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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. A simple ultrasound would have given the proper, better diagnosis in matter of minutes. Reads more like a money grab or extreme incompetence.
  2. Hard to believe, anywhere in the world, people would let their car self drive. Here, TH, can be tricky when you are paying attention. Not so much where I am, as they seem to drive quite good here: Ko Lak, PKK
  3. Darwinism will sort them out, but unfortunately, they'll take far too many innocents with them.
  4. "Who do you trust? " ... NO one ... as profits are the priority. Reading the ingredients, and in order of % is a bit spooky at times. Explains a lot of the health issues & size of some people. Sugar not really the demon, unless one of the top 5 ingredients of 10 total. Much better than sugar substitutes. If more than a few grams per serving, may want to give that item a pass. Especially since some serving sizes are ridiculously small. Olive oil can be refined, without noting it is, though not entirely bad, if it actually is olive oil, but not as good either, as better version of. Veggie oils seem to be anything, and if hydrogenated oil is listed, simply avoid. Many of the 'all natural' ingredients, aren't exactly healthy for you, with the volume of, that is used. We buy very little processed food, and most foods done in home from scratch.
  5. Whoa ... talk about inflation. They ain't worth that much, Holy Krap ????
  6. Who needs math & science, when the priority is critical race & gender ID ... ???? Japan had to show the USA how to build cars in the 80s & 90s, now it's China's turn this century. Biden mandates 'Made in USA' EVs, parts or while & batteries, along with extending incentives/subsidies to those companies. Except ... apparently most don't have the know how. Go figure, but I'm sure they'll hire the correct demographic quotas ???? "Ford To Build $3.5 Billion LFP Battery Plant In Michigan An integral part of Ford's new LFP battery plans is a new agreement that's in place with Contemporary Amperex Technology Company (CATL), the world's leading battery supplier. CATL will initially provide Ford with LFP cells which will begin to power all standard-range Mustang Mach-Es later this year. The extended-range Mach-Es will continue to use NCM battery packs. By next year, the standard-range F-150 Lightning will also come with LFP packs while the extended-range vehicles will continue to use NCM. CATL will continue to supply the Chinese-made LPF cells to Ford until such time that the new facility has the capacity to produce them. CATL has agreed to license its LFP battery technology to Ford and will have employees at the new Ford plant to assist with and oversee production. Currently, Ford is the number two US automaker with regard to electric vehicle production and the company estimates it will be selling two million EVs annually by 2026. By comparison, Tesla hopes to sell two million vehicles this year," Paraphrased from: https://insideevs.com/news/652304/ford-lfp-battery-plant-michigan/ Thoughts are my opinion and my opinion alone, from reading sites that probably aren't allowed to be linked, as far too free thinking.
  7. Chatrium Riverside is the only place I've stayed that fits most of that, nice pool & buffet, but not centrally located ... BUT ... take their shuttle boat to Saphan Taksin pier to access to anywhere. We prefer being on the river anyway. Though nothing really right outside the hotel area. Almost central to where we prefer, N Bang Rak area/ChinaTown, the island, or hopping over to ICONSIAM/Khlong San market & Wang Lang market areas. Much better for knocking around than the 'central' tourist ghettos. Another would be, Sheraton Grand Suk was nice also, fits location & pool area is stellar. Rooms were a bit dated and that was some time ago. Better choices if rooms haven't been updated. Didn't partake in buffet, but would think it meets your criteria.
  8. Yep, saw a news-blip or 3, where he was having a hard time, express his thoughts, and even putting them in sentence. Seems to be a requirement to be a candidate for Dems.
  9. Hard to believe people really are that stupid, to not pay attention or take their hands off the steering wheel while operating a vehicle.
  10. This new distraction tactic is turning into a joke: "Hobby Club’s Missing Balloon Feared Shot Down By USAF" https://aviationweek.com/defense-space/aircraft-propulsion/hobby-clubs-missing-balloon-feared-shot-down-usaf
  11. With his health issues, mind boggling he was their candidate, and, got elected. Picking the best of too evils, when it appears nobody wants the job ????
  12. I believe OP is relying on city/village water pressure (no tank/pump), so you'll just need to turn up to full pressure, and trial & error, hope to find a bum gun such as Crossy has, that can adjust to flow while using. Our city pressure is fairly constant, high, and gun is adjustable with a soft touch.
  13. Not really about the money, cost, savings, though I really like that part. More about not paying someone to provide something, I can provide myself, and better. Though no issues with PEA or PWA service here, and very good & consistent, unlike Udon Thani. I like being spiteful, and hate monopolies, big oil, PEA, and if for the same price, (savings a plus) can do better, that's great. Infrastructure here is keeping up with the development, so not an issue for people here ... yet. If it helps keep the planet and local air a bit cleaner, even better. With TH being import friendly with the affordable Chinese components, pricing really shouldn't be an issue for most folks. Whether simply subsidizing their PEA bill, or eliminating it.
  14. Google map is your friend ... have about 10 within 2-3 kms https://www.google.com/maps/search/Hotels/@13.7790703,100.5578426,15z/data=!4m9!2m8!3m6!1sHotels!2zVW5pdmVyc2l0eSBvZiB0aGUgVGhhaSBDaGFtYmVyIG9mIENvbW1lcmNlLCAxMjYvMSDguJbguJnguJkg4Lin4Li04Lig4Liy4Lin4LiU4Li14Lij4Lix4LiH4Liq4Li04LiVIDIg4LmB4LiC4Lin4LiHIOC4o-C4seC4iuC4lOC4suC4oOC4tOC5gOC4qeC4gSBEaW4gRGFlbmcsIEJhbmdrb2sgMTA0MDA!3s0x30e29e9d8144beb9:0x66e0f2c1ee23aa2d!4m2!1d100.5600899!2d13.7785495!6e3
  15. No, ours are their first version/release, then the 2nd release, I think 'S' model. At least 2 newer models since, if on #4.
  16. Bump up for this thread, in case unseen, or you'd like to add to it. "Review cars you've bought & owned in TH" We actually upgraded to the EV version of the OP .. MG ZS 2020 MG EV ICE - 2022 MG ZS EV If interested it that, or just those sharing experiences of the EVs in TH, especially if in the market, the this thread may interest: https://aseannow.com/topic/1276247-ev-owners-…-real-life-experience-help-thread/#comments Short version ... Lovin' ours, and highly recommend folks take a peek at EVs, if shopping for something new. More availability and better pricing since 2020.
  17. Phosphates don't mind being charged up to 100%, and the solar bank & EV are both Phosphate. Batteries are indoors, so as comfy as I am, and get charged up rather slow, 5-7kWh per hr, usually 3 ish. Heating up not being an issue. The EVs, even slower, 2.3kW per on granny, or 7.4kW on wall charger, which I don't use. Only if on the road, and car will accept up to 50kw per hour, I think. In that aspect, we baby our batteries I've been playing with LiPo s for the last 10 ish years. And they've really progressed, for some applications. Still krap in phones, along with everyone getting a 'fast' charger, so they can kill the non replaceable battery ASAP ???? They really can't update any more techy stuff to warrant upgrades, so they set them up to die faster. Phones you should slow charge, and keep between 60-80%. But most don't .. drain then top up fast. Oh well.
  18. They should actually last 20 yrs, if not much more, as we never take them down below 50%, which in theory, doubles their longevity. Rated on full cycles, and we don't even use half cycles. Usually between 60-70% when wake in the morning. Warranty is for 80% I think, so they are far from dead in 10 or even 20 yrs. By that time, the car pack will be ready to be added to the system, as doubt if the rest of the car will last as long as the battery pack & motors. Without me, both would get way less use/abuse. Lucky is she would drive 5k kms a year and she's freezing when I got the ACs comfy for me ... ????
  19. Daughter is already on all the house paperwork, and wills registered. So all good there. She adopted us last month ???? And wife is in/executor (?) of her will, JIC. Win win for both of them, if we or either krap out. Kid (24) gets house, as she would eventually. Wife (45) gets her house, free & clear + 1 mil insurance + her investments. Told daughter she shouldn't tell me things like that ???? Me & the dog are just trying to squeeze out 10 more yrs.
  20. Edited my earlier post ... but no, all for wife & kid after my demise. So they'll be self sufficient, with oops fund, and secure (financially) in their future. Took the risk of them making bad investment away (doubtful they would), and gave them almost -0- monthly liabilities. They just have to feed themselves.
  21. All the 10kWh LiFePO ESSs I priced, that I'd consider buying, were in the ฿75k & up range, name-ish brand w/10 yr warranties. Ours cost 90k & 95k installed. Hopefully installer will be around, if an oops within warranty period, to assist in any warranty issues. Piece of mind, for wife, next 10-20 yrs, after I'm long gone. If not married w/house, I'd be nomadic, with a condo as a base, maybe, with no solar.
  22. Thought on ROI, for our solar system, in conjunction with having EVs. Someone commented on my signature elsewhere, pointing out, I paid in advance for my energy, correct, but followed with, 'average ROI is 10 to 20 yrs'. Not sure where or what price he based that on, but certainly not TH. Out of conservative mode, as our system is more than enough to handle needs now. Looking at recent numbers, with higher temps and AC use/abuse. We're averaging, or will, average 20-30kWh a day, if not more during March, April & mid May. But just using 20-30kWh a day, here's ballpark on ROI. 20kWh X 30 = 600kWh month, PEA cost ฿3223 30kWh X 30 = 900kWh month, PEA cost ฿4942 Need to add the ฿3000 a month, we no longer spend on petrol, so monthly cost, if using PEA & PTT, would be low of ฿6223 & high of ฿7942 monthly. Divided into cost of our Solar system, which if DIY, would cost less: ฿445k ÷ ฿6223 = 71.5 ÷ 12 = 5.95 yrs ฿445k ÷ ฿7942 = 56 ÷ 12 = 4.67 yrs So margin of error either way, and looking at a 4-7 yr ROI, not taking into account any consideration of fluctuating prices of electric or petrol. Before anyone states, 'but you had to buy the EV also' ... ... yes, but the EV comes with a 50kWh battery pack, which would cost about ฿500k if adding that much ESSs to a solar system. So that surely offsets the extra ฿200k that the EV version cost over the ICE version of the same car, which we owned prior. After ROI period, everything forward is FREE ???? Hence the 'we save instead of spend' part of statement. You could even say, after 4-7 yrs, 'we're getting paid to have solar & EVs' ????
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