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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Doesn't seem too bad. I lend out to businesses in the UK at 7% to a middleman......I imagine the actual borrower must be paying around 10-13%, with a loan to value of around 65%
  2. Not even a committee......only a subcommittee......very poor. Whatever happened to mulling......is it no longer a thing?
  3. Pound to a penny it is just an empty box.....probably bought from the same guy who sold them the bomb detectors.
  4. There must be a copper involved, he could be charged, although he might be insulated from prosecution. If not, it will bring him down to earth with a bump......not that the neutrals amongst us care if they conduct an enquiry.
  5. Can you get 5G? Thought that was all pie in the sky still? You don't mean 5G as in router frequency do you?
  6. It's rumored that 'The Boss' was piloting the boat, although he never went over 40km/hr, he wasn't drunk and he hadn't been snorting coke...................you heard it here first.
  7. Get a grip for heaven's sake.........how about dealing with the Red Bull cock-up first?
  8. I had to apply for 7 day quarantine, even though I knew it was changing to Day 1 and 5.......all went well. As long as you get a Q code you should be okay and you can then sort out any other details with the hotel themselves.
  9. The number I put in was from my vaccine certificate.....! Whoops. Not relevant, having read your post properly.
  10. Is that something to do with the hotel rather than the Thai Pass I wonder???
  11. Can Thailand forgo exports to Russia.................. Yes..................if they are going to be paid in Ruobles
  12. Yep, has to be you.......empty when I got there....nice place, dealt with within 15 minutes or so (including all the security).......if there is a problem it will be getting an appointment......didn't seem to be many available when I tried????
  13. Think I would look to avoid visiting any known Russian hang outs in Pattaya for a while!!!! Going to be some irate punters knocking about.
  14. Got into a fight with the wife over this. I said the same as you, but she claims no.........it will now be 90 days from when I get my new extension, which starts before the 90 days after re-entering Thailand date......I can only assume we are both wrong....555
  15. Cheers....thanks for that. Looks like we will get an address any day now!!!
  16. Those damned Cambodians......wafting all their pollution toward Thailand. Satellite image from yesterday.
  17. Lies, damned lies and creative accountancy...........didn't they sell off half their fleet......that would be an exceptional item not something that can be counted towards profits????
  18. I am currently on step 1.......had to go to the UK consulate/embassy(?) in BKK to get my passport certified as being my passport....mental. Then got an agent on soi 13 to translate the passport AND get the MFA to validate the translation. Just waiting for an official address now before attempting step 2 (no idea what that is), but I understand the staff at Amphurs do not like doing this kind of work and will make things difficult.
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