Yikes.....never done any of those before.....and the TM7 I complete beforehand is always thrown straight in the bin and I have to fill it in again in front of them???
I see Trump has threatened to expose certain minor things about Haley that she doesn't want the world to know about......
...................I take it when he says 'minor' he means they are not things like rape, sexual assault and fraud?
So not only do you have to pay 'normal' tax on the goods or services you receive (VAT say)......you are then expected to pay tax on the money used to pay for the goods or services?........Does that happen anywhere else in the world?
Try living in Germany.....555
In the opticians.....I was the only customer, and I was leaning against the counter talking to the optician........a little German guy came in and physically tried to get between me and the desk......WT?
I nearly tw****d him.
Seemingly the registered owner is a Thai lady.....but this Sri Lankan guy is toting it around.....(in her Bentley?)
I read there are more big cats in private ownership in the US than in the wild......mental.
Just put in a 10' table at home...... all excited...... going to practice everyday......hardly ever play on it.....then as soon as we go to BKK we are straight onto the tables for hours......all about the atmosphere I guess.
Is that one helicopter per public health area? Is the expansion from one to two helicopters or 10 to 20?...Mmmmmm.....lack of detail other than more landing spots.
I bet he listened to TAT and brought his wife and kids to Pattaya thinking it was a seaside resort........must have been gutted to think he could have, maybe, come here without the family.
I was told by a clinician just last week that botox doesn't not reduce wrinkles......it just stops the wrinkles you have from getting worse......best get it done pronto.