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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Accepting all or any of these criticisms are based in fact ......They (the Dems) must have gone over everything with a fine tooth-comb and have pre-prepared responses.......Just as the Republicans did with Shady Vance's cat ladies and couch humping episodes.
  2. Anyone seen a statement from China.....or are they too busy partying for now?
  3. Why are they not put on a flight back home that night.....?? They would soon get there act together if that were the case.
  4. To be fair....you got the last part correct...555
  5. Not qualified to say.......but in the LOSs I would would err on the side of saying NO! If there are no ownership papers of any sort, presumably it is government land and could easily be taken back by the government???
  6. Cream of the crop.....some of England's finest.....the last one is a definite keeper.
  7. Megan Kelly.......oh dear. That's your go to source for news.....what a joke.
  8. He must be gutted.....a week ago he was thinking this would be all his......rip out all the seats.......replace them with couches....heaven.
  9. No quote as per.....very poor.
  10. OH NO.....Mine don't.....she gets 75% of the pension in the form of income.....now I am really worried.
  11. A soldier who served under Walz, Al Bonnifield, said: “Would the soldier look down on him because he didn’t go with us? Would the common soldier say, ‘Hey, he didn’t go with us, he’s trying to skip out on a deployment?’ And he wasn’t. “… He weighed that decision to run for Congress very heavy. He loved the military, he loved the guard, he loved the soldiers he worked with.” Calling Walz “very caring” and a “very good leader”, Bonnifield said Walz helped him and other soldiers when they returned from Iraq.
  12. A soldier who served under Walz, Al Bonnifield, said: “Would the soldier look down on him because he didn’t go with us? Would the common soldier say, ‘Hey, he didn’t go with us, he’s trying to skip out on a deployment?’ He wasn’t. “… He weighed that decision to run for Congress very heavy. He loved the military, he loved the guard, he loved the soldiers he worked with.” Calling Walz “very caring” and a “very good leader”, Bonnifield said Walz helped him and other soldiers when they returned from Iraq. I guess if Shady Vance wants to attack Walz' service he'll be all tooled up with his combat pen, ready to do so.
  13. Not an easy task, but best to try and talk to the ones who don't want to talk to you......5555......the ones who do want to talk will drive you mad or scare you rigid.
  14. 5555 Same here...and my response to my kids who are into this breathing 'lark'.....BUT.....I did try deep breaths, holding, then slowly exhaling.....and did find it quite relaxing????
  15. Never seen a headline like......Straight man kills girlfriend....or.....Hetrosexual male robs guy in the street....
  16. Vance off to war......a journalist....who never saw combat.....very impressive.
  17. Bangkok is yor best bet......https://www.meetup.com Greater chance of meeting 'normal' expats there than anywhere else. I used the site above, mainly to get into sports.....but there are (or there was) plenty of social events.
  18. Maybe he only whispered these...so they don't count? Campaign Announcement (2015): Trump referred to Mexican immigrants as “rapists” and criminals. “<deleted>hole Countries” Comment (2018): Trump reportedly referred to Haiti, El Salvador, and African nations as “<deleted>hole countries” during a meeting with lawmakers. Charlottesville Remarks (2017): After the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Trump said there were “very fine people on both sides.”
  19. 1. Housing Discrimination Lawsuits: • In the 1970s, the Trump Organization, which Donald Trump led, was sued by the U.S. Department of Justice for alleged racial discrimination in their rental practices. The lawsuit accused the company of refusing to rent to Black tenants and lying to Black applicants about the availability of apartments. The case was settled with a consent decree in which the Trump Organization did not admit guilt but agreed to take steps to prevent discrimination . 2. Central Park Five: • In 1989, Trump took out full-page ads in four New York City newspapers calling for the death penalty for the Central Park Five, a group of Black and Latino teenagers wrongfully convicted of assaulting a jogger. Despite their exoneration in 2002, Trump continued to suggest they were guilty . 3. Statements During Campaign and Presidency: • Mexican Immigrants: During his presidential campaign announcement in 2015, Trump referred to Mexican immigrants as “rapists” and criminals, which drew widespread criticism and accusations of racism . • Muslim Ban: Trump proposed and implemented a ban on travel from several predominantly Muslim countries, which was seen by many as discriminatory against Muslims . • Charlottesville Comments: Following the violent white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017, Trump was criticized for saying there were “very fine people on both sides,” which many interpreted as an equivocation on white supremacy . • Congresswomen of Color: In 2019, Trump told four Democratic congresswomen of color to “go back” to the “crime-infested places from which they came,” which was widely condemned as a racist attack . 4. Pardoning Individuals Accused of Racism: • Trump pardoned individuals like Joe Arpaio, a former sheriff convicted of contempt of court for racial profiling, which critics argue shows a tolerance for racist behavior . 5. Rhetoric and Policies: • Immigration Policies: Critics argue that Trump’s immigration policies, such as family separation at the border and the attempt to end DACA, disproportionately affected non-white populations and were driven by racist motivations . • Birther Movement: Trump was a leading figure in the “birther” movement, which falsely claimed that President Barack Obama was not born in the United States, a theory many view as racially motivated .
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