Guy in Germany about eight years ago, Recklinghausen I think, tried to sue the government for making beastiality illegal.
Said he was in love with his Alsatian and was getting married.
Lucky so far where we are....they don't burn the rice stubble.....they can only get one crop a year so the stubble is left to rot down..
BUT......Dec 6 the sugarcane harvest every single leaf will be burned regardless of what the dippy PM says .
I brick it everytime I drive route 6 to/from I want to be up top and fall when it collapses or drive underneath and take my chances on not being crushed
Genuine question.....what was done so very differently to ensure the election integrity was as good as could be?
I know the easy answer is....well this time Trump won.....but are things so different now to 2020 as to how the election was managed?
What do you imagine they might do.......the election must have been the most tightly control ever....and if Trump wins by a large margin they surely can't dispute the result?
Rioters are a totally separate issue and should meet with the full force of the law...for sure.