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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. Thaksin obsessed, semi fascist, junta propaganda swallowing right wing nutjobs.
  2. * fair trial first - jail only if charges are proven in an impartial court of law
  3. This post says a lot more about you than the Thai people. What a depressing attitude to be living life with. Condolences.
  4. No need to wonder how often you think of Thaksin - your bizarre obsession is obvious. It is sad.
  5. Wrong. The trend has been in one direction. The genie is out of the bottle. The people have tasted life under democracy. Social media is here to stay. The crowds reaction to a certain tune at the recent Blackpink concert reveals the true feelings of the masses. The dam wall is about to burst.
  6. 1. He is, in fact, in Dubai 2. He is still the single biggest entity in Thai elections - whomever he nominates, wins - hardly a trait of a has been. 3. His party is going to win the next election, 17 years after he was ousted in a coup he still utterly dominates. The fact that you are here, commenting on Thaksin, shows that he is far from finished (when is the last time Abhisit was relevant?) 4. Interpol hasn’t the slightest interest in pursuing Thaksin for they don’t pursue individuals convicted by biased courts of trumped up charges by illegal coup installed regimes persecuting their far more popular political opponents.
  7. Ridiculous and incorrect. Nothing to do with your but, but Thaksin nonsense and everything to do with this post 2014 coup reality given in a respected international news magazine: The Shinawatras managed to challenge this entrenched power structure and may again make a comeback when elections are held.
  8. You forget who PT initially nominated for PM in the last election. The only constant is change.
  9. Such a common refrain. I was here, therefore, I must be right. So pitiful it’s laughable So ludicrous it’s hilarious So illogical it’s depressing For over 20 years the majority of Thais have wanted elected governments - this is indisputable and irrefutably proven by the lengths that those denying the Thai people have had to go to. Coup have coup yet their grip continues to loosen. Coup after coup and the nonsense posted by their supporters becomes ever more ridiculous. Your falsehoods about 2008 are fooling none but the true believers in a lost and dispicable cause. How sad.
  10. Nonsense. All of the coups against elected governments had only minority support (otherwise the election outcomes would have differed ????). If the 2008 coup was so loved, how did the situation turn so quickly into the military using live ammunition on citizens? There was overt corruption before Thaksin, by Thaksin and after Thaksin - take your self serving nonsense elsewhere, none here are buying it.
  11. Why persist in being dishonest? Is it so hard to admit error and correct your position? The forces aligned against Thaksin have vastly more money than he does. Thaksin’s continued popularity is nothing to do with his wealth. Those opposing Thaksin can out spend him 50 to 1 without batting an eyelid. If all it took was envelopes of money, Thaksin would be but a distant memory. Instead he remains unbeatable, even as he dwells in exile. Stop with the nonsense, accept reality and start getting yourself ready for another Shinawatra PM.
  12. ???????????? Newsflash - there was an abundance of both coups and corruption in Thailand long before Thaksin arrived on the scene. To be so obsessed with Thaksin, to the point of willingly posting nonsense reveals a lot ????????????
  13. Inevitable, irreversible and underway. You underestimate the Thai people - what does that say about you?
  14. The good is democracy, free and fair elections, free press, freedom of speech, just and impartial courts…..open society. It is myopic to allow perfect to be the enemy of progress.
  15. Keep dreaming. Thaksin has been in exile for nearly two decades yet remains the dominant figure in any election held in Thailand. The only option available to the establishment now is to negotiate the terms of their surrender. In human affairs, good eventually triumphs over evil.
  16. This sort of nonsense has caused Thailand to lose two decades of development. Change is coming. That NYE celebrations have not been cancelled proves that change has already irreversibly begun. Bring on the election.
  17. In other words: we are willing to respect the will of the people and accept the outcome of an election may mean a coalition government.
  18. Covid exposed the selfish - those amongst us who care for nothing and no one other than what suited themselves.
  19. You've completely avoided the question…..wonder why? *for 66 I bet you’ve got health insurance though, eh?
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