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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. The economy hasn’t collapsed, but it has most certainly underperformed due to incompetent and corrupt coup leadership. How silly are you? Willing to accept third rate results so long as your bigoted views are dictated to the masses by usurpers. Talk about cutting of your nose to spite your face. ???????????? The Thailand you imagine does not exist anymore, the people are wiser and your type of nonsense has been consigned to the history bin. Good riddance.
  2. I am always fascinated just how at odds with reality and truth people allow themselves to become in order to stubbornly remain convicted to their erroneous beliefs. The current government are a bunch of thieves who are conning the public. The current government came into being by causing, supporting and funding endless riots. The Thai people are going to be the judge of who is worthy to lead the country by casting their votes in the upcoming election. The result is going to be decisive. I am sure the Thai people have enough good sense to reject vile and degenerate influences whenever such things raise their head (or do you think so little of Thais that you believe they must be oppressed and subjugated under an unrepresentative and unelected regime in order to resist becoming vile and degenerate?) After the landslide election win by the pro democracy Thais, will you have the internal integrity to reflect upon your misguided nationalistic nonsense? I think not, I think you'll instead be cheering on and promoting another coup (by the losers who just keep on losing). Good luck with that.
  3. Prayuth's reign has been so dismal, so appallingly abysmal that the days of rightwing minority coups are over. The last eight years have proven one thing - anything and anyone is better than Prayuth and the military. Democracy is now here to stay. Your dreams of another coup will remain just that - dreams. So you heading down to the airport to join the heroes welcome for Thaksin next month?
  4. So Thais who disagree with you are not "thinking Thais"? Do you think Thais are too dumb to vote? Your constant diatribes against the West don't disguise the fact that you hold a great many of your fellow Thais in contempt. You are in the minority. People with your views have derailed Thailand's progress. Your time is over. You have failed. The majority of Thais are about to make what they want abundantly clear. Bye bye Prayuth.
  5. The rules weren’t made to be broken; the rules were made to be selectively applied to ensure the right people “win”.
  6. Wrong. You’ve cherry picked a couple of aberrations and pretended that they are the norm (quite dishonest of you there old chap). Polling is invariably within the margins of error (recent years have seen a step learning curve for pollsters coming to terms with technological changes and their impact on how we now live and communicate. There is also the embarrassment factor, closeted fascists are to ashamed to tell pollsters that they support the likes of Prayuth or Trump, thus throwing out polling results). What do the Thai people want? We’ll know soon enough (May 14th) Do you plan on being amongst the crowds to meet Thaksin at the airport next month after his daughter wins the election?
  7. Thankfully, for Thailand and its people, your views are in a resounding minority. Thailand’s future, under elected governments, will be nothing more and nothing less than a full throated enduring embrace of all things Western. You sound like someone who China or perhaps North Korea would be a much better fit than the land of smiles (maybe even Russia). Nationalism is the last refuge of scoundrels.
  8. You are living in denial. The election is going to be won in a landslide.
  9. Correction. Coups were a fact of life. Thailands problems are self made my friend, no amount of right wing nationalist nonsense spouted by you will change the fact that Thais do not want rigid hierarchies and forced submission…. they want iPhones and McDonald’s.
  10. Nope. Their is used correctly. All Thais are included when I state it is their country (not just those that think they own the place and oppress the rest with guns and rigged courts). Thailand is one of the most unequal nations on the planet. Your cherished conservative values have resulted in millions and millions of Thais wallowing in poverty unnecessarily - for decades. Times are changing. Prayuth is toast. You’ve already seen the last successful coup in Thailand. Better start getting used to living under that horrible Western creation called democracy and all of the free speech and equal treatment under the law that comes with it.
  11. Then you’ll be voting with a very very small minority. The Thai people will decide what they want THEIR country to become. I get the feeling most no longer wish to be considered mere dust under anyone’s feet… how ghastly that you oppose basic human rights being bestowed upon ALL citizens.
  12. If denying A leaves B as the only option, then yes, you are a supporter of B. (C and D do not exist). And some have the gall to label Thai voters as dumb.
  13. After almost a decade of undemocratic military rule, I'd say the people are incredibly united. They all want Prayuth gone ASAP.
  14. Funny how there is never enough money to fund programs for the poor whilst corporate welfare and billionaire tax breaks are never questioned. Democracy will go some way to righting this wrong.
  15. Stupid is as stupid does. Behold your new master…. Dr T. Trumped up convictions quashed, heroes homecoming incoming. Evil has lost again. Fascism is over in Thailand. Zip-a-Dee-do-da ????????????
  16. Thaksin has won. Junta lovers, time to drown your sorrows. In the not too distant future, Move Forward will win an election and form a government and Thailand will officially join the democratic nations of the world. To all the expat cowardly closeted fascists who have cheered on the right wing murderous thugs over the past 20 years…… HaHa Losers. Suffer in ya jocks. Viva La Thaksin!!!
  17. Huh? You think that if a large number of Thais do feel repressed under the current regime that it won’t be reflected in a large flow of votes away from the repressive regime towards the opposition? When Thaksin wins the upcoming election by a landslide - to what will you attribute that result?
  18. Let’s see if this point of view is reflected in the upcoming election.
  19. Could not be more wrong. This post shows your utter cluelessness of the political situation in Thailand over the past 20 years. The years under Thaksin were boomin’. No years with Thaksin as PM would just be adding to the years of lost money, opportunity and progress for Thailand. The people yearn for a return to democratic leadership, morons yearn for a continuation of the disastrous military rule. Why is PT favoured to win the most seats in the upcoming election?
  20. Incorrect. Prawit as PM is unpalatable, however, the fact that he would be forced into a coalition to obtain the position is at least a step in the right direction -towards democracy. A Prawit government would not see out a full term, it will be the last with the unelected Senators though. Onwards and upwards from here on in as far as the pro democracy forces are concerned.
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