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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Agree.....we used to go to a tiny bar, early doors, have 4/5/6 beers between us, only customers they had at that time of day......the owner oozed hatred towards us or, rarely, any customers that came in........still went there though as it was so cheap....555
  2. Oh wow....I'd forgotten......exactly what the lady went on to said to me......they shop in the stores and take everything back to their hotel rooms.....eat and drink there.....
  3. Many bullets travel at supersonic speeds, creating a shockwave or “crack” as they break the sound barrier. This crack can be very loud, often exceeding 140 decibels (dB). A sound level of 140 dB or more can cause instant and permanent hearing loss.
  4. Exactly....he knew precisely what he was doing and intentionally invited the arrest.....the only bad publicity is no publicity.....and the brain dead just lap it up.
  5. Throw the key away and declare a bank holiday
  6. Good take.....never looked at it that way.
  7. I take it you mean NATO.....a defensive organisation that countries join on a voluntary basis in order to protect themselves from war mongers......???????
  8. Bread crumbs are useless.....you have to use pebbles...doh!
  9. ....I assume men are too stupid or too carried away to insist....555
  10. Sounds like a fine, upstanding character to me......perfect for high office (in Thailand) 1. Malfeasance in Office: • Chuenban was found guilty of abuse of power in connection with the rice subsidy scheme, which involved the manipulation of rice stockpiles and documentation for financial gain. 2. Corruption and Bribery: • The case included elements of bribery and corruption, where officials, including Chuenban, were accused of accepting bribes to facilitate and cover up the fraudulent activities.
  11. Oh boy....that will have the MAGA gang frothing at the mouth.
  12. The prevalence of HSV-1 in Thailand is relatively high, around 67%, while HSV-2 prevalence is lower, generally between 10-20%. These figures are consistent with global patterns of herpes infection rates. Best get yourself a virgin......good luck with that.
  13. I laughed so much a bit nearly popped out.....Jan 6?
  14. Never considered that aspect...... Blast Injury or Acoustic Trauma: • Even if a bullet does not directly hit the inner structures of the ear, the pressure wave can cause acoustic trauma, damaging the inner ear’s hair cells or other components essential for hearing. • Damage to the auditory nerve or surrounding tissues can also lead to neural hearing loss.
  15. Talking to a lady last night who owns a bar and massage parlour not far from Patong beach. Her words....'Lots of people walking about, plenty of Chinese and Russians, but business is bad. We need US and EU tourists, they are the big spenders.'
  16. Do you not realise I was supporting you with my post???
  17. Immaterial.....but their attitude to strikes is disgusting.....they 'never' strike and as a consequence classroom teachers' salaries are derisory. The point is, left or right, teachers, in my experience, simply don't attempt to indoctrinate kids
  18. The right in the UK have the same obsession that all teachers are leftwing radicals desperate to indoctrinate the kids. Having taught in UK state schools for 25 years I can tell you teachers are just focussed on keeping their head's above the waterline.....they have no time for petty party politics.
  19. While Vance did not literally call Trump “Hitler,” his use of the phrase “America’s Hitler” in social media and his strong critiques during the 2016 election cycle are the sources of this claim.
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