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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Someone is going to end up in a barrel if they are not careful.
  2. Classic response......totally unconcerned that the ranking might reflect reality or that something should be done about it.......next line of defense will the.......... 'not as bad as Hitler'.......morons.
  3. Asia is probably not the best destination if that's what they are into.
  4. I think the banks know Thai men would happily become homeless/live in a shed before defaulting on their car payments and lose their car......555
  5. Really.....where is that grown? On a broader point, most farmers are not the sharpest of ploughs in the shed.......not their fault, but what they know about farming...which is very good, they are experts at what they are do....is severly limited to what their parents and grandparents knew/know.......
  6. Mine did the same....but I found out why.....I mixed up my amlodipine and atorvastatin tablets. I was taking no atorvastatin and 60mg of amlodipine instead of 20mg......how stupid can you get?
  7. 5555.....each to his own.....I'm close to going on a shooting spree....5555
  8. He hasn't experienced life in Isaan yet.......that'll **** up all his plans.
  9. After being married for46 years, in total, I feel like getting divorced and marrying you.....555
  10. Never ceases to amaze me the reaction of white caucasian, highly entitled, arrogant westerns to the slightest hint of racism that might affect their live's.......yet they are more than happy to discount racism towards others as pure fabrication.
  11. This has already been posted?
  12. I guess none of the elephants ever risked sitting on his steps....555
  13. Used to use Shell Ensis.....if it still exists.
  14. It puzzles me that they get any 'customers' when you consider the competition they are up against.
  15. Mass produced.....555
  16. Came home last night to find a car upside down in the middle of the road outside our gate......no other cars involved........got to admit my first thoughts were b****y Thais. Out of the rear window crawled a tattooed, gold chain wearing, Chang singlet vest wearing, cargo shorts wearing.........Cockney......drunk as a skunk. First thing he did was start barking orders at the Thais not to call the police.......makes you proud to be British.
  17. Wow.....this guy is a real trailblazer......moving to Thailand.....!!!
  18. Getting over 10% back home, so Thailand won't be seeing any of my pennies.
  19. Thailand I imagine....they seem more than happy to take both sides at once.
  20. I'm pretty damn sure whoever is in charge it should really be my wife.....she knows the answer to everything and is never wrong.
  21. That is some serious D waving........says the man with a BSc, MEd and MBA and who retired at 39.
  22. ‘Britain feels like Nazi Germany’: The Jewish people wanting to flee the UK as antisemitism.......... You have to wonder ......if Britain feels like Nazi Germany, what hell does the Gaza strip feel like?
  23. Seriously....is it worth the hassle? I spent a good part of my life in Germany applying for SOFA visas, Schengen visas, UK visitors visas, Auftenstittel IDs .......I think the stress of it all has knocked about 10 years off my life. Just stay in the UK

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