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  1. The article starts with "The Mirror Foundation of Thailand are looking for the family of a Thai woman found dead in Germany 35 years ago so they can identify her. Then later adds that they're not even sure the deceased is Asian let alone a Thai National. They are just guessing and looking for a lead in the case. Nonetheless I hope the deceased gets identified. Best of luck
  2. Ya think? Everyone knows what game is afoot. 😁 Same story world over.
  3. Too right, no more "business as usual ". it is also another blow to the credibility of the MSM. The politicians will bend to the will of their constituents who will not be swayed by the "prevailing narratives" without their consent any longer. The representatives that fail to learn this quickly will find themselves replaced. I'm optimistic about the future for the first time in decades,
  4. Good point ...as mama used to say, "if u don't have anything good to say, then best to say nothing at all"
  5. Sure feels that way. Mainstream media: “we have no idea why are numbers are down and we are going out of business!!!” Also mainstream media:
  6. To get a new renewal date you'll have to start over as @DrJack54has noted. All depends on your personal preferences. On a long term view, I would opt for "starting over". Two advantages, protected from an increase of "funds in the bank" requirement and the fact that Non-O still has no health insurance requirement. If you want a March renewal date and come in tourist visa or visa exempt, apply for your Non-O at immigration 90 days before your targeted renewal date as the subsequent extension will begin/renew when the 90 day Non-O expires. Good luck
  7. Female feminists are insufferable enough, but a man and the Prime Minister at that. Who knows what happens with Trudeau, insufferable tho he is.
  8. Anyone have an answer this question, someone who has had to get in the queue recently? Of course appointments are the most convenient way to do it. I'm stuck going out there this next week because my online reporting was just rejected. A report from someone who has had to get in the queue would be nice.
  9. Nothing can kill me now, thanks. I've had all all my shots 😁
  10. This certainly sums up my opinion of these loons - perhaps detention and depriving them of anything that oil was used to produce would enlighten them. Of course they'd have to discard that sign, go naked and stop eating
  11. I've seen this discussed on the forums before. Essentially, you were granted an extension of stay based on the 800k rule. So when you turn up for your next one, even though you want to switch to income method, they will expect you to have complied with the terms you were granted on your existing one. This means keeping the 800k for 3 months after. @DrJack54FYI, I used to use 2 separate accounts although they were both at the same bank. I was asked to consolidate funds to one account about 5-6 years ago, but extension was not refused. I think you'll manage to get by with the 2 separate accounts under the circumstances. Just have a backup plan, leaving time to use an agent is maybe the option of least resistance, good luck
  12. This exactly, some bad math or erroneously figures being reported here. Nonetheless, if it is a predatory website (as it appears to be) I hope the scoundrels get their due. As to the victims, I hope they get re-compensated. Not holding my breath though.
  13. Sir Michael Ellis doth protest too much. Russia and Ukraine are not signatories to the treaty either. Been struggling to find his article condemning the verdict handed down against Putin, likely because it does not exist. The court should be disbanded as it's just political now. 🙈
  14. This pleases me greatly, Kash has been a great advocate for transparency and has called for releasing piles of classified materials. Release the long buried files on the assassinations of the 60s and more recently things like the Epstein client list. Let the chips fall where they may.
  15. It's a form of demoralization and voter suppression. A constant barrage of fascist, dictator, felon, and whatever other language/smears they used in conjunction with the fake polls was all intended to make you feel that voting Trump would not matter. In the end it was not enough ... democracy won the night of Nov 5.

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