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Everything posted by Paris333

  1. Was he vaccinated for.....corona? Regardless of the joke, the German criminal after killing another German citizen will be extradited to Germany for trial and unfortunately not to Thailand...... He would have been sentenced to the death penalty in Thailand if he had killed a Thai citizen and not a German citizen. In Europe in 5 years he will be released from prison with mouthly permission wearing a cornet bracelet.....Congratulation to Thai Police for the investigation and immediatelly arrest.
  2. It is a complicated process that you give your personal data to everyone without security. Since you are a citizen of Europe States - America States and you have a bank account then all other information is unnecessary. Immigrants from Africa and the Arab States are the problem in Thailand and not from Europe States - America States. The same applies to the fraud of private health insurance companies. You pay and think you are insured.I've been traveling in Thailand for ten years and I've never paid useless money for health insurance. In my country, I've never been to a doctor and taken any kind of medicine for more than 25 years.
  3. How much money it cost to treat a teeth or cleaning the tooth?
  4. I am sure that interpreters will lose their jobs from Al technology as well as attorneys , nottaries and accountants. In EU Parliaments many translators lost their jobs because the MPs copy/paste the texts and write them themselves. Source:Lost in translation: £17m of taxpayers' money for EU interpreters who are not needed https://www.theguardian.com/world/2006/aug/31/eu.politics Nowadays we have a common "language" corona .......and teleworking from house. Source:European Parliament Interpreters Call Off Strike https://www.atanet.org/industry-news/european-parliament-interpreters-call-off-strike/
  5. Decaffein coffe is like "light" milk or drinks which is unhealthy. If you experinced problems drinking original coffee then you should reduse the quantity.Coffee is also diuretic!
  6. Swimming pool is nice to pay for use and maintenance.......as well as extraordinary gardens etc
  7. Its expensive company.Scoot is chaper but you pay luggages above 10 kg
  8. Since Thailand do not offer any Deposit Insurance Scheme it is a "black Jack casino" to tranfer money.Nowadays there abundance of Banks everywhere where offer you high interest deposit rates.But what about of Deposit Insurance Scheme? Deposit Guarantee Fund? What world do you live in? Eurogroup boss Paschal Donohoe wants to tackle one of the most controversial issues in European financial architecture. According to EU circles, he will present a two-phase model for European deposit insurance during a conference call with euro finance ministers on Tuesday. With the step-by-step approach, he hopes to assuage the concerns of member states - especially the Germans. From the point of view of the European Commission and the European Central Bank (ECB), deposit insurance is of great importance as the third pillar of the banking union. After the financial crisis and the euro debt crisis, banking supervision was already entrusted to the ECB. In addition, a European resolution mechanism for banks in crisis was introduced. On the other hand, the debate on a common European deposit insurance scheme has not progressed for years – mainly because of German resistance. The new federal government had stated in its coalition agreement that it was only prepared for a reinsurance system in which national security systems back each other up in emergencies. However, it rejects joint liability for savings deposits. Source:https://www.handelsblatt.com/finanzen/banken-versicherungen/banken/euro-gruppe-neuer-anlauf-zur-europaeischen-einlagensicherung-bundesregierung-laeuft-sturm/28296088.html
  9. Since you are Irish citizen Thai Authorities do not have any authority to request ....you old passport. Since you have official certified letter from the Irish Embassy Τhai Authorities .......is illegal......and you are legal. Unless , they do not accept the certified letter from the Irish Embassy. Αctions must be taken by the Irish Embassy and letter from the embassy. Maybe they want you to provide them and......... birth certificate.
  10. In Greece wearing your mask is mandatory in hospitals (where doctors and nurses express their displeasure to wear) but its not mandatory to wear outside or in stores. Indeed, when visiting a tourist destination like Thailand, seeing the local citizens wearing cloths over their mouths is disgusting for the health safety of the visitors....Restrictive measures have a negative impact on tourist destinations. We are at a stage where the American economy has gone bankrupt and is devaluing the dollar in order to reduce the debt. American debt hasbeen nominated in .....USA$.... In the other economies, colpo grosso we have inflation of 7.5% and growth of 1% ........and the Government Debt is reduced by 7.5% + 1% = 8.5%. This is Mickey Mouse economy! https://www.usdebtclock.org/
  11. The new denosavre in new era is the "new generation" who do not have worked enouth in order to have the right to vote. With the huge infrastructure works started by the previous government the new dinosaurs of the Harvard youth the Thai people will see the doubling of corruption. I am in Greece and we have an election next weekend where the polls show the winner will be the abstention of the people not to vote . The problem was and is the corruption of the opposition and not so much the Government. In Thailand, you put the cat to guard the ......pigeons......
  12. Attention when Thais tell you 30 days visa they mean 28 days and not 30 days approximately one month.
  13. https://www.siam-legal.com/uk-visa/visa-to-uk-from-thailand-ld.php?gclid=CjwKCAjw9J2iBhBPEiwAErwpeRzSAJiiqEm3YxXotbu2ctdChZN0IMVcdQUZyFozgJgdqMbAnWK9FhoCbiwQAvD_BwE
  14. If you arrested by police forces then Police Authority quranteed for your safety.First they remove your belt and then your shoelaces.If you are drank or under drugs influence police officers call a doctor to give you a pill or injection to calm you down.In some places they say the madman saw the drunkard and was afraid.
  15. Why Thailand has visa rules? Since I am legal visitor and I have money for my stay whats the problem?Its funny for a State to hear visa stay 30days or45 or 30+1 plus. I have the money to rent a house or hotel room and for my expences.Whats Thais problem? If I dont have money to stay I will leave the country of my destination.European Union is not a simple State but it is Countries Union....
  16. £1300 is not huge ammount for public donation.You save the double amount of money to go to Thailand for your vacation and you havent saved money for your health. £1300 cost breakfast meals in British Embassy in Bangkok. Are you kidding?
  17. If Thais Authorities are willing to turn turism in Cambodia or Vit-nam this is a good step. You make travel to Thailand very expensive for foreigners.....except Chinese.....All countries around the world have abolish Covid-19 measures and only speculators from doctor commynities are talking today about Coocovid-19 bla -bla -bla. Ι can understant the "music" but I dont figure the lyrics out "maestro".The world today is moving forward in a new de-dollarization system. Do yoy know it?
  18. More children died every year in U.S from car accidents than from gun fires.In 2019, 608 child passengers age 12 and younger died in motor vehicle crashes,1 and more than 91,000 were injured.2 Of the children 12 and younger who died in a crash (for whom restraint use was known), 38% were not buckled up. Source : Child Passenger Safety: Get the Facts..........https://www.cdc.gov/transportationsafety/child_passenger_safety/cps-factsheet.html
  19. More people died every year from suicides than from gun fires . Source: State Suicide Rates Among Adolescents and Young Adults Aged 10–24: United States, 2000–2018............https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr69/NVSR-69-11-508.pdf
  20. Tourism ‘insurance’ fee will cover ALL foreigners entering Thailand Whilst postponed for a few months, the proposed 300 baht “tourism fee” is back in the news with the Tourism and Sports Ministry. This time there are no plans for exemptions – ALL foreigners, including expats, work permit or long-term visa holders, and diplomats will be required to pay the 300 fee. Health, hospital or Covid-19 expenses won’t be covered under the new compulsory arrival tourism fee (so passengers will still be advised to get general travel or health insurance to cover those eventualities). Source: https://thethaiger.com/hot-news/tourism/tourism-insurance-fee-will-cover-all-foreigners-entering-thailand?utm_source=Thaiger+Daily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2022-07-15
  21. Olaf Scholz: Vaccination is no longer an issuewww.berliner-zeitung.de/news/olaf-scholz...thema-mehr-li.221333
  22. The complete abolition of vaccinations was announced today by Austria Health Minister Johannes Rauch (Greens). At a press conference, he explained the motives.www.salzburg24.at/news/oesterreich/impfp...bgeschafft-123179704
  23. In Haiti, from 3 January 2020 to 5:24pm CEST, 11 July 2022, there have been 31,703 confirmed cases of COVID-19 with 837 deaths, reported to WHO. As of 23 June 2022, a total of 342,724 vaccine doses have been administercovid19.who.int/region/amro/country/ht Vaccination is a private preasure.....!
  24. New study: COVID booster significantly delays end of infection 31% boosted people still contagious 10 days post-infection vs. 6% unvaccinatedwww.israelnationalnews.com/news/356245
  25. 2.5 million patients reported corona vaccination side effectswww.welt.de/politik/deutschland/plus2397...-in-Deutschland.html
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