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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Yep...the good folk is Isaan will poor over every word before casting their votes.
  2. The officer concerned said his battery was dying and in a panic he mistakenly typed in that date......it is how Robinson 'got off'.
  3. Probably true.....but very unfair.....every house in our village has a stick to hand and they are not slow to use it
  4. I used to carry one.....but one of my kids, who works with attack dogs for the military..... said they are a total waste of money..... totally ineffective once a dog flicks over into attack mode.
  5. Step one: shout very loudly Step two: pick something up....or even pretend to pick something up Step three: if you have a rock throw it, if you have a stick swish it about Step three: carry a knife.....I have a small, OTF knife. If you are attacked sticks, rocks are totally useless.....you be in shock and bleeding out before you can land a blow. The only way to stop a real attack is with a knife or a gun.
  6. 55555.....can"t believe you have just written that....unless it is sarcasm?
  7. So they have stood by and 'allowed' the slaughter of 1000's with their infamous "fence sitting" foreign policy....but now it is inconvenient to have a trickle of refugees come across the border they spring into action....what a farce.
  8. Ah!.....The "Best of British" on display for the world to see.......makes you proud doesn't it......doesn't it? Obviously fake or maybe leftwing 'agent provocateurs' led them astray and encouraged them.
  9. I know the case is about falsifying business accounts...but this was good.
  10. Turning right yesterday, had slowed down, indicated, positioned correctly to turn.......and I could see a car coming fast behind me and knew he was going to try and overtake before I could turn.......and he did.......no way he was going to wait. i drive for 10 mins everyday on country roads and have three or four near misses every week.
  11. Packing as we speak..........soon be on my way to Chang Mai.
  12. ...and at the same time an article was published yesterday saying Pattaya hotel occupancy was well down????
  13. Give me a bell and I'll explain it to you.
  14. During covid mask wearing every Thai girl was to die for.
  15. I got stung for 1000B once....but I was well gone.....555
  16. Watched Red Hot Chilli Peppers, back of Red Square, years ago......the place was left knee deep in broken glass. The army moved in.....place was spotless by morning.....quite impressive.
  17. Charge a returnable deposit.....kick off and you lose your deposit.
  18. Twice half its length. In BKK....... lady drink probably 200/250B
  19. Our bill is around 80-100 baht per month.....and we are far from mean with it. It sounds like this guy has a major underground leak, if the meter readings are correct.
  20. To be fair I think the media have some responsibility for these stupid headlines.....but Baloo should have wised up by now and know when to keep his mouth shut.
  21. Pretty sure you can't pay PEA from your Bangkok Bank app.....we send money to a niece who pays the bill from her bank account...crazy.
  22. Eastern Star Golf club house is quite nice Or the Lord Nelson right on the beach.
  23. Haven't read the thread, but my understanding is that the 'beach deckchair people' paid good money to have the original trees ripped out so people would have to pay for shade.
  24. Third world and developing nations just don't appreciate how hard life can be in the west.
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