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Posts posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. 2 minutes ago, BarraMarra said:

    He knows full well Morch just trying to get a reaction so he can carry on disrupting the Thread. At least Israel acknowledged they struck the Camp and explained why.

    And that helps the dead how?

  2. 10 minutes ago, BarraMarra said:

    Your lucky i'm responding to you MoJo most on here have had enough of your nonsense and have stopped responding to you. but eventually, the ones responding now will tire of your behavior and see you for what you are a disruptive influence.

    I don’t feel lucky.


    Try not responding to me, may be that will do the trick.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Morch said:



    Even the link provided explains why the airstrikes were carried out.









    The question being answered wasn’t why the airstrikes were being carried out or if they were justified (probably not) - the question was were there airstrikes before October 7th and the answer is yes.


    Your too eager to score a point to take the time to properly understand what you are responding to.


    It won’t be long until you’re like that Barra  bloke and responding to yourself.

    • Confused 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, Morch said:



    I do not think they IAF specifically targeted civilians, though, and (could have missed it) not clear what was attacked and why.


    Nowadays, seems like the IDF is doing better in terms of responding to such questions, but not this time.

    Hopefully more details will be released.


    I was wondering about them safe zones, and whether they wouldn't be choice locations for Hamas to launch rockets from, regroup etc.

    Don't know if that was the case though.

    Ooh, look at you struggling to find an excuse for more war crimes.



  5. 2 minutes ago, BarraMarra said:

    As usual the old Deflection card.

    You asked if there were air strikes before October 7, I posted a quote and link showing that there was airstrikes before October 7 and you then say it’s a deflection.




    You either don’t understand what deflection means or you don’t understand your own questions, either way…




  6. 3 minutes ago, BarraMarra said:

    Who this who that join in with the debate and the Topic? If you do not want to debate the topic leave it to the ones debating " Israel is at War " MoJo.


    Hard to comprehend what you’re attempting to say.


  7. Just now, BarraMarra said:

    A question I have asked many times on this thread but is never answered so i will ask again. Prior to 7th of Oct. Were Air strikes and the casualty figures we see every day being carried out by Israel before the 7th.

    Because it’s a stupid question.


    Were there air strikes - yes there were.

    September 25 2023:


    NOUR SHAMS REFUGEE CAMP, West Bank (AP) — Israeli airstrikes struck militant sites in Gaza on Sunday for the third straight day, the Israeli military said, after Palestinian militants near the border fence launched incendiary balloons into Israel and threw an explosive at soldiers. The strike came on the heels of an Israeli military raid in the northern West Bank that Palestinian health officials said killed two Palestinians.




    Perhaps if there had been no air strikes before October 7th there wouldn’t have been so much death and destruction since then.

  8. 7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Israel is at war for the survival of their nation state. They are surrounded by hostile enemies on three sides (with support from Iran).

    War is hell but Hamas started this war and Israel didn’t want it but now they must fight it.

    Israel must make many hard war time decisions and trade offs including about hostages and human shields of legit targets.

    In the fog of war Israel will make some mistakes, some horrible.

    But a war is not a garden party  Hamas chose this war.


    Who chose occupation?

    Who chose expansionary settlements?

    Who chose apartheid?


  9. 2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Israel isn't a theocracy either.

    Israel is responding to a barbaric terrorist massacre just as any country would do.



    There is a raging debate inside Israel as many Israeli’s fear the country is precipitously close to becoming a full fledged theocracy.


    Lao Tzu once said, “If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.” Lately, it seems like Israel is heading in the direction of theocracy.



  10. 1 minute ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:



    By misfiring rockets from Palestinian Islamic Jihad; yes, tragic indeed.

    Probably not true, may be try a quick fact check on yourself.

    Surely you wouldn’t want be to think you’re posting pork pies would you?

    • Confused 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Morch said:


    The explanation for such things was discussed numerous times by now. That you either refuse to accept facts, or unable to learn them is obvious.


    Civilians are not offered 100% protection by international laws regarding the conduct of war. There are many situations in which such protections can be ignored. For example, if the target is used for military purposes. In that case, the violation would actually be with the side having civilians on the premises. Further, even with clear knowledge that civilians will be hurt or killed, what determines the right to attack is the significance of the target relative to expected casualties.


    Now, you can go on one of your fiery fact-free rants and toss blame and scorn all about. That's what you do. But Israel did not set up these rules. You don't like it? Go on a campaign to change the rules.


    Not everything that you cry 'war crime' about is actually a war crime.


    As for your last line - wait for it. How many of the casualties were Hamas operatives? How many civilians? How verified are the reports?

    So Israel knowingly bombs civilians and Hamas are the only bad guys.

    Got it.

  12. 2 hours ago, Morch said:

    So 7/10 was 'merely heated'? Do go on about how you do not support Hamas agenda, after this minimization attempt.


    Yep, went from a tepid war to a hot one.


    If being factual qualifies as supporting Hamas, then sign me up.

    2 hours ago, Morch said:

    There are no Israeli terrorists in this war. Other than in your warped posts.


    I would posit that there are actually more Israeli terrorists than there are Palestinian ones. 

    2 hours ago, Morch said:

    There was no such blanket condemnation of both sides as you claim.

    Where did I claim such a thing?


    There should be and there isn’t, perhaps one of the top three things I’ve argued for over the last 200+ pages.


    You can’t even bring yourself to condemn 4,000 (or is it 5,000 by now) innocent children being blown to pieces.

  13. 30 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:


    I have seen a lot of comments on this thread defending, excusing, deflecting, and even trying to justify the atrocities carried out by the terrorist government of Gaza, Hamas; but you are saying that Israeli civilians were possibly not killed on 7/10, but the accusation was said over and over again to make it true.


    And you had the temerity to start your comment with “in fairness” …. after which you then proceeded to promote yourself as the thread’s number one apologist for Hamas. shame on you.


    No you haven’t.


    Show a single post where anyone has justified Hamas’s terrorism.


    Why not just be honest?

    Make your points, but be honest.

    Its not hard.

  14. 5 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:


    I’m sure it will, which is why Hams hides behind its civilian population, and builds its command centres under hospitals, schools, and nurseries; anyone that understands the ideology of Hamas knows that they actively want more Palestinian civilians killed, especially children.


    It is a war crime to place military installations in, or under, any such facilities, but it should be obvious to even their most ardent supporters that this is a deliberate act and they care not a jot for the poor terrified civilians whose welfare they are responsibility for.

    All of this is known, by all.

    And yet Israel does what?

    Hook, line and sinker.

  15. 2 hours ago, Morch said:


    Because Lebanon.

    Because Iraq.

    Because a one-state solution is not a thing.


    Could you possibly get back to the topic?



    If a one state solution is not a thing and a two state solution is not a thing - what is the solution?


    Carpet bombing?

  16. 13 minutes ago, bobbin said:

    The Truth?  555


    Go on..double down.


    It's not an ad hominem attack to tell someone they don't know what they are talking about!

    Don’t wade into the quagmire.

    Best to trust your gut and move on.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  17. 53 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

    Yes, restraint. Relative to what they could do if they chose.  So, if the bombing campaign is not the path to victory for Israel, what is YOUR winning strategy for eliminating Hamas? It is easy to sit on the sidelines and criticize, but time to get in the game with your path to victory.

    “What they could do”



    They can do only what the US permits them to do.


    No unilateral US support = no Israel.

  18. 4 minutes ago, proton said:


    Hamas call for Jews to be attacked worldwide


    The most important thing: He asked all Muslims around the world to carry Jihad by their souls; to fight and be martyrs for Al-Aqsa. He wants Muslims to fight against the Jews,



    Oh yeah?

    Results are kind of skewed though aren’t they.

    All the deaths have occurred on stolen land.

  19. 2 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

    Let's recap the bidding:


    On October 7, Hamas invaded Israel, murdered over 1,000 civilians, and kidnapped others.


    Israel responded by trying to crush Hamas.


    The Israeli response was predictable. Hamas could have prepared by building shelters for Gaza civilians.


    Instead, Hamas is allowing Gazans to serve as collateral damage.


    So, why didn't Hamas build shelters for the people of Gaza?

    Interesting starting point.


    I do seem to recall the UN Secretary General uttering something about a “vacuum”.


    Anyway, Hamas wants a high civilian death toll - this is common knowledge.


    Israel doesn’t get a free pass to commit atrocities because their opponents commit atrocities.


    Why are you only condemning one side?


    History will view those condoning Israel’s war crimes very harshly.

    • Like 1
  20. 35 minutes ago, Morch said:


    If you see the body in question and organization tied with it as biased, it may come to this.

    Not too hard to understand.

    Yeah, that’s what the Dictators say.

    Must be true.

  21. 46 minutes ago, Wobblybob said:

    Hatred of Jews, they killed their prophet Muhammad remember. Remember topic is from the 7th.

    So why do they only target Jews in Israel for their attacks?


    Why not Jews elsewhere in the world if the issue is some 7th century nonsense?


    Why are you so afraid to speak the simple truth?

    • Confused 1
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