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Posts posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. 2 hours ago, Phoenix Rising said:

    The Thai judicial system is a political tool, just like the armed forces. Gotta say I find it hilarious those foreigners who keep on bleeting endlessly about "the convicted criminal" when a plethora of unconvicted criminals in high positions are paraded daily on TV, and they don't say a single word about them!:clap2:

    They haven’t the courage to own their political views. Thaksin is just so evil that these poor souls are forced to support coups, dictators and authoritarianism (fascism). This of course means logic and reason must be discarded as well - it’s very hard to maintain the delusion with either still intact. It is hilarious.

    • Like 2
  2. 3 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    You do understand that he has not been charged with "criminal treason" don't you?  Obviously, not.

    Was there a coup?

    Are coups legal?

    Why hasn’t he been charged with treason?

    Could the courts be corrupt?

    Does this cast doubt on the Thaksin (and Yingluck and Thanathorn) charges and convictions?

    What would a rational person conclude?


    • Thumbs Up 1
  3. 43 minutes ago, zzaa09 said:

    ^ This - well said. 

    All these things aside, one has to wonder why the overwhelming and unnecessary attention that the usual suspects receive from the expected Thai mainstream [controlled] media......less the so-called alternative media types. 


    Rarely are the promotions of the fixed dominant paradigm presented. One really has to reach out to find material that challenges or questions the same old manure - offering alternatives by way of a paradigm shift is not in the tea leaves. 


    Fortunately, for some, there are numerous sources that offer "things different" - but have little reach for the commons. 


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  4. 1 minute ago, zzaa09 said:

    Evidently, your deeper understand of international diplomacy and it's workings require updating. 

    Your proposed International [whatever that means] policy is more than a bit misconceived - as there's no such standard regarding such practices. 

    ???? ????  ???? 


    So there is no established (written and unwritten) diplomatic protocols and etiquette between nation states?


    Everyone is just winging it eh?

    Making it up as they go?

    ???? ????  ???? 


    International: adj. - existing, occurring or carried on between nations


    Why do you insist on repeatedly revealing your shortcomings?


  5. 17 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    No, not at all.  I didn't post any completely irrelevant and off-topic links.  Was it you who posted that "there are some countries that don't recognise Thaksin's convictions"?*


    *Edit: No, sorry, it was Mr Meeseeks, but you do seem to be in agreement with him!

    Quick, you better let the Singapore authorities know an internationally wanted fugitive is in their country.




  6. On 2/8/2023 at 10:32 PM, Liverpool Lou said:

    What?  Why the link to an article confirming that Interpol never issued a Notice for him? 

    My question was, "Do you have any evidence of any country that has stated specifically that they do not recognise his criminal convictions?"  That link does not provide the name of any such country.

    Sure do.



  7. 13 hours ago, Bert got kinky said:

    Let's not mention that this 'innocent' megalomaniac cut loose his death squads, giving them a free reign to gun down there opposition/foes, allowing them to cut down innocent civilians who spoke out.

    Yes, let's brush that under the carpet and pretend that he was just doing it for the Thai people and not for his own purposes.


    Personally, I would prefer that he didn't come back to finish off his job of raping the country, a man with no boundaries when it comes to grabbing more power, but there again, I'm not in the habit of hero worshiping an evil self serving narcissist.



    Why are there no pending charges for these crimes you mention?


  8. 2 hours ago, Venom said:

    I remember it was 300 to 500 baht a vote. 

    You remember wrong.

    Read the ANFREL reports for each Thai election since 2000 - the only one with significant cheating was the only one Thaksin “lost”.

    If you are not a fan of democracy, have the courage to say it, don’t regurgitate ridiculous lies, it just makes you look silly.

    • Haha 1
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