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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. I guess staying in the background is not a bad idea if there is a chance you might be hanged for doing the right thing.
  2. I'll guess we will have wait for Fox News to confirm that one way or the other.....🤭
  3. Draft Dodger: A person who illicitly seeks to avoid compulsory military service. Defines Trump and his 'fighting spurs' to a T
  4. Already been covered...reported by Walz in 2020 to the authorities who took action to investigate.
  5. 5555......'he can speak in complete sentences'....you finger must have hovered over delete when you typed that. 5555.....doesn't talk to the dead.....imagine being so deranged to talk about Hannibal Lector like a real person? ....and sorry to disappoint, but Biden is no hero of mine.....say what you like about him.
  6. Nice try. Big difference between legal deferment and getting daddy to pay a dodgy doctor to fabricate a medical report.
  7. So it was serious question...? Not as in..... Ha! Like who.....no one!!
  8. 1. Student Deferments: While attending college at the University of Delaware and later law school at Syracuse University, Biden received multiple student deferments, which was a common practice for students at that time. 2. Medical Deferment: After completing his education, Biden received a medical deferment due to asthma, which was documented in his medical history. This medical deferment ultimately made him ineligible for military service. Biden’s draft history has been publicly documented, and there have been no significant allegations or accusations against him specifically for dodging the draft through illegal means or deceit. His deferments and medical exemptions were within the legal framework provided by the Selective Service System at the time.
  9. The type you hold over the kitchen sink and ponder....... is it really worth trying to scrape it...?
  10. You asked the question...like who? Don't ask if you think you might not like the answer.
  11. Since Elon Musk took over Twitter, now rebranded as X, there have been multiple instances where accounts or individuals have been suspended, restricted, or had content moderated. Here are some notable examples: 1. Journalists: In December 2022, several journalists from major news organizations like CNN, The New York Times, and The Washington Post had their accounts suspended. Musk alleged that these journalists violated Twitter’s policies, particularly related to doxxing (sharing private information), although the specifics were often contested. 2. Prominent Users: High-profile users who have been known to criticize Musk or his policies have faced suspensions or restrictions. For example, the account @elonjet, which tracked the movements of Musk’s private jet using publicly available flight data, was suspended. This was despite Musk initially stating that his commitment to free speech extended even to that account. 3. Activists and Critics: Various activists and users who have been critical of Musk or his approach to content moderation on X have reported account suspensions or shadowbanning (where their content is less visible). This includes individuals who were vocal about Musk’s handling of misinformation and hate speech on the platform. 4. Parody Accounts: Accounts parodying Musk or others without clearly marking themselves as parodies have faced suspensions. Musk introduced new rules requiring parody accounts to explicitly state in their names that they are parodies to avoid misleading users.
  12. T'interweb. If I told you I would have to kill you.....(that's a joke)
  13. Since Elon Musk took over Twitter, now rebranded as X, there have been multiple instances where accounts or individuals have been suspended, restricted, or had content moderated. Here are some notable examples: 1. Journalists: In December 2022, several journalists from major news organizations like CNN, The New York Times, and The Washington Post had their accounts suspended. Musk alleged that these journalists violated Twitter’s policies, particularly related to doxxing (sharing private information), although the specifics were often contested. 2. Prominent Users: High-profile users who have been known to criticize Musk or his policies have faced suspensions or restrictions. For example, the account @elonjet, which tracked the movements of Musk’s private jet using publicly available flight data, was suspended. This was despite Musk initially stating that his commitment to free speech extended even to that account. 3. Activists and Critics: Various activists and users who have been critical of Musk or his approach to content moderation on X have reported account suspensions or shadowbanning (where their content is less visible). This includes individuals who were vocal about Musk’s handling of misinformation and hate speech on the platform. 4. Parody Accounts: Accounts parodying Musk or others without clearly marking themselves as parodies have faced suspensions. Musk introduced new rules requiring parody accounts to explicitly state in their names that they are parodies to avoid misleading users.
  14. This...... The Democrats’ immigration bill, known as the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021, aimed to achieve several key objectives. Although it was not passed due to Republican opposition, the bill proposed comprehensive reforms to the U.S. immigration system. Here are the primary goals and provisions of the bill: 1. Pathway to Citizenship: • The bill would have provided an eight-year pathway to citizenship for approximately 11 million undocumented immigrants. Individuals would have been eligible for temporary legal status for five years, after which they could apply for a green card. After holding a green card for three years, they could apply for citizenship. 2. DACA and Other Programs: • Recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, Temporary Protected Status (TPS) holders, and certain immigrant farmworkers would have been eligible for green cards immediately, bypassing the five-year temporary status period. 3. Family-Based Immigration: • The bill aimed to clear the family-based immigration backlog, reduce wait times for family-sponsored visas, and eliminate the three- and ten-year bars that penalize undocumented immigrants who leave the country and then try to return. 4. Employment-Based Immigration: • The legislation proposed to reduce employment-based visa backlogs, make it easier for graduates of U.S. universities with advanced STEM degrees to stay in the U.S., and eliminate per-country visa caps. 5. Border Security and Enforcement: • The bill sought to address border security through the use of technology rather than physical barriers. It proposed investments in screening technologies at ports of entry and provided funding for the improvement of infrastructure at the border. • It also aimed to manage the border humanely and prioritize the use of alternatives to detention. 6. Addressing Root Causes of Migration: • The bill included provisions to address the root causes of migration from Central America by providing aid to countries in the region to improve conditions, thus reducing the need for people to migrate. 7. Protections for Workers: • It aimed to protect workers from exploitation and improve the labor rights of immigrant workers, ensuring that they are not subject to unfair treatment. 8. Diversity Visa Program: • The legislation proposed an increase in the number of Diversity Visas from 55,000 to 80,000 per year, promoting a more diverse immigrant population. In summary, if the Democrats’ immigration bill had not been blocked by Republicans, it would have resulted in a significant overhaul of the U.S. immigration system, providing a pathway to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants, addressing visa backlogs, enhancing border security with modern technology, and promoting humane treatment of migrants and asylum seekers.
  15. In a word...NO. He can't trade in Mr Vance as that would be a massive admission of failure...he's stuck with him. He has no new attack lines that land.....his only plus is that there cannot be anymore skeletons in the closet. He is doomed, bar a monumental cockup or revelation related to Harris or Walz......
  16. Yes....it locks as well....little patch of land at the back of the hotel. Tight for cars, but perfect for a bike. Just to say nothing fancy, but excellent location. Walk to the beach, nice little street front dining area. I liked it.....for what it was.
  17. If the Americans think they are controlling RT someone needs sacking.
  18. We stayed at the Fresh Inn....nothing fancy, being a cheap charlie, but would book it again. Just round the corner from Soi Bintabaht
  19. Pretty sure you can't defame a dead person.....I think they have to show a financial loss....his estate will have been divided by now.
  20. There certainly should be.....the only proviso being....'if they are doing their job properly'. We have similar papers and the wife guards them with her life. I would certainly pay them a visit......as a farang I would keep out of it, don't even let them see you......let the Thais sort out everything. P.S. Take plenty of photos.
  21. The guy is a loose cannon and will/is do/doing irreparable damage to the slick, well oiled, glitzy Trump extravaganza....shame...and it was all going so well........b****y cat ladies.
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