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Posts posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. 4 minutes ago, Wobblybob said:

    You should be asking yourself why would a Palestinian terrorist cut out an unborn baby from its mother and then behead it and then behead the mother, and when you find the answers to this perverted sadism Grasshopper you will find your answer. 

    You tell me - why would a Palestinian terrorist cut out an unborn baby from its mother and then behead it and then behead the mother?


    Did this atrocity occur in a vacuum?


    Do tell.

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  2. 11 minutes ago, Morch said:


    It's not my task to prove your points. You made a claim, the blog piece you linked does not quite make it.

    A single incident is, in your mind, enough to make a general sweeping claim?

    Why so obtuse?

    You're flailing.


    Can you not understand “THIS” single incident has a different meaning to “A” single incident?


    I guess not.


    • Confused 1
  3. 5 hours ago, Morch said:

    Before some of you get all indignant, get on top of soap boxes, get into righteous rant mode and so on...


    Yes, and?


    That, indeed, what I have to say on the clip shown above. Not because I don't feel sorry for the guy in the wheelchair. Not because i think the soldiers didn't do wrong. Of course it's not right. Duh.


    But what was the point? To show that the IDF is not pure as snow? To demonstrate that the occupation in the West Bank can be brutal and is wrong? I've no issues with that. Said as much on more than one post. I think people thinking otherwise are clueless, or hopeless zealots.


    So what was the point, then? Does this scene imply Israel is totally in the wrong on everything? Does it justify the 7/10 Hamas attack? Does it make all the Palestinians into angels? The answers are no, no, and no.


    So what we're left with is a poor attempt to deflect. To make a not so subtle Israel-bad-therefore argument. Not particularly impressed, and certainly not convinced.


    News flash: Armies all over the world sometimes behave badly. Armies maintaining control over civilian populations maybe more so.


    So back to the original:


    Yes, and? What exactly are we expected to do with this information? To fold? To declare the utter rout of views? Just to remind - none of the so-called 'pro-Palestinian' crowd on here batted an eyelid, changed his point of view or anything close to that - not even after the 7/10 attack, which spin as you may was a tad worse than a guy in a wheelchair getting kicked.


    Have at it, ladies.



    Yes, the IDF is not as pure as snow and Madonna is not quite a virgin.



    Does this scene imply Israel is totally in the wrong on everything?


    Nobody said that.

    Does it prove that the IDF is a brutal occupier that treats the Palestinians in inhumanely? Sure does.
    What is your point, as long as the IDF isn’t 100% wrong you’re fine with their crimes? Very, very weak argument, then again look at what you are attempting to defend - this behaviour is exactly the sort of thing seen on October 7th.

    Does it justify the 7/10 Hamas attack?


    Nobody said that.

    It certainly proves that Israel created the environment that created the Hamas terrorists.

    I wonder what the ghosts of the Jews slaughtered by Hitler are saying as they witness the crimes that their kinfolk are committing?


    Does it make all the Palestinians into angels?


    Nobody said that.

    It certainly explains why the Palestinians aren’t angels.

    What would you do if it were your loved ones being treated as the IDF has treated these people?

    Apologise and make excuses for the IDF?

    Demonise the victims?


    Only the most awful of people could witness such inhumanity and not unequivocally condemn it.

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  4. 8 hours ago, Morch said:


    I think that the 'this single incident' pretty much makes my point.


    Only if you are unable to properly comprehend the written word. 

    It appears you have confused yourself into thinking that there has only been a “single incident” when in fact the “single incident” cited is being used as an example - i.e., it is one of many.


    So it exactly contradicts your point.

    • Confused 2
  5. 9 hours ago, Wobblybob said:

    I hope your imaginary Palestinian doesn't remain steadfast while the Israelis level his house. 

    Why would the Israeli’s level his house?

    Aren’t they using precision bombs and only targeting Hamas.

    Levelling innocent civilian housing would be consistent with committing genocide, and from what I’ve heard - Israel aren’t doing that.

    Could contain:

    • Haha 1
  6. 23 minutes ago, Morch said:


    What facts? Did you even bother reading what you linked?

    I sure did.


    One such case is the Illinois incident, where a 6-year-old Palestinian American boy, Wadea Al-Fayoume was fatally stabbed by his 75-year-old landlord, leaving his mother critically injured. The assailant shouted, “You Muslims have to die! You are killing our kids in Israel. You Palestinians don’t deserve to live.” 

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  7. 18 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


       Says you hating Israelis and loving Hamas in a news story about Hamas oppressing Israelis by invading them and murdering them

        Its a topsy turvey World out there 

    Not really.


    itI is actually a pretty logical world.


    When you’ve got Israeli ministers saying the sort of stuff quoted below, it is quite obvious events such as those that occurred on October 7th aren’t occurring in a vacuum.


    Israel's national security minister: “The right of me, my wife and kids to travel around the West Bank is more important than that of the Arabs. Sorry Mohammed, but that's the reality.” Israeli journalist Nir Gontarz said Ben-Gvir's comments were hardly surprising.

    https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/8/24/ben-gvir-says-israeli-rights-trump-palestinian-freedom-of-movement#:~:text=Israel's national security minister%3A “The,%2C but that's the reality.”&text=Israeli journalist Nir Gontarz said Ben-Gvir's comments were hardly surprising.


  8. 2 minutes ago, Morch said:


    Wow....a blog post, that's convincing.

    Yep, a blog with over 60 links to mainstream media outlets and international bodies in one article.


    Facts are facts, no matter how many messengers you feel obliged to shoot.



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  9. 9 minutes ago, Morch said:


    It didn't take so long. The correction was drowned in a sea of 'pro-Palestinian' propaganda, that's all. Same thing you done on this topic.

    If you are not careful, the news will have you hate the oppressed and love the oppressor.

    • Like 1
  10. 5 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


       The IDF immediately  stated that they cannot confirm the reports and BTW , its not Countries duties to confirm or deny every media report .

       Israel doesn't have to comment on every allegation or media report and considering the carnage and chaos happening at the time , Israel probably wasn't aware of whether it was true or false .

       Have Hamas corrected their false information yet about the Israeli missile hitting the hospital ?

    If you want to maintain credibility, you behave honestly.


    Israel lied, repeatedly.


    Hamas lied too, that doesn’t excuse Israel’s lying.

    • Like 2
  11. 2 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


       As for the claim that Hamas is innocent of beheading babies, it came from a misunderstanding during testimonies from a rescue team. They told a journalist, Nicole Zedeck, they found “babies with their heads cut off.”. The journalist was also told “they believed 40 babies/children were killed”.

    Those two information got mixed up, and it became “40 babies were beheaded” and because it’s not the whole truth, some media used it as a proof that Hamas was innocent.

       What is telling is that Hamas supporters falsely accuse Israel of spreading false information , pointing fingers and wrongly accuse Israel of deceit , whilst it was Hamas that spread false information about the Hospital that got hit and the 500 children killed there by an Israeli bomb, whilst they know it was one of their misfiring bombs that killed the Childfen

        You lot were the people epreading false information 

    Why did it take Israel so long to correct the misinformation?

    • Like 1
  12. Just now, Yellowtail said:

    Okay, what is the Secretary General of the U.N.'s definition of a child? 

    Try as you might, you are still unable to come up with anything but lying about murdered children. 


    That you proudly proclaimed the October 7 hamas atrocities as morally equivalent to what the IDF is doing says all that need to be said about you. 





    The U.N. Secretary General’s definition of a child obviously aligns with the thousands and thousands of dead bodies left in Israel’s wake.

  13. 2 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

    For the sake of honest discussion, please define "kids".


    Again, anyone, kids included, fighting with hamas, or helping hamas in any way is a terrorist. 


    Any kids not fighting with hamas, and not helping hamas in any way are not terrorists and they should evacuate with their parents. If their parents are terrorists and the kids are not, then the kids should evacuate without their parents. If the parents are terrorists and keep children with them, then the death of the kids is a tragedy, but it is the fault of the parents. not the IDF.  


    "Elections have consequences."

    Are you suggesting the the Secretary General of the U.N. doesn’t know what the definition of a child is?


    Try as you might, justifying murdering innocent children is never going to be a successful endeavour in this day and age.

    • Confused 2
  14. Let’s not completely ignore the fact that Israel has had the power and initiative for decades now, and this is the result. Hamas is crazy, but the conditions that created Hamas were created by Israel.


    October 7th was effectively an own goal by the Israeli’s

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  15. 24 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

    It's not a difficult question, and who has refused to answer it? Anyone fighting with hamas, or helping hamas in any way is a terrorist. 


    If you are maintaining the generator supplying hamas with electricity, you are a terrorist. 



    Even the kids?


    GAZA, Nov 6 (Reuters) - Gaza is becoming a "graveyard for children", U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres said on Monday



    • Confused 2
  16. 31 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:


    Still waiting to be informed as to who verified the Palestinian numbers on this chart  ??



    Two days later, in an unusual move this early in a conflict and seemingly in response to Biden’s remarks, Gaza’s Ministry of Health released a listcontaining the names and identity numbers of the nearly 7,000 people it says have died in the conflict so far. 

    Historically, the Gaza Health Ministry’s figures have been found largely accurate. News organizations, human rights groups, and international governments and bodies (including the United Nations) cite them in the moment; and human rights groups that have worked to verify the ministry’s data in previous conflicts have found it generally reliable. 



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  17. Far-right minister: Nuking Gaza is an option, population should ‘go to Ireland or deserts’

    He says the northern Strip has no right to exist, adding that anyone waving a Palestinian or Hamas flag “shouldn’t continue living on the face of the earth.”


    He backs retaking the Strip’s territory and restoring the settlements there. Asked about the fate of the Palestinian population, he says: “They can go to Ireland or deserts, the monsters in Gaza should find a solution by themselves.”



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