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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. They fired a journalist for fabricating quotes. The Intercept has been criticized by both Republicans and Democrats,... Upsetting both sides of US politics, as far as I'm concerned, means you're on the right track.
  2. Another meaningless post. Why do you bother? Why don't you just ignore anything that doesn't interest you? My guess is, that 185 pages in, you have learned nothing. Do us all a favour and keep your pessimistic snide nonsense to yourself.
  3. No it's not. The more books cited the better. From both sides. I have already added "The Strange Death of Europe" to my reading list. The only reason to bother posting in forums such as this one is to learn, to test ones own beliefs and if the facts require it, change ones opinions. Only the small minded think they are here to "win". Here's an interesting link: https://www.vox.com/23924319/israel-palestine-apartheid-meaning-history-debate Read it, question what is being said and if you cannot refute it - change your opinion.
  4. From your link: Thanks for confirming The Intercept's credibility.
  5. Far right wing nonsense. https://theintercept.com/2018/12/25/strange-death-of-europe-douglas-murray-review/ Consider his “highly intellectual” status fully revoked.
  6. This post makes no sense. Post a link so we can understand what you’re on about.
  7. You’re right, all sides should just keep doing exactly what they have been doing.
  8. Best to eliminate the cause of the cancer, not just keep cutting out the tumours. Stop stealing land and agree to a Palestinian state and the cancer will disappear forever.
  9. Sounds like this bloke needs his “highly intellectual” status reappraised.
  10. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12684385/Israeli-prime-minister-Benjamin-Netanyahu-wife-Sara-decamped-luxury-mansion-deep-nuclear-bunker.html
  11. Oh no, I don't support Israel - better transfer it to the peace folder.
  12. Yes they do, they've even given the land a name - Israel.
  13. Who would eat them - most of the kids have been blown up.
  14. Give our land back and there will be peace.
  15. Best chance for that to happen is to simply stop the bombing. Hamas are trapped, they’ve no way out. There is no need to continue indiscriminately killing women and children.
  16. How about instead of supplies, just stop the bombing.
  17. Where’d you go Mikebike? 🤣🤣🤣
  18. Not going to be much use for the dead though is it?
  19. Hi Bob. What’s your point? Any book that tops a bestseller list is comparable to Mein Kampf? 🤷
  20. Go back and read it again - both my original post and the quote in your post, then come back and apologise. 😘
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