.

    Yes it's true. Google it.

    Suvarnabhumi Airport, the new Bangkok International Airport, aviation hub and gateway to Thailand was raised from the boggy Nong Ngu Hao or Cobra Swamp in an effort that took 33 years.

  7. Why are all the Brits so argumentative?

    Sweeping generalisation. How many Brits have you met and what % of the British population is that? I am a Brit an in my opinion Aldhouse should be brought back to Thailand for trial because this is where the crime was committed. It is up to the courts to decide whether he is guilty or not. There are some fair point being made about British and EU courts allowing this to happen. It does not mean that all Brits agree with this.Please leave out the ' I was a marine for 20 years and we will deal with him' crap. This is not a Hollywood movie script it's reality.

    What is the the Aussies call 'em? Whinging something...

    It doesn't matter to me whether this Thai boxer wannabe is British or not -- he should be held accountable for what he did in Thailand IN Thailand, not the coddling Brit system. But the Bris had to make it into a Brit thing, so there you go.

    The Australians are essentially British, for obvious reasons, but I am not going to get into the POM thing because it has been done to death on here. I have already stated that in my opinion and we are all entitled to our own, he should be tried in Thailand. As for the coddling British system it should be mentioned that the American judicial system was based on this, again for obvious reasons. What do you mean by, 'so there you go'? Where do I go or is that just another dismissive Americanism?

    Don't know why you are making this into a Brit thing.

  8. Why are all the Brits so argumentative?

    Sweeping generalisation. How many Brits have you met and what % of the British population is that? I am a Brit an in my opinion Aldhouse should be brought back to Thailand for trial because this is where the crime was committed. It is up to the courts to decide whether he is guilty or not. There are some fair point being made about British and EU courts allowing this to happen. It does not mean that all Brits agree with this.Please leave out the ' I was a marine for 20 years and we will deal with him' crap. This is not a Hollywood movie script it's reality.

  9. My Missus just valued her Click on a trade in against a new Honda. The Click is registered 2006 and is in good condition and they offered 20,000 Baht for the trade at 74,000 Baht.

    They have to make a bit on the sale, so i think that 25K is probably about right.

  10. I note many looking forward to a coup, with varying degrees of relish. You may dislike (detest) the current governement, and loathe it's every action, but does it mean nothing to you that they were elected less than three months ago. Everyone knows that they intended to allow Thaksin to return, everyone knew that they were going to redress the balance of power / put their own people in power within the military. Prior to the election they argued that the military and judiciary were biased against them. They were elected, they have a mandate.They are doing what they said they would do. A coup would be wrong, especially as the last two trucks in the convoy to roll out of the barracks would be carrying the Democrats (remember them, they lost the election) to form the replacement government!

    Loathing nepotism and despising wannabe tyrants that undermine democratic institutions is NOT the same thing as "looking forward to a coup". You are putting words in other people's mouths here. Do you seriously think it is acceptable in a democracy to appoint relatives to high level government positions? Is this, in your view, "democratic"? Would you say this is "good governance"? Ever heard of the separation of powers?

    Democracy cannot exist without rule of law, and ultimately both are social contracts. If you break the rules nobody else is going to keep their part of the bargain, which means your'e back to "he with the most guns wins". These guys are playing Russian roulette, and every check they undermine by appointing a relative to oversee it is another bullet in the gun.

    The government is doomed. I'm saying it's their own stupid fault for undermining the legitimate checks and balances on their power. This is not "pro coup", it's an "anti-tyrant" and "to hell with corruption" view. I hope that clarifies things.

    Very good post Crushdepth and just about sums the whole thing up. I can hear them cleaning their rifles already. The Pm (I mean the one with the skirt) has been totally inactive in providing assistance during the floods in the North, for the people that elected her. Rule number one don't ever under estimate the electorate.

  11. Bit off topic i guess, but the Ford Fiesta 1600 has lost 600 car sales this month due to the 100K Baht scheme introduced by the new Government. 600 orders cancelled because the scheme has a max engine size of 1500 cc. What are these idiots thinking of? Why 1500 cc?

    Some of my Thai friends are saying that it is just a big rort.

    Someone obviously made some secret handshakes with certain Car manufacturers. Seems to have upset Thailand ASEAN trading partners like Tata, Proton, Suzuki and others too.

    I agree...what were they thinking?

    I agree a deal already done. Ford and others must be really pissed off.

    So if I roll into the nearest ford dealer (after these bloody floods have finished), could I score a good deal on a fiesta? - lower interest, more freebies?? There's 600 odd cars waiting to be picked up! BTW we won't qualify for the rebate anyway, if the government has a record of my wife owning a second hand car 10 years ago)..

    I would like to say yes and it would make sense, but you know better. TIT

  12. Bit off topic i guess, but the Ford Fiesta 1600 has lost 600 car sales this month due to the 100K Baht scheme introduced by the new Government. 600 orders cancelled because the scheme has a max engine size of 1500 cc. What are these idiots thinking of? Why 1500 cc?

    Some of my Thai friends are saying that it is just a big rort.

    Someone obviously made some secret handshakes with certain Car manufacturers. Seems to have upset Thailand ASEAN trading partners like Tata, Proton, Suzuki and others too.

    I agree...what were they thinking?

    I agree a deal already done. Ford and others must be really pissed off.

  13. Bit off topic i guess, but the Ford Fiesta 1600 has lost 600 car sales this month due to the 100K Baht scheme introduced by the new Government. 600 orders cancelled because the scheme has a max engine size of 1500 cc. What are these idiots thinking of? Why 1500 cc?

  14. Nothing difficult. Look, if you are qualifying based on 800K baht and you show 799 baht and 99 satang you aren't getting your extension even if you are dressed in gold like the Glitterman and bow and curtsy in there for days. Rules are rules.

    Jingthing that was not aimed at you I am supporting what you say. as regards dress i always think that it is best to make an effort when dealing with immigration. Does it make a difference? Maybe not but it shows a bit of respect.

    Again I agree everything else must be in order.

    I know you weren't disagreeing. I was replying in support. Of course I also suggest people dress and act politely. But it doesn't excuse you from following the procedures.

    I think that the major thing is always the finances if you can prove the necessary and jump through a few hoops the rest is plain sailing. For one day a year is it too much trouble to make the effort?

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