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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. Nonsense. PTP have issued a statement they are 100% behind MF. Your junta fantasies are just that - fantasies.
  2. Knocking Thaksin off his perch is a tremendous accomplishment. The idiot Yellows will soon be dreaming of the days under Thaksin as move Forward begins implementing policies far far more progressive than anything Thaksin ever dared (or wanted). They’re going to be wishing they stuck with the devil they knew.
  3. How do you navigate life in Thailand taking everything translated into English literally? The answer is of course you don’t. You're being pedantic here because you can’t bring yourself to comment on Chuwit’s actual message. Go on, try it, I dare you… Do you think the Senators should accept the result of the election? Can you answer?
  4. The article is the evidence. I find it fascinating that every pro democracy utterance is dissected down to its minutiae by you junta fans whilst at the same time pro junta ridiculous nonsense at odds with reality is accepted as rock solid fact without an ounce of scrutiny. Move Forward’s governance is going to be a nightmare for you guys.
  5. In your rushed and impulsive need to support the junta, you have perhaps locked in on a too narrow a definition of inspire. Inspire also means to motivate and influence - in this case, by speaking up loudly and publicly, Chuwit is doing both and setting an example for a population that has been too long cowered by these greedy old fools.
  6. “I believe Thai people nationwide know he has done so much for the country and that he has never been tainted by anything – no corruption whatsoever.” Reminds me of Baghdad Bob
  7. What drivel. Completely made up nonsense with zero truthful or factual content. Why do you bother?
  8. Nonsense. Preferential voting is the fairest system there is. What distorts things in Oz is the difference in the size of electorates (smallest 71k largest 133k). The less populated rural electorates have votes approaching double the value of their urban counterparts.
  9. And then what? Lose every single vote in the lower house. Simply won’t happen.
  10. Minority government is impossible without enough votes to guarantee supply. The result, should they be foolish enough to attempt it, would be an almost immediate election - the result of which would be an even greater MF / PT victory. And it would all (cost, frustration, anger) be blamed on one man - Anutin.
  11. Call his bluff. Force him to choose between democracy and coups. Whichever he opts for - he shall be marked for life. Tell him to go ask Abhisit how it worked out for him.
  12. Yes. MF coalition = 308 seats BJT = 70 seats Half (plus 1) of 750 = 376
  13. It turns out the only way to end the cycle is to let the military run the country under their own constitution for 9 years… their ineptness has unified the people as they have never been unified before. Next election the military vote will be even more dismal than the pathetic showing they had on Sunday. Done and dusted.
  14. Interesting decision ahead for Bumjaithai. Do they side with the pro-democracy parties with their 70 seats being enough to get Pita over the threshold without a single Senators support; or do they side with the military and deny Pita and then have to face the voters at the next election as an outed pro-military party and undoubtedly lose seats? Abhisit faced a similar choice back in 2008, he turned his back on democracy, chose the military and in doing so destroyed his career, destroyed his party and went a long way towards destroying the country. What will Anutin do?
  15. Abhisit destroyed Thai democracy and the Democrat Party with his quivering, spineless, lying and inept political career. Pita is everything Abhisit isn’t. Bully for Thailand.
  16. You, at some point, are going to have to wake up and accept reality - Prayuth is gone, finito, done and dusted. You are unfortunately going to have to spend the rest of your days in Thailand suffering under democracy.
  17. The Thai military were less corrupt? The lesser evil? ???????????? These guys have got history, corruption is in their DNA https://www.motherjones.com/politics/1993/05/motherjones-mj93-course-corruption/
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