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Posts posted by Naam

  1. On 10/10/2018 at 4:17 PM, Jingthing said:
    On 10/10/2018 at 4:13 PM, Tiredofglasshalfemptyexpat said:

    If you've less than 800k to your name you should be home anyway with your home state nannying you.  

    You're making a lot of offensive insinuations. People often have large assets back home as well and have reasons for not wanting to lock up 800K here. 

    personal reasons do not break laws and regulations. by the way way... most of these personal reasons i've read in this forum are just ridiculous.

  2. 17 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

    I have no trouble believing this. Thailand weather is particularly humid to the point it's  sometimes hard to breathe. I have never experienced something like this in North America or Europe even during the hottest days. In Thailand it's on the regular basis. 

    there's no such thing like "Thailand weather".

    • Like 1
  3. 5 hours ago, DonaldBattles said:

    The Chinese are making great progress taking over Laos. Cambodia is next. Economically they are aiming to take over the world. Their new big navy base in north Africa is a sight to behold. Think about have they dump more than $500 billion of their junk on the US market yearly. They refuse to allow US products into China without huge import taxes. THERE IS NO SLOWING OF THE CHINESE. 

    thanks for sharing your expertise... :coffee1:

    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:


    What about a simple compulsion to pray, because it comes from the heart? What is the possibility that the all seeing, all knowing, omniscient creator would be moved by a prayer that was motivated by an app, a call to prayer blasted over a loudspeaker, or any other form of coercion? That is about society. It has nothing to do with Divinity or the creator, and nothing whatsoever to do with spirituality. 

    only a tiny minority of Muslims exists that accepts your reasonable and valid suggestion. but that also applies to Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and other "faiths".

    • Thanks 1
  5. 5 hours ago, trianglechoke said:

    After living in Saudi I do  know that. Muslims have access to lunar calendars WAAAAAAAAAAAAY in advance. In Saudi we had them 1 full year in advance, as well as apps giving them reminders and even showing them where Mecca is.......... no ignorance here, just a ton of knowledge... And as an Ex-Muslim I probably know a bit more than you  sir.


    your comments pertaining to the lunar calendar and it's (non existing) bearing to prayer times is hard evidence that you possess a wealth of no idea

  6. 1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:
    5 hours ago, Naam said:

    most church bells are louder. 

    I think you would find that most of us find church bells delightful in comparison to the Muslim call to prayer blasted over loudspeakers, that can be heard miles away.

    i couldn't care less what "most of us find" as i don't include myself in "most of us". having sipped my morning coffee for years with the prayer call just before dawn i missed somehow later.

  7. 2 hours ago, TMNH said:
    On 10/8/2018 at 7:46 AM, Darkside Gray said:

    Seems like Muslim Bashing to me, the mosques and whats were there long before the condos.

    Seems that you didn't get the point. NO religion needs loud noise and/or reminders. You simply know when  to attend services without the obnoxious reminders to do so. These are more modern times- obviously you don't get that.

    to me it's clear YOU don't get it.

  8. 3 hours ago, Tony Hanscomb said:

    The islamists use the awful loudspeaker to intimidate the people in the area, Islam is a religion designed to be in your face and fear is also used to keep its members from rejecting it.

    I think all megaphones and very loud loudspeakers should be regulated and in most places should be banned as they generally encroach on people's private space.

    keep on thinking :smile:

  9. 6 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    There is a quote somewhere in the Hindu scriptures attributed to Krishna. It goes "my favorite yogi is a secret yogi". I believe it means that the relationship between a man or woman, and the Divine, or spirit, is an intimate one, and should not be shared, broadcast, or diluted by nonsense. Aspects, or certain practitioners of the Muslim religion seem to be a very loud, and one wonders what to make out of that. Also the need to try to change the world, the proselytizing, the intolerance, etc. Where is the dignity in all of that?


    No religion or faith should be entitled to project a call to prayer over loudspeakers. If the faithful do not know enough to pray, come to temple, or practice their faith in private, then just let it go. 

    most church bells are louder. 

  10. 6 hours ago, how241 said:

    Timing = Luck...Investor = gambler ...All markets are manipulated...IMHO..Good luck/timing to all that enter the financial casino.

    my [not so] humble personal opinion is: only wannabee-investors without success think that all markets are manipulated. markets are influenced by market forces mainly based on sentiment, herd instinct, political environment (other factors too many to list) and a good shot of analysis. calling that potpourri manipulation is a matter of perspective. 

    • Like 2
  11. 6 hours ago, seancbk said:


    And we have the guys who are over 65, don't really understand or trust technology and don't have 20+ years to wait to see if their crypto becomes worth a lot.

    We also have a lot of people who still think in terms of buying crypto and hope to one day sell it for a profit.   Those of us who are pro crypto are buying and mining, then holding in anticipation of one day using crypto to purchase things.  If I have to sell my crypto for fiat then crypto will have failed.

    fair enough!

  12. 3 hours ago, how241 said:

    Yes, I guess you found my comments boring but why ?? I clearly showed that 'timing' is everything.

    because anybody who has bothered to gather information about investing had that "timing" term rammed down his/her throat. even for those who consider to become investors it's like being told "psst... listen... did you know that timing is everything?"

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