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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. Oh no, it's more MISTER Mojo reading Israeli press.
  2. Lovely indeed. Eliyahu advocates carpet bombing Gaza, says there is no moral prohibition against killing civilians to save Jews. Lovely words form the former Chief Rabbi? Any of those consistently calling on others to denounce Hamas wish to take the opportunity to denounce this garbage? The floor is yours....
  3. Death toll passes 8000: Palestinian Ministry of Health The Palestinian Ministry of Health in Ramallah has now confirmed the number of people killed during Israeli strikes on Gaza since October 7 has risen past 8,000. 73 per cent of those killed are from vulnerable populations, including children, women and elderly people. https://www.news.com.au/world/middle-east/israelhamas-conflict-angry-mob-storms-major-airport-hunting-for-jews/news-story/771ede76128f055ae040482a4833849b
  4. The end of this war will not be something that Netanyahu is looking forward to. Dragging Iran in certainly benefits him, as it delays that day. Bibi's day of reckoning is coming, not from Palestinians or Arabs or Muslims, but from his own enraged Israeli citizenry. If he survives, he will be exiled to Florida. Maybe, just maybe Israel will give the left of centre parties a chance to find a peaceful resolution..., or will it be Yitzak Rabin redux.
  5. Technically, both sides are innocent until proven guilty. Realistically, both sides are guilty as sin. Until impartial investigations are complete, it is meaningless to debate as many are to set in stone to accept evidence that contradicts their own opinions. https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-gaza-war-crimes-icc-1a42212b95a7f6ce54909fb22e0d681d
  6. If I am apologising for Hamas and Islam, am I not then also apologising for Israel and Judaism given in every post I equate Hamas and the IDF (e.g. Hamsa = IDF)? Logic has to be applied consistently or it ceases to be logical.
  7. I don't recall, on which page? Because Israel are risking a ground invasion. Had the carpet bombing proved effective - no ground invasion required.
  8. Why is it so hard for you to simply admit reality? BOTH Hamas and the IDF are war criminals. BOTH Hamas and the IDF murder civilians.
  9. Yes. There are two sides to this. Two eerily similar sides when it comes to atrocities and crimes against humanity. Consistently apply the same standards to both sides and the "whataboutism" disappears.
  10. And you don't see the parallels with antisemitism? 🤷‍♂️ (I do believe I may very well wear out the shrug emoji on this thread)
  11. No evidence whatsoever of Israel doing anything other than baking cookies and giving flowers to Palestinains. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar. Any link to information that says otherwise is untrustworthy. I for one am astounded at the Palestinians lack of gratitude towards their loving overlords.
  12. Can't argue against such devastating intellectual brilliance. I'll give you an emoji. Well done.
  13. I certainly don't agree stone throwing boys should be met with lethal force. You said: homicidal genocidal misogynistic fanatic terrorist was getting ready to deploy a weapon at me
  14. No. It was an additional quote. And there is another after it. There is an unlimited supply of sources denouncing Douglas Murray. You don't seem to like the Muslim Council of Britain so I gave you The Conservative Party of Britain.
  15. Nobody would have an issue with you doing exactly as you state. Would you kill 3,000 kids, to at best, have a very limited impact on the bad guys?
  16. How can you guys be so selectively blind. How do you see this: Opposition to Islam does not mean hatred toward Muslims. But not this: Opposition to Israel does not mean antisemitism. How does one arrive at such an illogical and contradictory position? It is truly bewildering.
  17. I always add the italics to clearly separate my words from those copy and pasted. And your view on the copy and pasted content?
  18. No one has disputed that Iran supports Hamas financially, materially and politically (just as Netanyahu does/did). We haven't taken the first small step, you have caught up.
  19. To each their own: Murray has also been accused of being xenophobic, chauvinist and racist. His fans have described him as a defender of free speech. Murray has been accused of putting a socially acceptable face on what would otherwise be considered fringe ideologies. This sort of stuff is not for me: Douglas Murray’s objectively racist, extremely Islamophobic assertions are a matter of public record. He has said: “conditions for Muslims in Europe must be made harder across the board”, called Islam an “opportunist infection”, Muslims a “demographic time bomb” & that mosques should be “pulled down,” as documented in his notorious ‘What are we to do about Islam?’ speech. So profound is Murray’s Islamophobia that a former colleague of his has described him as a “thoroughly nasty piece of work full of venom and hatred for Muslims”, as someone who has a “perverse & deranged obsession with all things Islam related.” I wonder if one were to substitute Jew for Muslim in Murray's works if you would still find the man agreeable.
  20. It's evidence of indiscriminate Israeli carpet bombing of civilians.
  21. As far as I am concerned, all bombing of residential areas is carpet bombing. "Precision bombing" is the mother of all oxymorons. There is no such thing. There are 3,000 dead children irrefutably proving this to be true.
  22. I wish you would stop replying to me.
  23. They should, but it's not something terrorists are known for doing. It is Israel constantly claiming the moral high ground, why aren't their actions matching their words? They've killed far too many Jews and created a pretext for many, many more Palestinians to be killed by Israel. Have Israel killed too many kids yet? Should they stop the indiscriminate bombing?
  24. The commentary about Palestinians on this thread is a thousandfold worse than anything said about Israeli's or Jews. The playing field is far from level when it comes to what is deemed acceptable when discussing either side of this conflict. One person has, in your opinion, made an antisemitic comment and you then leap to the conclusion that all those opposed to you are antisemites who support Hamas. I'm getting flashbacks of the 1930's and 40's.
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