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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. Oh, so it is simply a comprehension issue on your behalf. Might do you some good to work on that.
  2. *Apologists. Where have you come across Hamas apologists? Not on this thread. There are only Israeli apologists and those that condemn both sides here.
  3. With any luck, the Shinawatra name is no longer enough to win the north and Move Forward are able to crush it at the next election.
  4. Thailand now has it’s very own George W Bush / Tony Blair.
  5. My understanding of what he thinks is that the efforts to bring the Hamas terrorists to justice should not include the indiscriminate murder of civilians. It seems Israel has forgotten a very important lesson: “Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche Fancy behaving so atrociously that large swathes of the world sees you as Hamas’s equal in depravity, criminality and inhumanity.
  6. Indeed…, Using rote learning is especially beneficial when it comes to teaching foundation skills. Building this strong foundation ultimately gives children the tools they will use in meaningful learning. It's a chance to begin to build higher-level critical thinking skills used in active learning.
  7. When haven’t they? https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/netanyahu-to-dutch-leader-this-war-is-civilization-vs-barbarism/
  8. It has denied them peace. Fanatics in power opposed to a two state solution rely on the blood of innocent Israelis being spilled to garner and maintain support for their theft of Palestinian land and oppression of the Palestinian people.
  9. Any other situations where you think it’s appropriate to blame the victims for the deeds of their murderers? Murder is what Hamas did. Murder is what the IDF is doing There is a huge disparity in the military strength of the combatants in this conflict. From all that I have read and seen so far, Russia have been far more law abiding and humane in their invasion of the Ukraine than the Israelis have been towards the Palestinian women and children they are killing by the thousands.
  10. If Israel is as civilised as they claim to be shouldn’t they value all lives equally regardless of what the Palestinians (or anyone else for that matter) does?
  11. So you are fine with Israel killing 1000 Palestinian, men, women and children, for every single individual Israeli killed? How hard is it to say that ALL people are equal?
  12. “Elimination of murderers of unarmed civilians, children, is the only answer” Agreed. It seems we are in sync that both the Hamas and the IDF terrorists should be eliminated. Glad to see you finally reject the dark side.
  13. IMHO - Hamas almost exclusively targets civilians, so no argument there. Israel certainly targets civilians - this much is obvious to anyone glancing at the Palestinian death toll. If Israel valued Palestinian civilian life they would have sent in Special Forces to root out Hamas and not (carpet) bombed Gaza from 10,000 feet. The Israeli's have clearly made the calculation that in order to minimise the number of IDF casualties they accept a high Palestinian civilian death toll. Whatever the actual numbers are (e.g. every 1000 Palestinian deaths reduces the IDF casualty rate by 1) - Israel have knowingly chosen that path. They have the right to operate in this fashion, but in choosing to do so, have zero claim to the moral high ground or elevated levels of civilisation. They are in the gutter with Hamas. BTW - "Precision bombing" is the mother of all oxymorons.
  14. Not a theocracy....? Not yet, however, give it a little more time and we'll see. It is certainly steaming ahead in that direction From the Jerusalem Post Lao Tzu once said, “If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.” Lately, it seems like Israel is heading in the direction of theocracy. https://www.jpost.com/opinion/article-728728
  15. Repeating inaccuracies only serves to highlight the weakness of your argument. Both Israel and Hamas are committing criminal acts against each other and against their own people without remorse - wouldn't you agree, or do you wish to apologise for one of these sides?
  16. I think the moderators should certainly be answering you. Post after post whingeing about others. You are not the arbiter of anything on this forum so stop wasting your and other peoples time with your off topic nonsense. Anyway, I thought you were quitting this thread. What happened?
  17. Reread the post. You'll note that I am critical of BOTH Hamas and Israel. I apologise for neither side. Unlike you, who misguidedly believe that there is a good side in this conflict. BOTH sides are committing inhumane acts of barbarity day after day, year after year. An Israeli life is worth no more or no less than a Palestinian life, don't you agree?
  18. Hamas kills civilians. Israel kills civilians. Identical.
  19. At any cost? How many dead civilians is acceptable to achieve the stated goal? Is the stated goal even achievable? If not, then isn't the murder of so many civilians pure evil? Senseless and indiscriminate murder. Anyone with an ounce of humanity disapproves of the slaughter of women and children.
  20. Hamas steals fuel. Israel steals land. Both sides are as terrible as each other.
  21. “Everyone uses the figures from the Gaza Health Ministry because those are generally proven to be reliable,” said Omar Shakir, Israel and Palestine director at Human Rights Watch. “In the times in which we have done our own verification of numbers for particular strikes, I’m not aware of any time which there’s been some major discrepancy.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/10/24/gaza-death-toll-palestinian-health-ministry/ https://www.newarab.com/news/was-biden-right-doubt-gaza-health-ministry-death-toll
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