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Everything posted by Phil1964

  1. At the end of the day Thailand's leaders, monarchy etc are a bunch of pious hypocrites.
  2. Maybe, just the new emigrés the Soviets seem to like it along with those who have lived there a long time?
  3. They're too busy sexting, playing on their mobiles, or watching Tiktok to be able to find time to concentrate on sport. Plus it's too hot to do outdoor sport most of the time. Perhaps why they're only good at sports like; badminton, Muay Thai, boxing as they're indoor / covered arena sports.
  4. What? Really? They've, (local authorities etc), only just realised? It's the land of scammers and chancers, FFS!!
  5. "In a similar incident, a Thai homeless couple was arrested for public sex in the Isaan province of Khon Kaen in May. The homeless man admitted to the act and emphasised that being homeless, he had no choice but to have sex in public".... One helluva brilliant alibi..., "Being homeless he had no choice but to have sex in public.."!!!! 🤣🤣🤣
  6. And every other country. The fact is the rich and landed gentry don't want anybody 'gatecrashing their party' and rebalancing the order and levels of gl9bal societies.
  7. Yeah and in other news Spurs won the English Premier League, Rishi Sunak is the best ever British Prime Minister and Donald Trump is the secret love child of Kim Yong Un!! 🤣🤣 Mind you Phuket is probably okay for Soviets compared to their western front fighting Ukraine??
  8. #1 - **** a Thai w**** in Thailand, but most definitely leave her in her own country. Do NOT, I repeat DO NOT export such goods to your own country for the sake of your health and finances..
  9. How dare a farang make any bad comments about poor quality and service in Thailand. There's plenty of other, more welcoming, (these days), countries to spend our hard earned wages in.
  10. Perhaps a relative of a copper was driving the van. T****r. Guess (s)he'll be off for a few Wais to ask Buddha for forgiveness, once his relative in the police has brushed it all under the carpet? Q: What would happen if a farang hit n runs an ageing Thai resident?
  11. So sad for Mme Delacott. RIP. But hate to say it, this bears all the hallmarks of Thai lies and shenanigans to get their hands on Mme Delacott's money, gold and property assets regardless of Mme Delacott's situations in life of coping and dealing with divorce and cancer.
  12. Says in the article, "most prominent values being respect, self-control, and a non-confrontational attitude"! Lol!! Are they talking about a different country or race in the article??
  13. Thai public now reaping the societal 'benefits' of what their government has sown by letting in Soviets. Maybe they should start protesting at the government instead of giving out the constant, "Yais"?
  14. What Thais don't like confrontation??? News to me. My ex-wife was determined to have a fight or argument every day with someone, be it me, supervisor at work, her young daughter, work colleagues. Her temper could flare in an instant and it knew no bounds in terms of ferocity or violence.. she's an utter fruitcake.. (Footnote: Unsurprisingly, her daughter pre-teen is now following in the same mould of short fused temper and melodrama persona, and she's not even reached her teen years)!
  15. Plenty of slags in Thailand, and in their exports to foreign shores...
  16. Hoes the damm lot of them thar Thais! 😂😂😂
  17. On a surfboard. Must have pretty good balance and core strength! Let alone plenty to hold on to and pivot on?? 😉🤔 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  18. Same here in the UK, Thais visiting on 6 month tourist visas, who are then illegally employed in a 'friend's from my village massage shop', or restaurant while sleeping on site in a private room. Mind you, the UK Home Office is a shambles...
  19. We can only hope this corrupt bunch of MPs get wiped out!
  20. More fool those idiots willing to pay over 20,000 baht a night to stay in a dump of a place.
  21. In response to this coercive action may I suggestforeugn governments rescind all visas of Thai persons overseas as we don't want them contributing to disease and viruses in our countries!? FFS!
  22. Culture?? Since when have Soviets understood culture? Anything they've got their hands on since 1917 they've usually decimated or destroyed. Thailand really is stooping so low these days that they'll be schmoozing up to the Afghan government's education, tourism and women's rights ministeries next!!
  23. Send him home to Mr Putin, Schittsskigrad with a 10year ban on returning. Ohand while at it, throw in / out the rest of the Soviet troublemakers with 10 year bans on returning.
  24. There's a lot of Thais, amongst many other nationalities working illegally here in the UK, without work permits, paid under minimum wage, housed for 'free' by business owners etc under the radar of incompetent border security and tracking of migrants.
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