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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. OMG....got to feel for these poor souls on holiday in Phuket and Pattaya.....don't notice the Russians so much in Bangkok.
  2. Men are staggeringly immature, childish and incapable of behaving in a sensible manner (not just Thai men...all men)....pretty good reasons to strike up a relationship with a tomboy
  3. Hence the qualifying statement......... If English is at least understood by all....
  4. ....and don't they get 90 day visas now? Fun, fun, fun. Isaan is looking better every day.
  5. Oh dear....maybe that's why I got my weight down ????
  6. Waiting two hours with a broken leg.......that is not fun. Broke my right arm in six places (never went to any of those places again) and had to wait 24 hours for pain killers.......I was close to tears.
  7. Funny you should say that....my sister was onto me just last night.....saying the same thing. Eat, maybe, one egg per day on average with my salad.
  8. We put in Korean Banyan trees....3' high, now 6' within a year... now growing new ones from the seeds. Grew like wildfire once we put in a sprinkler system....quite thick and bushy. Photo is a stock photo.
  9. Very rare I eat meat (not a vegetarian)....the odd burger, chicken, maybe a steak...once or twice a month.
  10. So, before Baloo said anything none of these f**kwits knew there were big queues?
  11. If it's any consolation....I hate every second of it......apart from the swimming.
  12. Best advice I ever received....this was from my eldest......you can never sleep if your lower jaw muscles are clamped.....slept like a baby ever since.
  13. I do all this admin' myself, including the wife's visas to the UK....and to be honest, the easiest task of all was getting a new UK passport????
  14. Bought years ago......took original stake out x 2....now playing with house money.....i feel a right idiot.
  15. 5km on the treadmill....under 30 mins......one hour weights....one hour in the pool.....everyday. Cereal for breakfast, fruit for lunch, salad for dinner....no smoking, no alcohol. Got me from 90kg to 74kg.
  16. Is it pretty straight forward to do?
  17. Dec 31?.....Idiots. I remember my first encountered with a professional outfit ......Komatsu....... When will you complete? Errrr......next week. Which day? Errr.....Wednesday Morning or afternoon? Errr....Afternoon. What time? Errrr....3pm. Arigato
  18. Not Jomtien, but Chaiyphum yesterday.....extension based on marriage.......... six ******* hours. Refused to accept statement from bank as the transaction, putting money in, didn't show up. Back to the bank ....oh this happens all the time.......it can take hours to show up....what do we do?.....just show immigration your bank book......they'll accept that......WHAT!!!! Back to immigration....no queuing system....no one knows what's happening or whose turn it is.......sit there like dummies. Sorry closed for lunch now ...bye. Back after lunch......found some queue tickets on a bench.....two different colours.....not in numerical order.....people arrive late and pick up a low number and go before people who have been waiting all morning. Finally get to the desk and the guy was desperate to find something wrong......went through the financial statement like a forensic accountant....all good. Computer systems goes down......nothing working.....finally get out of there at 1630........ Oh forgot to say......had all the forms filled in....got there....sorry we have new forms now....plus an extra three to fill in......completed them....sorry no good have to use blue ink now...please do again.
  19. I picked up a 2nd hand copy recently......but there was no Uncle Podger hanging a picture????? Weird.
  20. I embarrassed to say how many times I've read it....tears rolling down my cheeks....555
  21. The prospect of a second Trump presidency has the intelligent community on edge
  22. If English is at least understood by all, it is common decency to stick to it. I've lived and worked abroad for 30 years and I can't recall a single instant when, in a group, someone has switched to their own language to say or discuss anything.
  23. Read the first chapter of "Three men in a Boat".....(not forgetting the dog, Montmorency)......that'll clear up the fatigue.
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