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Posts posted by Naam

  1. 1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

    Are you suggestinf that Wahhabism is a teaching of tolerance, love, compassion and forgiveness? And Sharia? Also the same level of beauty and love? Just what are you saying?

    all i'm saying is that your comment demonstrates that you have no idea about wahhabism. by the way... the Qr'an mentions "infinitely" more often compassion and forgiveness then the Bible (in both Old and New Testament).


    and as far as Sharia law is concerned may i draw your attention to the fact that ol' prophet Mohamed copied it from the Bible and pasted it into the Qr'an. Christians applied for more than 1½ millenia an extremely harsh version of the "biblical Sharia law" for punishments, much harsher (including unimaginable horrible torture) than practiced in any islamic country in olden times as well as nowadays.

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, Morch said:
    3 hours ago, Naam said:

    i always appreciated your sense of realism Morch. what you are presenting above are wet dreams. sorry for being blunt. :jap:


    I don't mind blunt from some posters - you, for instance. But do tell...How is what was posted above any more a "wet dream" than the headless chicken path taken? Mind, I wasn't claiming all of the listed options could have been executed simultaneously, or even fully. The point was to highlight that the stance of there-was-no-other-option is nonsense.

    a still-born option would have been your suggestion:


    The EU could have set up refugee camps...

    27 clownish representatives in Brussels from 27 countries who never put in one honest day of work in their lives would have agreed in time and worked out the logistics to setup camps for several hundred thousands? gimme a break mate!


    they'd discuss in Brussels to this very day whether the barbed wire around the camp should be stainless steel or a cheaper version, which signs in what languages/scripts or icons should be placed in toilets and whether vegetables for food should be harvested the halal way. :guitar:

    • Like 1
  3. 15 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I get the idea. But my point is: Who gives a f$#% about anything if billion dollar business is at risk? And let's not forget the security in that whole region.


    I am sure someone will fine somebody to blame for whatever happened. And lots of important people will accept that they have to accept a BS story to keep things nice and smooth. Because the alternative is worse.

    you are right... unfortunately.

    • Like 2
  4. 2 minutes ago, Morch said:

    The EU could have set up refugee camps, rather than allow incoming asylum seekers/refugees/migrants/whatever freedom of movement. This may have allowed a better assessment of claims, needs, scope and provision of aid. Another option would have been to extend further budgets to countries serving as "first stop" - whether in the ME or in Southern Europe.

    i always appreciated your sense of realism Morch. what you are presenting above are wet dreams. sorry for being blunt. :jap:

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  5. Quote

    The House of Saud is a heinous family of despots. Prince Bin Salman is a gangster. A thug. A violent creton in sheeps clothing, disguising himself as a reformer. He is anything but. One can only hope the world comes down on this nation of violence and hatred. Wahhabism must be eliminated from the face of the earth. It is a scourge. A disease. Without oil Saudi Arabia would be a world pariah. 

    don't hold your breath. none of your wishes are realistic. and  so are your personal assumptions pertaining to "nation of violence and hatred". it just documents that you possess a wealth of no idea about the country and wahhabism.


    however, i fully agree with your assessment that Mohamad bin Salman is a thug.

  6. 19 hours ago, bendejo said:

    Just saw a report (from a non-Western news channel) about how the other news sources in the Arabic-speaking world are reporting on this incident.  They are spouting all sorts of possible scenarios of what happened to Kashoggi stopping just short of abduction by flying saucer.

    Yes, there has been a low-key palace coup taking place in SA.  There was talk, and expectation, of taking the Saudi oil business public, but that plan is now on prolonged delay, which means forgetaboutit.  I wonder what happened there.  There are also other noticeable things, like the alienation of Qatar (which I suspect has something to do with DT and the sword dance).


    But if MBS wanted to use oil to respond to his adversaries there is:

    Plan A - turn up the pumps, knock down the price of oil and cause pain to the oil producers/refiners in the rest of the world, and their countries' economies


    Plan B - slow down the pumps, driving the price of oil upward and mess up the world economy 2008-style, or worse.

    Plan A won't work. the Saudis are pumping at their limits.

    Plan B will work. reducing output is a piece of cake.

  7. 1 hour ago, marcusarelus said:

    1.  Check locations Makro and Lotus or use one of the delivery services like the ones advertised on Thai Visa.  2.  Learn how to cook Sous Vide so you can use Australian beef.  3.  Buy an over that will steam and reach high temps so you can cook pizza at home.  Get Pedro's mom to teach your wife how to cook Tex Mex.  The high speed trains should be running from Bangkok in a few years and the roads are getting better daily so it's not difficult to shop in Bangkok once a month. 

    when i read "cooking" a steak in a water bath i feel like


    For example, on average, traditionally cooked steak loses up to 40% of its volume due to drying out. Steak cooked via precision cooking, loses none of its volume.



  8. 8 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    Supermarkets in Thailand are to some extent all premium shopping stores (with Tops and Rimping being the most expensive).

    Tops premium shopping? :cheesy:  it can't provide half the quality and selection of Foodland, Friendship and of course Villa Market.

    • Like 2
  9. 9 hours ago, FinChin67 said:

    Do they have;
    - open borders that anyone can cross without passport?
    - wellfare for illegals? and by wellfare I mean accommodation, healthcare incl. dental and monthly allowance.
    - fast track for illegals to jobs that enables them to apply for residency?

    - a network (with taxpayers money) of lawyers, translators, immigration consultants etc. for illegals?

    irrelevant diversion from topic and specific claim "multiculture breeds terrorism".

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