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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. No......but I also find it hard believe that multiple news outlets from a variety of countries, employing professional journalists (putting their lives at serious risk) have all colluded to lie about Russia.........kapish?
  2. Boris is a non stop habitual pathological liar who lies about everything , up until a few months ago .
  3. Personally I would go for soi 7......especially if you have a puppy.
  4. How can the seven deadly days begin with a spike....you have no idea what the other six days will bring?
  5. Haha.... the Ibis does allowed dogs!
  6. https://whatsonsukhumvit.com/pet-friendly-bangkok-places-to-take-your-dog/
  7. Not a snowball's chance of any impact. As an aside, I now refuse to set off unless the all Thai family wear safety belts......I refuse to carry kids in the front.......I refuse to carry kids too young to use a safety belt........they think I am mental.
  8. I think you are kind of correct......the thing to note is the time lag between setting up road blocking and the numpties realising they really do exist, that they might now be caught and they might receive a severe punishment for DUI.......what on earth am I talking about.
  9. Damn....if only someone like you was around in 1939 the world would be in such a better place....mein herr.
  10. Can't see the 'mountains' less than a kilometer away.......6x the WHO healthy limit here. But glad to see the situation is being closely monitored. (That guy must have fought in every war for the last 20 years....or was he caught on his way out to a fancy dress party?)
  11. That has always preyed on my mind.......random stop, bag full of drugs......off you go.....see you again in 10 years.
  12. 100%......We are due to move in in a couple of weeks.....I 'think' the major items......foundations, roof, walls etc are all okay......but the attention to detail beyond that is just non-existent......I have had to stop the wife going in as there was a risk she was going to turn violent.......I have told her to hold the final payment and then we will go to town on the 'snag list'......basically the builders don't give a flying **** about the quality of their work
  13. 55,000 a day in 2018......I hope someone is looking at how to ratchet things up as covid fades into the background!!!!
  14. I guess some people carry a lot of baggage around with them and they just can't handle it.
  15. Not read all the comments......but even with traps, if there is no venting you risk sewer gases making their way back out passed the trap.....and as I understand it Thais simply don't go in for venting....???
  16. The one thing I wouldn't do is watch '90 Days'......the US TV series.......nightmare.
  17. No way I could tolerate that........I would find someone who could 'persuade' him to stop.......(breathing that is).
  18. Add to that a serious lack of education, a lack of or misplaced ambitions, lack of opportunities, serious inequalities, patriarchal society......it all stacks up against them......if an opportunity arises they need grab it.
  19. 'Chatting' is a gross exaggeration........555.........a few words, a bit of sign language and a lot of guessing.
  20. She was out shopping with a group of girls in Bangkok. They all worked in a sweatshop, hand stitching Gilbert rugby balls 10 hours a day, 6 days a week*........I was outside sat on the steps leading into the mall......just got chatting............the rest is history. * Escaping that must have made me quite appealing.
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