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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Good point.........they could go ballistic over something like this.
  2. You can hear them rubbing their hands.....free money........I guess a 1% success rate/return would looking on the bright side.
  3. It works out to about 5 mins of the cost of the UK's Test & Trace program.
  4. I was stood at the end of a train carriage on the Moscow metro (long time ago) and nearly all the Russians were looking down the carriage at me. I asked the girl I was with, why are they looking? She said you have an "intelligent face" and they are fascinated by it. She explained........Stalin killed all the intelligent people in Russia and these people are all that is left. Honest truth. So yes, the older Russians might be gruff and grumpy, but let's hope the new generations coming through are totally different.
  5. That's is the one I used......bit chaotic, they sent my certificate to the wrong email address, but all sorted in the end.
  6. Omeprazol is one of the most common ones.
  7. I suffered with severe pain due to reflux. I was prescribed a PPI and the pain stopped with 24 hours. Been on them for 12 years now.
  8. You could have the endoscope done under a general...........worth it to put your mind at rest. Also, God forbid, if they find anything suspicious they can do a biopsy.
  9. Like knighthoods and a seat in the Lords.......if you have the money that is.
  10. Send them as parcels I guess......someone like Kerry......I assume they will be cheaper than a taxi.
  11. Very common in the EU, certainly Benelux and Germany. Big carparks near motorway junctions as people park up and take turns........unless they are all dogging????
  12. Exactly......just written the same on another thread........all this fuel being pumped was bought and paid for months ago.
  13. Maybe it is fuel to be put in storage awaiting the new submar........oh wait ..........they don't need that fuel now.
  14. I think that should read............... 2 million baht "allocated"...........how much actually makes it out of Thailand and into the hands of the Ukraine is whole other matter.
  15. Wasn't the fuel, currently being dispensed at the pumps, bought and paid for months and months ago at 'normal' prices? This is a huge opportunity for price gouging........watch how slowly the prices come back down once Putin is sat in The Hague.
  16. Seriously?.............I have occasionally read about this procedure as it was being developed.........it has been approved by NICE who don't throw money away........and they project around 10,000 procedures in the UK alone each year. What are you basing your comment on? Cheers
  17. I see covid19 infections in the over 50's in the UK is actually increasing at the moment........the theory is that immunity is wearing off already.......!!!
  18. Well if anything is going to cause a shortage it will be people talking about the risk of a shortage.......where are my keys?
  19. Can't beat having a good rummage around in the nearly out of date bin....555
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