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Everything posted by Paris333

  1. Are doctors paid by electronic payments or are they paid in cash tax-free? Dilemma?
  2. I cant figure it out your statement that children want to become officers in the Army-Navy and the Air Force pilots is omitted. When I was child I always wanted to become pilot in Air Force and finally I become electronic engeneer in computer system working at Flight Simulators of Mirage-F1cg -Mirage-2000eg and Mirage-2000-5 glass cockpit aircrafts.(five screens in cockpit /340 degree projection view).Next period I am going to "fly" and see F/S Rafale aircraft as well as computer interface peripheral projection units in an air base where my friend is an experienced high skilled combat pilot. Thai children have to visit Chiang Mai air base to see Gripen pilots as well as to see how they are dressed -oxygen mask helmet and briefing/debriefing before/after mission -take off -landing. In my country every month and almost evey week we have children visitors as well as from Universities where pilots inform them about the mission of airbase as well as aircaft capabilities and finally perform virtual flight at Flight Simulator with visual approach -weather condition clear -cloudy-rain -day -night parameters. I am not addressing you now but but I am appealing to Thai Ministry of Defense to invite educational institutions to visit military bases so that young children love the military land/air personnel.
  3. Although I am not a lawyer but you will have to go to a notary to submit a statement with witnesses that you wish to be cremated in Thailand ......when you die and then submit the relevant documents to your Embassy. I am Orthodox Christian and cremation is forbidden according to the Christian Orthodox faith and the same applies to the Jewish, Muslim community.
  4. In U.S.A, a Law was passed where motorcycles and bicycles are prohibited from overtaking cars on the road in cities with less than 50,000 inhabitants. If you overtake a car or change lanes, know you are uninsured.....
  5. Climate tax in air-transfers................... Increase in ticket tax affects passengers twice The aviation tax is scheduled to increase from May 2024. Airlines are allowed to pass the tax on to passengers. Consumers should use the time until then. Anyone who is currently planning their vacation for the current year should book their flights as soon as possible. In a few weeks tickets will probably be more expensive. The increase in the so-called aviation tax is one of the measures with which the federal government wants to plug the budget hole that opened up a few weeks ago after the Federal Constitutional Court's ruling. The new tax should actually have been in effect since the beginning of the year. If the above link does not open because it may require subscription I read the whole article and it is : €30 additional to air fare for distance 6.000 km €53 additional to air fare for distance 12.000 km and €110 additional to air fare for distance above 12.000 km...........Thailand did your hear we have to pay for apostle of climate change ecomodernism........ I can hear the melody but I dont understand the lyrics "maestro"........... Source: https://www.handelsblatt.com/unternehmen/handel-konsumgueter/luftfahrt-erhoehung-der-ticketsteuer-trifft-passagiere-gleich-doppelt-01/100004972.html Ace of Base - All That She Wants, Official Music Video
  6. If they were drunk, they can't be charged because they were under influence of alcohol. But they are obliged to pay for any damage they did to clubs or pubs.The "substances" legislation should be reformed and offenders who disrupt the normal functioning of society should be punished. Fortunately Thailand isnt American or European "bar"......Thai people are calm and quiet character΄s people!
  7. Can foreigners buy property in Thailand? A comprehensive guide https://thethaiger.com/thai-life/property/can-foreigners-buy-property-in-thailand-a-comprehensive-guide?utm_source=Thaiger+Daily+EN&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2024-01-06
  8. Check out if the accounts are cover with Deposit Insurance Scheme. In Europe not every bank account fixed or variable interest rates covered by Deposit Insurance Scheme because they invest your money in mutual founds or CDS (Credit Default Swap) or in ETF.In Thailand Deposit Insurance Scheme cover €26,000 -€27,000......I sincerely wish you a comfortable and nice stay in Thailand!
  9. After the "sinful" period of covid the only "doctor" I trust is myself. If I feel well I don't need anyone to suggest a "cure" ......usually of controversial injections .......I don't play anyone's "games" with my health. When I will visit Thailand again I will take a PCR check in Europe and I don't want any health insurance because the best health insurance is myself who hasn't been to the dirty hospitals for over 30 years and I haven't taken any medicine even for a headache. Men At Work - Down Under (Lyrics)
  10. I come from Greece -Athens but in Bulgaria Sofia I realized from the car drivers when they saw the pedestrian's foot stepping even one foot on the road they stopped the car to a standstill. I did the check myself and found out that as soon as I moved off the pavement to step on the road, all the cars came to a standstill. Congratulation to Bulgarian drivers! I am sure the key measures is Bangkok Governor or Mayor to implement 30 km/hour for all the car in Bangkok in order to avoid drivers fatal injuries or......pedistrians.......This measure imply in Amsterdam from 8-12-2023 On Friday 8 December, the speed limit on most roads in Amsterdam will be lowered to a maximum of 30 kilometres per hour (km/h). 80% of the roads in Amsterdam will have a speed limit of 30km/h. The maximum speed will be clearly indicated on each street with the familiar traffic signs. For more information about where the new speed limit applies, check amsterdam.nl/30km (page in Dutch) or look at the map. Source: https://www.amsterdam.nl/en/news/speed-limit-30-km/ Joe Dassin "Salut", 1979
  11. Thailand tax law The end of the cheap life? Thailand unsettles German emigrants So far, German retirees in Thailand have not only been able to escape the German winter, but also the tax authorities. But now a change in the law is causing unrest in the tax haven. Flawless sandy beaches, tropical temperatures, excellent food: retirees who want to emigrate will find many good reasons for moving to Thailand - including financial ones. The Southeast Asian holiday destination has not only attracted foreigners with its comparatively low cost of living, but has also presented itself as a tax haven : those who did it cleverly could escape the cold German winters under the Thai palm trees as well as escape the tax authorities. But that should be over from January 1st: Then Thailand wants to close a tax loophole that has allowed pensioners and wealthy private individuals residing in Thailand to live a largely tax-free life for decades. Source:https://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/international/thailand-eine-gesetzesaenderung-sorgt-fuer-unruhe-im-steuerparadies/100003995.html Joe Dassin "Salut", 1979 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6Qc2Y1_bic
  12. Thailand is officially reported to have an under-birth rate. It is therefore logical that the local population with one parent coming from abroad is increasing. In Greece Government gives all women who give birth a €3,000 (TB114,368) allowance and three times in a year €250 (ΤΒ9,530) and....every year. Τherefore current Thai Government can implement it by Royal Decree. Whats the problem? Therefore Greece is the paradise of illegal immigrants because they arrive in Greece and declare to the police for the issuance of identity cards any country they wish.....Greek Police under the Immigration Act are obliged to accept it because they will be prosecuted for racism and descrimination.......
  13. Germany each illegal immigrant costs €450,000 due to their low labour skills (When current Chancelor Mr Scholz was Finance Minister in Mr Merkel coallition government) Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) expects the cost of refugee policy alone for the federal government to amount to around €70 billion by 2022. This follows from a document of the Federal Ministry of Finance on medium-term economic planning. (The report comes from Spiegel (when Scholz was Minister in the Merkel Government) Source: https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/soziales/fluechtlinge-fluechtlingskrise-wird-haushalt-auf-jahre-belasten-a-1208489.html Source: https://www.zeit.de/politik/deutschland/2018-05/bundesfinanzministerium-olaf-scholz-fluechtlingspolitik-kosten-flucht Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
  14. British Prime Minister Mr Sunak will not allow a foreign court to block the Rwanda Act To deport "illegal" migrants, the Government wants the British Parliament to unilaterally declare Rwanda a "safe third country". This would deprive the British Courts of the opportunity to exempt asylum seekers from deportation citing the precarious human rights situation in Rwanda. However, it would still be possible for the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg to join and side with the British . The British government wants to immediately deport to Rwanda asylum seekers who enter the country illegally, irrespective of their origin where they seek asylum there, but they will not be allowed to return to Britain. Source: https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/grossbritannien-rishi-sunak-verteidigt-abschiebe-deal-mit-ruanda-a-7a802c06-ee4d-4ee1-a8d4-2c4a9775465d Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
  15. UK minimum wage £29,000 for migrants to bring relatives The British government is not raising the mandatory minimum wage for those who want to bring their foreign partners into the country as originally announced. In future, a minimum of 29,000 pounds (33,400 euros) will be required, the Home Office in London announced on Thursday. Source: https://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/international/grossbritannien-london-rudert-bei-schaerferen-zuwanderungsregeln-leicht-zurueck/100004183.html
  16. Bangkok is the core and the heart of Thai society.Therefore those who blame Bangkok and Bangkokians indirectly blame Thai society they live in......As a tourist and as an employee of a western company for years what I have noticed is that those who don't like living in Bangkok are from the countryside......You don't like Bangkok because you pay rent and your own house is in the village........Ιn fact I adore Bangkok and genuine Bangkokians because they have their own culture in their daily life.It is a situation we also find in Western capitals where people from the countryside come to the Capital of each State for work and for the "easy life"
  17. The western embassies of the USA and the European Union are responsible for this chaotic situation of their citizens.They can attach contracts for the tourists coming from America and Europe in order to be treated in the emergency room.
  18. Why not in Asia? Do you know that as an EU citizen, you have the right to access medical care in any EU/EEA country or Switzerland? Source: https://eu-healthcare.eopyy.gov.gr/en/about-the-ncp-e-service/faq/
  19. Are you sure? https://thethaiger.com/news/national/family-of-british-man-in-coma-needs-help-to-bring-him-home-from-thailand
  20. Thai Authorities should permanently ban the entry into the Kingdom of the Russian tourist. Thailand is not a Russia-America-Europe empire where every right-winger feels it is his duty to threaten human lives.
  21. Providers of private health companies are unreliable since we see British people etc after car accidents not being reimbursed for hospital expenses.Last time a year ago 29 year old British tourist crashed his motorbike and his health insurance covered absolutely nothing.All of these means the same thing and constitute the subject of closed tourism study. Traveling to Thailand become more - more expensive for average tourist sιnce European citizens have full cover of health treatment in any state of European Union. European Nation Embassies in Bangkok is responsible for this horrible situation. European Union Embassies are required to contract with hospitals in Bangkok and Phuket to treat European citizens with minimal charges and not very expensive charges of the international health care mafia.
  22. Are we talking about education οr schools baby parking? Schools, as in the West, have become baby parking in order for guardians to get rid of their children......But too bad because there are education platforms for a €1-€2 subscription a year underage students can watch online repetitions of the week's lessons.My friend in a school of 200 students pays €2.5 subscription......a year for his underage daughter. In addition, students can attend online foreign language lessons. Responcible is Thai Education Ministry to find appropriate edu platforms for students in each class grade and to be to equipped the ministry with server that cost €50.000.
  23. When will private medical bubble burst so that people can be treated in public hospitals? Stop private insurance that on the one hand do not pay the insured in them and on the other hand leave them ready to die due to financial problems. Thai Ministry of Health to the doctors involved should have their professional licence terminated in the Kingdom. The unacceptable attitude of doctors in p.r.i.v.a.t.e clinic may have been implemented to any Thai citizen. "Today" was a foreigner from Asia continent but "tomorrow" it will be to a domestic citizen..... Our priority should focus to save human beings and not the paper money......! The shame on you "doctor"!
  24. Just adults or minors? Are the vaccines given only to adults or to minors?
  25. I disaggree about of your NHS assesment because my friend married in Greece and they went to British in 2017 .He works in restaurant and he also take his kid. He subscribed to NHS his father -mother as well as his father in law /mother in law totally four people who live in Greece permanently. NHS send them SMS mesage for annual check up/treatment and he pays nothing .Prime Minister Sunak two days ago changed the visa law (if you are eligible). 1.Everyone who enters Britain will pay more money for visa. 2.The medical and nursing staff seeking jobs have the right to bring their members of their families. 3 To get the work visa you have to declare minimum income every year £37 800.
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