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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. There of course should be expectations on Hamas to fight their foes within the approved legal framework and to respect the inalienable human rights of all people. There shouldn't be any expectation that they will do so. Look at the atrocities they committed. Only a fool would expect such people to comport themselves in anyway at all that is morally and ethically acceptable. Terrorists commit acts of terror. Hamas's barbaric deeds will be surpassed in time. Human depravity, it seems, is bottomless. Palestinians are victims of Hamas as much as Israeli's are. What do you think would happen to a Palestinian publicly criticising Hamas? If Hamas were so beloved by the majority of Gazans, Netanyahu would not have needed to prop them up. When it comes to atrocities, there is a point, where the acts are so vile, that the only difference is scale. To me, the only difference between the evil of Hamas's attack and the Holocaust is scale. Ditto the IDF murder of thousands of civilians. You may want to believe that bombing is a more humane method of murder, it is not. The extremists on both sides are revelling in the current death and destruction. It is going to take the good people on both sides to unite to defeat those responsible for all of the depravity occurring. The odds of that happening are basically zero.
  2. Despicable nonetheless, wouldn't you agree?
  3. It is not a war, it is an exercise in expelling and permanently removing the population of Gaza. Israel's actions have united the Sunni and the Shia. Turks, Persians and Arabs are uniting in a way they have never done before. Israel is playing with fire on a scale that may result in a very real exestential crises for itself. Israel may not survive this conflict. If they continue down this path, the US may literally be helping a friend and ally commit suicide.
  4. Explain that. Explain how / why / when / where you believe I have given a free pass to Hamas? Back up your statement with evidence. This is my 559th post in this thread - find a single instance of me giving a free pass to Hamas. Why be dishonest? Aren't you better than that? You clearly are a level or two above your emoji buddies here representing Israel's viewpoint. Why stoop to their level? You only debase your on credibility.
  5. Again, what a sad, cultist, denial of reality. You have misunderstood a simple concept (I would say deliberately misrepresented, but that would take a level of intelligence and I have not witnessed here yet). Why do the Jews alone deserve to be given someone else's land to establish their own state? Is there any other group that deserve likewise? Can you name any? Is there any other group where this has occurred - land appropriated and handed over? I cannot think of a similar instance.
  6. How cute. You think the two sides are different. One side is civilised and the other full of savages. 🤣🤣🤣 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jul/20/israelis-cheer-gaza-bombing
  7. Why do you think that would be? Can you answer that simple question with a modicum of maturity? Why do you believe that victims of Israel bombing of residential areas are not freed from the rubble, for sometimes, up to several days? This must be about the eighth or ninth time you have asked the same questions. Have we reached the limits of your intellect? My answers have not changed. There has been too many deaths of Israeli's and Palestinians. It is a good thing that no Israeli's have been recorded as being killed since October 16th. It would be a good thing if the Palestinian death toll also stopped increasing. Again, I will clearly state that Hamas should release all hostages immediately. Again I will clearly state that Hamas should unilaterally initiate a ceasefire and commence negotiations for peace. Can you clearly state that Israel should immediately and unilaterally implement a ceasefire and commence negotiations for peace? Every time you inanely ask the same answered questions from here on in I will be replying only with the above question as I am absolutely certain that you will not now or ever respond to it.
  8. From whom did Israel steal the land? What a terribly sad question to be asked by one, who I presume, believes themselves to be at least reasonably well educated. I am objecting to the reasons given for creating Israel. Israel's sole right to continue existing is that it exists. Much like abortions, at a certain point it becomes murder to kill the unborn child - Israel has passed that point and so has a right to exist. Hamas is not interested in compromise just as many Zionists are not interested in compromise. Should both sides accept being held hostage by their own extremist minorities? River to the sea and sea to the river, again, should both sides accept being held hostage by their own extremist minorities?
  9. You take your moral cues from leaders of terrorist organisations? Charming.
  10. Could be the birth year of their child, the year they graduated or first got laid, the point is it to label someone as an antisemite because of two digits in a username is ridiculous. But that is the level that you guys operate at isn't it. Someone prefers chocolate ice cream over vanilla = antisemite Someone ties their left shoelace before their right one = antisemite Someone once enjoyed a pilsner = antisemite
  11. Is this a joke? Your response to "the root cause of this conflict is about land" is to state that this "could not be more wrong" and then immediately follow up with the hatred of Jews arises from...... Jews who dare to form their country in the centre of Muslim lands. Yep, not about land at all. BTW - What on earth makes anyone think that Jews deserve a Jewish country? Can you name any other landless group in the world that deserves someone else's land to be illegally appropriated and handed over to them?
  12. Which posts, the ones where I've repeatedly stated I am an atheist?
  13. Religion summed up: If they can make you believe absurdities, they can make you commit atrocities.
  14. Again, you have failed to separate the general from the particular. There are a damn site more posts by your mate hurling baseless claims of antisemitism than there is of them calling out such nonsense.
  15. Close, but no cigar. The real evil in the world is muslims religion...“There’s no place to sit on a fence here. You’re either condemning it or you’re condoning it,”
  16. It is beyond ridiculous that you guys constantly act is if all has been explained, answered and resolved "back up topic". You post nonsense, misrepresent others and avoid like the plague every fact that does not align with your views. You've answered nothing here and provided zero value, in fact, you've done little more than labelled everyone antisemites and awarded each other meaningless emojis for doing so. The solution to Goldbach's conjecture..., "go back up topic and educate yourself'. 🤣🤣🤣
  17. Yes Bob, it is hard not to sink to the level of those surrounding oneself.
  18. The root cause is land. No land theft = no hostages = no dead babies on either side. There would not be millions of Jews / Israeli's in the Middle East if not for the bungled land theft post WW2. Israel has no legitimate claim to the land other than its current existence. This will not end until the Palestinians have what the Israeli's want for themselves - a homeland.
  19. No WMD’s then, just antisemites. 🤣🤣🤣
  20. C’mon, you really think America obeys international law? Where dem WMD’s at? 🤣🤣🤣
  21. 10 to 1 that is simply their birth year. Your eagerness to label people without sufficient evidence has debased all value of the slurs you are hurling about. I guess now you’ll have to try debating using facts and intellect instead. I already know how you’ll fare.
  22. Is it possible to name members who are constantly prattling on as if they were a high school hall monitor ratting on fellow students to get a pat on the head from authorities?
  23. If you truly believe that, then you have lost all humanity. You are in a cult. Anyone who thinks the deaths of so many innocents is a price worth paying for some land…, we’ll - it says all that needs to be said about such people. The casual dismissal of such a large scale human tragedy is Hamas level barbarism.
  24. American…, law…, morals. 🤣🤣🤣 Even in a thread with so much nonsense, this takes the cake. 🤣🤣🤣
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