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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. ......? a bs....... bull s**t.....you can get those from a business school?
  2. I know, but I am fed up of being banned....555
  3. Ha...got three.
  4. Did go through a very painful E Coli infection last year......so I do now 'pay attention' to double micturition ....
  5. OMG...Does the sand not drive you mad???
  6. Oh! Did not know that could happen....but makes sense.....thank you .
  7. He is expressing his opinion and thoughts........how do you post a link for that...doh!
  8. Reporting this post to admin....someone has hijacked it.....5555
  9. Oh...you mean they displace other topics?....Fair point then, well made.
  10. Are they the ones paid to stand behind him?
  11. Oooo...touched a nerve here I think. Feeling a bit raw?
  12. Trump graduated from Wharton in 1968 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics. Wow....real high-flyer...did not know he was that clever....🤭
  13. OMG....did no know all that....I am now officially her number one fan.
  14. All a front....not uncommon for gays to marty and have kids to disguise there real sexuality. Gays don't go down well (no pun) in the GOP....unless it is in private of course.
  15. Pretty good head of hair, if I don't say so myself.....not bad for 69......bar girls 'think' I'm 50 ish.....🤭
  16. Old, bald, creepy.....need a different ending or it will sound....weird. Weird, weirdo really are words you really need to avoid in the current climate.
  17. Yours are powered by GH .....take that.
  18. Nooooooooooo! ...and he's definitely a Dem.....not a Republican?
  19. Yes, but they are not proper Republicans are they?.......unless you are right of MTG and LB....you have to be consider suspect.
  20. Tell me he doesn't wear a false gold chain, has tattoos and wears a Chang singlet .....PLEASE.
  21. You do know they will still be there?.....The Arabs can't steal them.
  22. Less fit than Trump?.....Holy f**k.....is he definitely alive?
  23. We have an English Bull Terrier....he doesn't even get along with us...555

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