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  1. Couldn't the story have had a fisherman getting bitten by a shark while nudging the reader to buy extensive medical insurance coverage?
  2. This study is Pseudo Science (TM) ... the real answer is nothing happens in the brain ... “Men have a brain and a penis and only enough blood to run one at a time"
  3. I thought it was illegal for even the President to shutdown an agency, plenty of court rulings of late ordering employee re-hires, etc, etc, He is clearly confused about the court order. Mr. Dudek seems exasperated about how to proceed with DOGE being blocked access to fulfill their mandate. He has no authority to shut SSA down and has subsequently backtracked on his remarks after receiving clarification about the court order. You can stop the hand wringing over a SSA shutdown or carry on, your choice. It is not the Admins policy and would be political suicide. I suggest ignoring such nonsense.
  4. Who you gonna believe, anonymous sources or denial from Musk and Trump? Looks to me like a case of Fake News
  5. In the words of President Trump, "Bye Bye, go home to mommy"
  6. Big fat black sharpie President flanking both sides of the "AutoPen-in-Chief" 😁
  7. Must admit I read this as "Britcoin Mining Operation" 😂 I clicked on ii I thinking this should be good but turns out it just Bitcoin
  8. Why are you pretending that this is something new? Where were you when Biden was the EV car salesman?
  9. They all know what is the right thing to do ... they never got it done and are now kicking and screaming. They are actually all "Team DOGE" - unless they were lying to us back then SaveTwitter.Net_XDfHHltMQzuk5Rqm_(720p).mp4
  10. I think the word you're looking for is steal the frozen assets. If that happens it can't be good for the EU or the Euro. Imagine how many countries, companies and high net worth individuals might just decide it not safe to keep money in the EU banking system. We'll just have to wait and see
  11. Perfect example of why some people say, "The FBI, where evidence goes to die"
  12. No, it is not recognized as a Treaty. The Budapest Memorandum, signed in 1994, was never ratified by the U.S. Senate, a prerequisite for a treaty to become part of U.S. domestic law under Article VI of the Constitution (the Supremacy Clause). Without ratification, it doesn’t have the status of "supreme Law of the Land" that would allow its provisions to be directly enforced or challenged in U.S. courts. It’s an executive agreement, binding only as a political commitment, not a legal one within the U.S. system.
  13. That does not prevent Hunter or anyone else that was pardoned by Biden from being compelled to testify in any investigation. They also can no longer utilize the 5th amendment to avoid responding. Anyone that was pardoned and offers false testimony under oath can be charged with perjury, a new crime, not covered by their pardon.
  14. She should resign, she is just a stand-in for her exiled/disgraced father concern trolling the public about honesty and ethics in politics. One can have hopes and dreams ... 🙈
  15. Always with the "Trump angle" ... ridiculous nonsense. We tried to destroy Trump and that didn't work, now it Elons turn! Jussie Smollett is back too!!
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