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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. He is the leader of a motivated mass movement that will only grow in numbers as the demography shifts towards younger generations. Who, right now in Thailand, could call the people to the streets and have that call answered by perhaps a million souls?
  2. Times change. Pita has been drawing large crowds nearly everyday AFTER the election. He is already the most powerful person in Thailand. Not sorry to say - he will be PM in short order.
  3. Perfect way to celebrate the coup anniversary. The 10 year anniversary should be celebrated by indicting the criminals who participated in the coup.
  4. You’re endorsement of this sad, inept, complicit and cowardly man is a savage indictment against him.
  5. Military lost 6 people. Civilians lost 80+ people with over 2100 wounded The 2008 coup led directly to the 2010 bloodshed. There has only been 1 “bloodless” coup after 2010 (how surprising you once again get a simple fact wrong).
  6. How are they acting like spoilt brats? They are getting on perfectly fine with their coalition partners, the only issue is the UNELECTED Senators. Why should anyone compromise with unrepresentative swill? Given that the MF coalition controls nearly 2/3s of the lower house seats, I’d say the people are pretty well united. What percentage of people did not vote for Prayuth? (Hint, starts with a 9)
  7. What good are tanks that cannot be used. The junta has been checkmated. It is over.
  8. a) pro junta is your side - if you are unsure, just go and read your posting history. b) The private sector, like nearly every other Thai, simply want the incompetent, inept and corrupt junta gone - at any price.
  9. What garbage. There is no safety net here. Things go wrong and Thais have nothing but family to rely on. It is much worse here. History (2001 election of Thaksin) says that democratically elected governments can make massive positive impacts on the nation such as: reducing poverty, paying off government debt, increasing healthcare access for all, kick starting rural development, reducing the suicide rate, increasing minimum wages, decreasing inequality etc. etc. Your dreams of continued junta rule are just that - dreams.
  10. Nonsense. The people finally have their foot on the throat of the elites - time to ram the victory home.
  11. D-e-s-p-e-r-a-t-i-o-n. You have lost. The quicker you get through the denial phase, the better off you will be. Time to enjoy life in a democracy.
  12. It all pales into insignificance when weighed up against the cost inflicted on the nation by a decade of incompetent junta governance. The measures mentioned in this article are just the beginnings of the massive inequality that the junta defends and profits from being addressed.
  13. He is just adding to the public pressure for the Senators to do the right thing. These are his views garnered through his position as head of the TCA - a position one expects has significant dealings with many many private sector operators. I find it hilarious that you are questioning this guys commentary when every time some bozo says “my wife heard” and then prattles on with some nonsense about how evil Thaksin is, you swallow it hook, line and sinker without a single moment of considered thought. Its over, your side lost, Pita will be PM and Thailand will be a democracy - enough with the desperation.
  14. Nonsense. The law has been written in such a way to allow it to be easily abused.
  15. So 99% of the worlds scientists and experts in climate related fields are all conspiring against science and facts to hopefully turn a buck in green energy? Ultracrepidarian springs to mind.
  16. The fossil fuel and clean(er) energy industries each have different externalities. What do you think is the motivation of wanting to move away from fossil fuels to clean(er) energy?
  17. Destroying the planet benefits who? Oil profits can <deleted> off - I’d rather not have any extinction level climate catastrophes… seems to me to be slightly more important than Exxons quarterly report numbers.
  18. You could not be more wrong, which, to be honest, is par for the course with you Thaksin obsessives. Prayuth and the military are extremely conservative - they want all things to stay as they are, the rich getting richer and remaining above the law whilst the poor continue to wallow in misery in silence. MF are the most progressive party - they are at the opposite end of the spectrum to the conservatives and unlike Thaksin, they have no interest in coexisting with the “establishment”. MF is terminal to the elites way of life, PT is not. BTW - Prayuth is now irrelevant, as such, his acceptance or non acceptance of anything is irrelevant.
  19. Abhisit is where he belongs - lost in irrelevancy due to his ineptness and treachery to Thai democracy.
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