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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. I walked into our condo gym, music was blasting out......I asked a guy in there...'do you know how to turn this **** off, I don't want to listen to it.......he said sure, picked up his phone and switched it off.....555
  2. Worked one summer in one of those places.......by 5pm I was close to putting a bullet in my head.....it is soul destroying.
  3. If a suicide obviously the balance of the mind is extremely disturbed....but I still find it staggeringly selfish to risk innocent lives by jumping into a busy street.
  4. Give it ten years and there'll be an order issued by the government.....no water after 7pm.....always quick to read the room.
  5. Had the same on the bus and train......even first class train journey in Germany....challenged everyone of them and they turned them off.....but you would think I'd asked them to donate a kidney to a pedophile
  6. Well if he can convert an eight year sentence into 12 hours...she has no worries. The sad thing is the vast majority of Thais either don't care or shrug and say they are rich...it is what the rich can do.
  7. We had a checkpoint 100m down the road.....never saw a single motorbike of car stopped.....some riders went passed actually swigging bottles of Chang.
  8. They are totally obsessed.....my wife and her sisters will discuss for hours what numbers to go for....mad!!!
  9. I don"t understand why the doors don't lock automatically behind anyone going in.....you are then given a token of some kind to exit.
  10. With AI my ****. Looking at the photos of the crowding....if any panic set in 100's would die.
  11. Similar problem.....I'm considering plastic lats on the underside with rolls of silvered insulation in between......also a sprinkler system on the roof as we have guttering.
  12. Twists of salt in crisps Scraping ice off the inside of the windows on a morning Cream so thick it was difficult to drink milk from the bottle. Putting on damp pyjamas to climb into a damp bed Breaking the ice in the toilet cistern to flush it. Midget Gems and Jelly Snakes
  13. Water...and I see some Thais drinking tea and salt as opposed to tea and sugar
  14. Might be wrong....frequently am....but I think you can do it 15 days before and up to 7 days after the due date.....mmmm....maybe that doesn't really help you?
  15. Yes.....I"m not saying they will have sex at the drop of hat.....just that the act of sex is not viewed in the same way as many in the west might......especially the older generations in the west who had the joy of hell and damnation thrust down their throats.
  16. Commenting out of total ignorance........I would run a mile.....
  17. Other than a naked hatred and the destruction of anything and everything that is the US.....I really don"t see what their end game might be or what it will achieve
  18. Spot on....and as someone who hates the whole practise of shorting....I can make an exception in this case.
  19. Agree..$2 or $3 a day to live comfortably.....cool.
  20. Same here...and that is the nub of the problem.....it's recognised for what it is and accepted.....very sad.
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