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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. I like it......guilty until proven innocent.....555 the slippery suspect, This dodgy dealmaker His scheming
  2. No legal document is going to say "will be"......that is putting a noose around your neck. https://www.gov.uk/state-pension-if-you-retire-abroad/report-a-change-in-your-circumstances
  3. Not a fan. They tend to go overboard and make themselves look like something out of Lord of the Rings. A slight narrowing might be okay....but I am more than happy with their natural look.
  4. 1. Global Comparisons: • Brazil (Bolsonaro, right-wing), the U.S. (Trump administration), and the UK (initial Johnson approach) faced criticism for delayed responses and high death tolls. • In contrast, New Zealand (Jacinda Ardern, left-wing), Denmark (Mette Frederiksen, center-left), and Finland (Sanna Marin, left-wing) implemented early lockdowns and had relatively lower death rates. 2. United States (State-Level Data): • Research from U.S. states showed that COVID-19 death rates were higher in Republican-led states compared to Democratic-led ones, particularly in the later stages of the pandemic (after vaccines became available). • A study published in Health Affairs (2022) found that Republican-led states had a higher cumulative death rate and lower vaccination rates than Democrat-led states, even when adjusting for population density, demographics, and healthcare access. 3. Europe: • In Europe, right-wing populist governments like Hungary and Poland initially struggled with high death rates, while countries like Germany (under Angela Merkel, center-right with a science-driven approach) performed relatively better, though later waves were more severe. • Sweden (a social-democratic country) took a controversial hands-off approach, resulting in higher death rates than neighboring countries like Norway and Denmark.
  5. When Payments Could Stop or Be Affected: While it is unsanctionable, there are a few scenarios where the UK State Pension could be delayed or stopped: • Fraud or Misrepresentation: If a pensioner provides false information (e.g., incorrect residency details), the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) can investigate and potentially suspend or reclaim overpaid pensions.
  6. Why would I make the effort to read up on DWP regulations......one, that sounds like a living nightmare, two, if you already know what the situation is just answer my question.......I don't understand why you are acting like a small lump of butter over this????
  7. He won't. Wife's uncle.....drunk, had a set to with his neighbour..........shot him dead.....got five years. Back living next door to the guy's widow and kids.
  8. Glad I checked the source before making the effort to read this.......saved a few minutes out of my hectic schedule.
  9. Not sure why you are being so prickly about this.....it is of genuine concern to me. It was a response from a internet query I posted. So ignoring the above, what you are saying is the the UK State pension non-sactionable so it can't be reduced or stopped? Presumably though it can be reduced to the "correct" amount as opposed to reduced even further to be a form of financial punishment?
  10. Is none of this correct? 1. Legal Consequences Claiming to live in the UK while residing in a different country where the pension is frozen constitutes fraud or misrepresentation. Specific legal repercussions include: • Prosecution for Fraud: • Under the Fraud Act 2006, providing false information to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is a criminal offense. • Penalties may include: • A criminal record. • Fines or repayment of falsely claimed pension increases. • Imprisonment (typically for severe cases of fraud). • Investigation by the DWP or HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC): • The DWP routinely monitors pension claims and may conduct investigations, especially if they suspect fraud. • Data sharing between countries under reciprocal agreements can reveal discrepancies in residency. 2. Financial Consequences If the fraud is discovered, the pensioner may face: • Repayment of Overpaid Pension: • The DWP will demand the repayment of any overpaid pension resulting from incorrect residency claims. • This can include years of back payments, leading to significant financial hardship. • Loss of Pension Rights: • The DWP may suspend or terminate pension payments entirely if fraud is proven. • No Future Increases: • If found to be residing in a “frozen” country, the pension will revert to the level it was when the person left the UK, without further increases.
  11. I'd be very wary of ignoring the risks of hypertension on the basis of what "suchabodysays". I have hypertensive retinopathy, SVD and MCI....all consider to have high blood pressure as the root cause.
  12. I watch TV outside on the veranda......sitting outside will always be a novelty for a Yorkshire lad......and SWMBO watches endless Korean soaps in the lounge...... thus avoiding any conflict.
  13. Good to see some pointing creeping back into these crime photos.
  14. Ha...nope. He was quite a good looking guy, early 50s at a guess. Staggeringly brave or stupid to go so very public about it all.
  15. Cost Estimate (2022-2023) UK Benefit Fraud £2.6 billion Tax Evasion and avoidance £41 billion How <deleted> annoying is that?
  16. My experience was very similar. Bought a joint on BKK soi 4.....not clever.....think it was mostly soil. Going to stick to Singha and Jack cokes from now on.
  17. ? You taking some time out? Shame you'll be missed.
  18. Oh wow.....so sorry to hear that. You must have contemplated getting out of the relationship.......is it the fact you have daughter that stops you? I taught for 25+ years and started every lesson with the same message on the board....."never get married, never have kids, never have pets". I'm on the verge of jumping ship......even though my wife is close to perfect and I live free in her house, I miss BKK.....Isaan is killing me.
  19. Feeling honored to have been missed.....quite heartwarming.......what's a dab?
  20. Been in ICU after two suicide attempts........slowly making a comeback, but early days.....5555
  21. Slowly coming round......thanks for your concern. ❤️
  22. I'm..... difficulties...... and no full stop? All in one short sentence.....555
  23. BKK soi 7? Best holiday I ever had was with a Chinese/Thai girl from the Beer Garden.....mad as hatter....a week was fine...just.
  24. Got to confess I have married an absolute diamond (18 years)......but she's still toast when the lottery comes up....55
  25. Maybe should add no wife and a vasectomy......555 Had a millionaire friend....married plus kid.....she was a constant nagger......he left for a pole dancer he met in London.....happy as a pig in......now.

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