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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. RTP...........one of the largest organised crime syndicates in the world.....of course they know about it.
  2. Sat in Nong Bua Daeng, just north of Chaiyaphum and just heard two low flying jets pass over head and return 20 mins later........never heard or seen that in Thailand before.......!!
  3. ....as a monk?.....Almost certainly not a virgin then....555
  4. I always understood it went to the cost of the wedding for which the bride's family have to pay.......in effect the groom pays for the wedding, but bride's family is perceived to have played their part by using his money!!
  5. Must be something in it for those with their snouts in the trough.
  6. ...."a matter related simply to the application of excessive physical violence"......I suspect this is often the case in violent deaths!!! The lawyer also took exception to third parties monitoring the trial suggesting that there was a danger that evidence presented at the proceedings may serve to blacken the reputation of the police force........................may serve to blacken the RTP......where has he been?
  7. Thailand is facing a labor shortage in the hospitality and tourism industry....seriously? How can you have a labour shortage in an industry that barely even exists?
  8. Delivering happiness to the Thai people.........if one thing were to trigger a people's revolution it would be Thais not being allowed to drive their cars like in those ridiculous adverts on TV.
  9. No....but someone who looks very like him, with a bulging bank account, will be serving time for him.
  10. They'll be telling us Ukraine invaded Russia and committed war crimes next week.
  11. ......or have the top edge of his platinum visa card poking out of his top pocket?......555
  12. Wow.....no wonder they sign on the dotted line.......shame they don't invest it though.
  13. I think any small clinic will give you a 'check up' and certificate. Height, weight and blood pressure usually.....very intensive!
  14. Purely out of interest (pun?) what are they charged on, say, a million baht?
  15. On a previous thread we were informed that these loans were lent out to teachers at incredibly low rates 1 or 2%. Teachers were taking advantage of the loans to reinvest the money as a redress for the low salaries they received. Was that all baloney ?
  16. Massive diplomatic faux pas........China will be enraged.....might need to invade a neighbor to settle their nerves.
  17. ..........and in the middle of the night the wife got up, shot her husband, four of his nearest relatives and set fire to the house just on the off chance her husband, who never had any intention of harming her, might at sometime need to defend himself from his mental deranged wife...............is that how this little story ended?
  18. RT News (RT.Com) Last updated on February 25th, 2022 at 08:28 am QUESTIONABLE SOURCE A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per-article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/rt-news/ Overall, we rate RT Questionable based on promoting pro-Russian propaganda, conspiracy theories, numerous failed fact checks, and a lack of author transparency.
  19. Guess he will have at least an hour's training facing him before he gets his licence back (what licence I hear you say)
  20. Impossible task for any government.....the only way to 'control' prices to any degree is to ensure no monopolies or no pricing cartels exist......free and fair competition is desperately needed in Thailand
  21. Jeez.......am I the only one on here living in a shed?
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