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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. It appears this guys uncertain political future may very well be as the new PM (MF currently sitting at 144 seats)
  2. Could be some interesting times ahead for the military. Exit poll project huge wins for MFP in Bangkok Candidates from the MFP are projected to win in nearly all of Bangkok’s 33 constituencies, according to an exit poll by the National Institute of Development (NIDA), a think tank.
  3. The entire population of the UK could have voted for the Monster Raving Looney Party in 2019 if they so desired and the result would have been a MRLP government. Don’t blame the system for the electorates apathy and greed. If a sufficient number of Thais vote for UTN for them to legitimately win enough seats to form government, then a UTN government is the only acceptable outcome. Methinks you do nothing but point the finger as to who or what is wrong / criminal / stupid whenever there is an outcome that does not align with your desires. Perhaps you will find it more productive to turn your gaze upon yourself, spend a minute or two in honest self reflection - could this be the path towards inner peace and happiness (constantly lying about Thaksin will never get you there).
  4. You continue to underestimate people. In a democracy, people mostly get the government they deserve. In the UK, a democracy, the people have many choices - that they continue to vote for the same two parties is their choice. I believe that in this day and age, if people want the truth, they have the resources available to find it. I also believe that far too many people don't want the truth, they only want to hear (mis)information that supports their already held views and opinions (sound familiar?). "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars but in ourselves that we are underlings."
  5. That's not true. In the 2019 UK election 3,415 candidates stood: 206 being independents, the rest representing one of 68 political parties.
  6. The fact that people are embarrassed to publicly admit they support Prayuth is yet another indicator of democracy’s victory. It would seem that last, solitary, lonely outpost where there remain unashamed Prayuth supporters is here, on the Aseannow boards in threads mentioning the devil himself… Thaksin. ????????????
  7. Because all the clean politicians are either yellow shirts or military meaning all those dastardly crooked politicians can only find a home with the opposition (geez, how dumb are the Thai people to keep voting for crooks when they could instead be voting for the pure saint like figures in the junta). BTW - after Sunday you’ll have to start referring to them as the government as they will no longer be the opposition.
  8. Them days are gone… consigned to the history books now. Who are you going to cheer for now? Apirat? Good luck with that.
  9. You'll see the minute the boys in green start acting like they still own the country. The kids will not be as their forefathers were.
  10. By the people. Expect street mobs to cower the military from here on in.
  11. In every way, the 2019 election was rigged from the start, and in many ways, this election is still being rigged since the junta-drafted charter is still in effect, the appointed senate is still in power, and we still have the same EC members. An eye opening statement for some that trawl these boards I’m sure.
  12. Guessing there is going to be quite a few rabid Thaksin haters absent from this thread.????
  13. Oh well, better call of the election then, some random traffic cop has spoken.
  14. It teaches them how to be domestic servants for Generals wives or gets them beaten to death during hazing. Thailand does not need a standing military force of 500,000 and it certainly doesn’t need over 1,000 Generals. Cut the numbers, cut the budget and spend the money on something that benefits society.
  15. To be specific, the charges against Thaksin were based on Section 100 of the National Counter Corruption Act (NCCA), which specifies that “government officials and their spouses are prohibited from entering into or having interests in contracts made with state agencies under their authorization.” However, Section 4 of the Act indicates that “persons committing malfeasance must be direct supervisors of the damaged party”, in this case, the FIDF. At the time, Bank of Thailand Governor Pridiyathorn Devakula was the direct supervisor of the FIDF, not Thaksin. Furthermore, Section 29 of the Bank of Thailand Act of 1942 specifically stated that the Prime Minister “did not have jurisdiction to oversee the FIDF” and that “those managing the fund had sole authority for policies, control, oversight, and regulations governing the agency.” Even with such clear logical facts in their faces, the Supreme Court (which, by the way, lacks any democratic legitimacy) still had the nerve to claim that Thaksin was a “de facto” supervisor of the fund and sentence him to two years of imprisonment. One has to wonder what the point of having Section 4 of the NCCA is, if the court is to look at “de facto” supervision. Of course, this allegation of “de facto” supervision does not even hold water in this case, precisely due to Section 29 of the Bank of Thailand Act of 1942, as explained in the previous paragraph.
  16. When it comes to Thaksin’s “convictions”, you’ve made no worthwhile comment to date, just baseless allegations. You of course will not cease offering up inaccurate and false commentary on this topic and then scurrying away every time someone calls you out on the nonsense. Go figure. ????????????
  17. Exactly. Never forget the brave souls who stood up to a military (using live ammunition on its own citizens) to demand democracy for all Thais. Without the heroes of 2010 Thailand would not now be holding an election to turf out the military crooks.
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