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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. One cannot begin to imagine what is going to be uncovered in the coming months as PM Pita and his colleagues take the reins of power.
  2. Dead and buried already. They turned their backs on democracy and got into bed with the junta. They are now irrelevant. Karma eh?
  3. Whatever credibility your arguments / opinions may hold are only further diminished by supporting this sort of nonsense. The junta needs to accept defeat, go away and improve, come back and contest the next election by presenting a better version of themselves to the voters - don’t be a sook and a coward by cheating after you have lost fairly and squarely.
  4. Protecting the nation from…. Its own citizens! ????
  5. Your desperation is showing. ????????????
  6. Explicit confirmation of their pro democracy credentials.
  7. Correct. Bhumjaithai have just done exactly that. Stating they could never join a coalition that would amend 112, they have declined an invitation they never received.
  8. Move Forwards motto is to “demilitarise, demonopolise and decentralise Thailand”. They have had an awful lot to say about alcohol restrictions and monopolies - expect better wine days ahead.
  9. Look at the results of those institutions - one of the most unequal societies on the planet and it’s still heading in the wrong direction getting worse and worse.
  10. It was a rigged election. You are either honest or you are not. Do you support a new, fair referendum for a new constitution? A poll from July had seen a majority of voters in favour. However, in many cases "yes" votes were not real indicators of support for the new text but rather for quick elections, as the ruling Council for National Security (CNS) has stated that approval of the new constitution was a requirement for holding parliamentary elections later that year.[5] Had the draft been rejected, the military government would have had the freedom to choose any previous constitution to adapt and promulgate instead. The turnout was around 60%
  11. 6 party coalition bro, it’s actually closer to 27 million. BTW - Prayuth ever say anything misleading? (hint: there will be no coup)
  12. No need to call, the people will do as required, when required on their own volition.
  13. The junta are down by 5 goals with 10 seconds left in the game. Its over. It’s just a matter of going through the motions now. The outcome, however, is set in stone.
  14. They won’t include any party who was in the previous government.
  15. Not saying, responding. I think there is value in correcting falsehoods at the earliest available opportunity lest the cancer be allowed to spread.
  16. Democracy has just dealt the death blow to the disease Thailand has been inflicted with, time to celebrate.
  17. What do YOU think is the right thing to do? 1. respect election 2. ignore election
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