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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. They sure did. Keep working backwards. You'll find many more breaches by both sides. All the way back to the start of zionism in 1897.
  2. If I steal your car and then you later on repossess it - have you then stolen my car?
  3. There is no pay wall or sign in. Obviously getting things right is a bit difficult for you, but do try harder. Thanks.
  4. Basically, yes. But more than getting a reaction, the intention is to convey my personal moral position. Hiding behind technicalities when children are being blown to pieces is just not my style. The main difference with the use of terms such as apartheid, genocide and war crimes (no need for quotation marks) when discussing Israel is that they are pretty much main stream accepted facts. Google Israel and apartheid for example and you'll get over 29,000,000 results. In short: Carpet bombing = hyperbole Apartheid, genocide and war crimes = reality
  5. What are the current death tolls for each side? Can you include separate figures for innocent women and children? Also, why did Hamas launch the attack? Did Israel under PM Netanyahu help Hamas maintain control of Gaza? What are the potential war crimes being committed by each side? Has Israel used White Phosphorous bombs? What is the current view of the Israeli voter towards Netanyahu?
  6. Jew haters? 🤷‍♂️ All I can do is shake my head. How...., unsurprisingly wrong and pathetic.
  7. It appears that whether a particular act is a war crime or not depends upon who the perpetrator is.
  8. Easy. You don't create the conditions where an entire people see their only viable option for some sort of future is to turn to terrorism. You don't steal other people's land. You don't operate an apartheid system of government. You don't have a Prime Minister that supports a terrorist group to thwart a two state solution You don't ignore international laws. That's how.
  9. Where? When? Not even the Israeli's have that answer yet. In a post on social media platform X, Netanyahu wrote, "I was wrong. Things I said following the press conference should not have been said and I apologise for that. I give full backing to all the heads of the security arms." https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/benjamin-netanyahu-apologises-for-blaming-israels-security-services-for-october-7-hamas-assault/articleshow/104805564.cms
  10. Your guesses are worth zero. I'll hazard a guess and say due to the lack of legitimate military targets, the IAF literally just flew around and drop bombs anywhere they could get a kill to sate their desire for vengeance. Because the bombs hit residential areas. I was very clear that I was using the term carpet bombing based upon my own subjective view on the matter. It maybe hyperbolic, but the situation demands such language. If the roles were reversed and it was the Palestinians with US supplied state of the art weaponry levelling Israeli residential areas I would be saying the exact same thing about them.
  11. How have you arrived at that conclusion?
  12. I have never used the ignore button or report button. Never. Not once. Years and years debating with pro Thai junta numpties and I’ve never even been tempted to ignore someone. Guess what?
  13. What are you on about? How can you read the post you are responding too and arrive at the conclusions you have. 🤷‍♂️ It is absolutely nonsensical. Bizarre. What is wrong with you?
  14. Precision laser guided missiles and yet 3,000+ dead babies. How gullible (or prejudiced) does one have to be to hide behind such transparent idiocy.
  15. I use my own definition. One man’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter. Nelson Mandela died highly esteemed (deservedly) yet was involved in the odd bombing or two back in the day. What Israel is doing may escape official sanction via the defence of sharp tongued lawyers, that changes nothing for me. My morals enable me to know a war crime when I see one. Guilty!
  16. You know quite well you are on his ignore list so your post is a rather silly waste of time for everyone, including you. How old are you? Surely not an adult?
  17. Cookies and flowers, everything else is an antisemitic lie. Zero babies from either side is the only number that would make me happy. I can answer this question quite easily as many times as you ask it.
  18. Barbaric is how I described the beheading of babies. I will do you a favour and post the definition of barbaric as you clearly don't know what the word means. Just for you: If you describe someone's behavior as barbaric, you strongly disapprove of it because you think that it is extremely cruel or uncivilized. [disapproval] This barbaric treatment of animals has no place in any decent society. Synonyms: brutal, fierce, cruel, savage More Synonyms of barbaric.
  19. Nonsense. If Putin asks Ukrainians to leave before attacking does that make Russia's invasion of Ukraine "self defence"? If stopping Hamas is "self defence" why did Netanyahu support Hamas so staunchly.
  20. Give it a try. Read some pro-Palestine articles. Watch some pro-Palestine videos. Better yet, watch some interviews/debates where both sides are represented by well informed proponents.
  21. One man's carpet bombing is another man's right to defend themselves. Every single square inch of this topic has columns and columns of text promoting one sides views, whether truthful or not, and denouncing their opponents views, whether truthful or not, that only a fool would take anything at face value. Does the definition of the bombing really matter when the death toll of innocents is already so high. However the Israeli bombing is defined, whatever name is given to it, it does not change the fact that it is just as barbaric as Hamas cutting the heads off babies and burning families alive and gunning down festival attendees. A bloke, or a former Chief Rabbi? This article is over a decade old but it illustrates the fanaticism on both sides. Anyone who thinks their side is the good guys in this is 1000% wrong. Both sides are as awful as each other.
  22. So all Palestinians, from a very young age, are legitimate targets? Does the same logic apply to the victims of Hamas's terrorist attack?
  23. Yes. My agenda is to be accurately informed on the topic. That would be very hard to do without scouring reputable sources from all sides. Give it a try.
  24. Literally? I am not sure as I am not aware of the precise definition and how it is measured. Practically? Yes! As far as my personal opinion goes - any bombing of residential areas is carpet bombing. I guess it all comes down to the difference in our morals and how much value we place on human life, particularly if the humans being bombed don't look, sound or act like us. Lower your standards enough and I'm sure it is quite easy to see all types of bombing of "enemies" as acceptable, even agreeable. What of the fact that Hamas are not the only fanatics, that Israel also has it's own fair share of them, up to including Chief Rabbi's
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