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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. The statement they released was mealy mouthed and avoided even naming Russia.
  2. Yes....correct....that rings a bell now. Being a cheap Charlie and having a Thai wife, we went over the road to do it ourselves.
  3. It staggers me the number of dog owners that don't bother to keep their dog under control......in particular, not even putting a collar on them. Without a collar to grab hold of you don't stand a chance .
  4. Absolutely......all done and dusted within two hours (on a very busy day). I think, if we had paid extra, we didn't even have to go to the bank.
  5. Ha! We have a beautiful, brand new IO, all decked out with very fancy, expensive, office type chairs, fully air conditioned, mountains of parking space, queuing system, loads of (very attractive) staff. Still have to do unnecessary multiple copies of documents that are pulled out and binned, but I guess you can't have everything.
  6. I read recently that for men their peak is 18, but women 36......very odd mismatch.
  7. That sounds vaguely disgusting. In Whitby (UK) it was illegal at one time for the fishermen to land skate!
  8. Only an aside....but I was walking along a street in Moscow. Parking space was at a premium, yet we came across a stretch of road with about ten empty bays. I asked the girl I was with, how come? She explained the restaurant was owned by their local mafia. You could only park there if you came with a party of at least four to eat.
  9. I paid Siam Legal to open my bank account with Bangkok Bank. I knew opening a bank account was a problem area and had no intention of allowing it jeopardize my application.
  10. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/mar/04/bangkoks-illicit-craft-brewers-risk-arrest-under-draconian-laws?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other
  11. Very odd......Mazda dealer changes my battery every 6 months.......no charge........is the dealer conning Mazda somehow?
  12. I wonder.........how many on here have been in a position where they could simply order things to be done, without any consideration being given to what is involved in actually fulfilling the order? With the possible exception of my wife I don't know anyone.
  13. Especially where they combine them, neither side can see past other side queuing.
  14. My Achilles heel.......just brought some back from Bangkok.....about ten packets
  15. Diligent, hard working, stickler for the rules, law abiding.....typical RTP.
  16. Fair point.....without reading it all in detail I jumped to the same conclusion......cheating.
  17. Funnily enough I recently watched a case in South Africa where a doctor was prosecuted for propagating a diet based purely on meat and fat....literally. He won the case based on the evidence he presented.......have to say he did look ultra fit for his age.
  18. Thai uncle did the same, but he was wrong his wife hadn't been unfaithful......only served 5 years.......no wonder they are so quick to grab a gun.
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