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Posts posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. 7 minutes ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

    I agree with what he said when advising that Hamas decided that they would allow thousands of Gaza civilians to die when Israel retaliated, in order for their own political gain. What Hamas has done in Israel is a genocidel war crime, and what Hamas has done since then in Gaza is a genocidel war crime.  I think the world is beginning to realise that Hamas is a murderous terrorist organisations, and that they do not care how many Gaza civilians die in Israel's retaliation because that is what they wanted.  Israel is in a no win situation, unless they exterminate Hamas and re-occupy Gaza to control the Hamas sympathisers. IMO Israel will be doing the world a favour, if they continue their attack until they destroy the war criminals that are Hamas, and their supporters. The only alternative is the continuation of the current cycle of terrorism and retaliation, which has been going on for the 16 years since Israel left Gaza.  Israel will pause - Hamas will re-group - Israel will then continue their campaign. 

    Your thoughts on current world opinion are exactly wrong.


    This time, global public opinion firmly backs Palestinians, and Israel's inability to control the narrative is compounded by the Netanyahu administration's awareness of legitimacy loss and looming legal results for war crimes



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  2. 11 minutes ago, Morch said:


    So, nothing on offer other than slogans, that's great.

    Three very pertinent facts on offer:


    1. This war is a result of events prior to October 7th


    2. World opinion is rapidly turning severely against Israel


    3. Younger generations are particularly appalled at Israel’s wanton slaughter of defenceless people which bodes very badly for Israel’s future prospects

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  3. 50 minutes ago, Morch said:


    Propaganda how? The column isn't about exalting Israel's leadership. Not expecting you to have something cogent to say on things, but still - you've obviously haven't read it.


    It's second tier in the sense that at present it's largely ignored. Israel's offensive have been carried through, so far, without many concessions to the pressure applied by Western countries. One could argue there wasn't a whole lot of pressure applied anyway - but that would imply Western countries are not fully onboard with the Israel Bad narrative you push.


    All your hot words about Israel's guilt are just to mask what Hamas did, and what led to things being how they are. A bit different on October 6th.


    As for a two-state solution, if it somehow materializes in realistic manner - that's great. Doubt anything would happen half as fast as you seem to imagine or wish for.

    Yes, this all started on October 7th - nothing prior to that date had any impact on events that followed.




    World opinion against Israel and for Palestine grows day by day, more importantly, the youngsters overwhelmingly support a Free Palestine.


    Tick tock.

  4. 59 minutes ago, BarraMarra said:

    Can someone explain why Gaza has so many Hospitals compared to its size? A city like Newcastle upon Tyne only have 2.

    Need somewhere to treat the thousands of kids that (barely) survive the Israeli “precision” bombing.

  5. 2 hours ago, Morch said:

    Here's an opinion column I found interesting. Basically it's about how the 'rules' governing these clashes in the past do not apply this time - and the implications with regard to Hamas actions and options. The author, by the way, is often critical of the Israeli government's policies.


    Hostage deal, even if it fails, shows Hamas’s desperation


    Delusional propaganda.


    Its leadership registers Western discourse as a second-tier concern.


    No support from the West = no Israel.


    The prospects of a two state solution have never been greater - such is the catastrophic criminality of Israel’s unrepentant slaughter of innocent’s.


    Second tier.


    • Confused 1
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  6. Just now, Hanaguma said:

    Found a fascinating article from Honest Reporting. The photos in it show very clearly that none of the Hamas cowards were wearing any kind of discernable uniform when they were committing their crimes.  So, given that, how exactly is Israel to separate the Hamas from the innocent civilians? The terrorists revel in blending in with their own people, happy to make martyrs out of the unwilling.




    Here they are breaking in to the Kibbutz Kfar Aza, the scene of some of the more horrific atrocities from October 7:



    In the near future, Israelis will be queueing up to disown the crimes their government is currently committing.


    Netanyahu is a (politically) dead man walking, ditto his right wing nutter filled coalition.


    Israel is about to lurch left and rejoin civilised society.

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  7. The fish rots from the head!


    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been “destroyed emotionally” by his massive failure on national security and is now miscalculating by preparing to take overall control of Gaza’s security for an “indefinite period” after Hamas has been crushed, according to former leader Ehud Olmert.



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  8. 7 minutes ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

    You are an ******* if you believe any of the PR being sent out by the Pro-Hamas media.

    Just like they blamed Israel for the bomb that hit the hospital, when it was a Hamas accident - everything they say is a lie.

    They are all lies designed to make those silly people in the west who think they are merely 'independence fighters' seeking their own land.

    They are Islamic terrorists and what they want, and always wanted, is the removal of Israel and all Jews from 'the river to the sea'.

    Not one Jew lives in Gaza - that is a death sentance - but there are plenty of Aram Muslims in Israel living in there peacefully.

    These are not 'normal' Muslims who want peace - they are murdering Islamic terrorists - and you are a silly westerner they love to fool.


    Might be of some personal value if you were to turn your searing insight onto you’re own positions and possible gullibility.


    Perhaps tone down the raging prejudice first though, it tends to impede rational thought and educational prospects.

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  9. 1 minute ago, Wobblybob said:

    We only have Hamas word for that, which of course you hang on to every word they say. But of course the reason for this war is no concern to you because it is the Israelis that are fighting for their right to survive.

    Right to survive?


    You think a rag tag bunch of jihadists can end Israel, a state with full access to US funding and state of the art weaponry?


    The eternal victim card doesn’t play anymore.

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  10. 3 hours ago, ezzra said:

    What ? are you too blind to see or too dumb to see what is going on here? where are the so called 'freedom fighters' live and play the life of luxury and where are the poor Palestinians that are suffering the brunt of the stupid 7th October attack on Israel? what were they thinking? that Israel will not retaliate just because the Hamas has hostages? well, they were surly wrong...



    And where is Netanyahu’s son?

    • Haha 1
  11. 1 minute ago, Wobblybob said:

    Copy and paste.....copy and paste. 🥱🥱🥱 


    I wish it were that easy, however, as the Israelis keep killing Palestinian kids at a world record pace, the text has to keep being revised to the correct, higher, death toll.

  12. 1 hour ago, Morch said:


    Israel did not create the Hamas. That's another misleading bit of information you (and others on here) repeat.

    You are neither neutral nor unbiased, never mind credible.


    I don't care much what you pretend to feel, either.

    Israel did not create Hamas, Israel helped create Hamas:


    Hamas would not exist in its current form without Israeli involvement



    • Confused 1
  13. 7 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

    And the clip starts with the wheelchair being tipped on its back, nothing of what lead up to it. 


    Nothing of what led up to it?


    Why would that be important?


    After all, we’re 300 pages in of being told nothing before October 7 is relevant.






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  14. 8 minutes ago, Wobblybob said:

    If that's the best you can come up with, I wouldn't have bothered. Israel have opened humanitarian corridors for the Palestinians so stop banding nonsense words like "genocide" about, it is totally nonsense nor does it have the dramatic effect you seek!

    I can think of at least 4,104 Palestinian children who won’t be able to access the “humanitarian” corridor.


    So no genocide, okay.


    How about a little indiscriminate bombing of residential areas that kills innocent civilians at a rate unseen anywhere for decades - is that how we civilised folk should respond to “these people”?

  15. 4 minutes ago, Wobblybob said:

    I would have thought that was most obvious, but before I give you my thoughts can I suggest that you get down from that high horse you have and a change of tone to your posts would be most gratifying, other posters are sick of the way you like to patronise other posters. 

    I asked you the question first and yet you refuse to answer, these people are brainwashed, conditioned and programmed from birth to hate the Israelis and to irradicate Israel and the Israelis, when someone is brainwashed they are capable of any heinous vile crime. HTH

    How should we, the civilised good folk of the world deal with “these people”?


    Genocide perhaps?

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