You do know she was the VP and not the POTUS?
List, off the top of your head, five top-notch amazing things that Pence achieved?...other than dodging the hangman's noose.
So the estimate is around 10,000 per day and the bill would have halved that.......but that would have not looked good for it was an urgent case of Kill Bill. speech and all that....... including egregious lies.....all fair in love and politics surely?
I would hate to think politicians started to control what organisations are allowed to say or not say......wouldn't you???
Let me think......a rapist, wife-cheating, racist lying felon with more bankrupt business behind him than he can count or a candidate with an unblemished record of service.....tough one.
Certainly what I thought was 'Thai food' before coming out here bears no relation whatsoever to the Thai food my wife eats.
I'm sticking to beans on toast.
Thought you had a free speech thing in the US.....or is that only when the speech is positive about Trump?
Even if that were the case.....why block it???
Every person and his dog knows why......Trump........ like all wanna be dictators needs an enemy at the border so the hard of thinking can have there attention focussed on that whilst he milks the country dry and stays out of jail.
He couldn't give a monkey's about legal or illegal immigration.