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Posts posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. 39 minutes ago, scorecard said:

    "List them".  Wow.


    All the charges have been reported on numerous news / information sites numerous times over many years.


    Google is your friend.

    So you can’t list them?

    How about you just list the top 3, can you manage that?
    If what you are saying is in fact common knowledge and not nonsense, then it should be the easiest thing in the world for you to simply list the top 3 crimes Thaksin has been convicted for - if you can’t it really begs the question……

    • Like 1
  2. 9 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    What is the point of Pheu Thai even standing? We know what will happen if it wins. It will be removed from government, same as before. Why would this time be any different?

    Not if, but when it wins.

    Current polls show well over 70% of Thais want Prayuth gone - the military’s time interfering in politics is over…. PT will serve its full term and the only ones capable of preventing their re-election is MF which are even more stridently anti military.


  3. 1 hour ago, NanLaew said:

    Are some of our collective still upset that Prayuth's coup is historically the most successful and peaceful one in theoir history with absolutely no need to roll out the tanks or men in green? Everyone knew and mostly agreed that Yingluck's administration was a terminal sh1tshow. Even Yingluck and her acoloytes new this so it was almost inevitable that she would exeunt (be exeunted) the same way as her father. There's no indication of any festering inter regiment or army class rivalry that suggests that the current military management fancy a tilt at sitting in the big chair either.


    It's going to be like a typical family night out at the movies where some get it, some don't and lot's of popcorn ends up being uneaten.

    Prayuth’s reign has been so catastrophically inept that its single greatest achievement is going to be the firm and lasting impression sledge hammered into the brains of the vast majority of Thais that anything, absolutely anything is better than military rule.


    Prayuth will spend the rest of his days as a pariah…. and deservedly so.

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  4. 9 hours ago, hotandsticky said:

    Not in Thailand.



    He who laughs last, laughs the loudest.

    Yes in Thailand. 
    Democracy worked, the governments that were elected reflected the will of the people… that’s why the coups happened.

    Now that democracy is back, it is here to stay, when MF form government sometime within the next decade they will introduce irreversible changes for the betterment of the country - the dinosaurs are now no more than dead men walking. Thai style Fascism has been defeated

  5. Just now, BenStark said:

    You do realize that since they are now 2 independent parties, each of them needs only half of those 126 MP's?

    Mate, they could 50 independent parties and they won’t come close to 126. Current polls indicate PT and MF will win a combined 300+ constituency seats and 70% of the party list seats.


    The United Thai Nation Party – whose candidate for premier is incumbent Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha– is expected to win only seven of the 400 constituency seats.

    The ruling Palang Pracharath Party will fare even worse, the poll found. It is expected to win only five constituency seats. Another coalition member, Chart Thai Pattana, is forecast to win a mere four seats.

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  6. 8 minutes ago, hotandsticky said:

    As long as the outcome of that democracy suits your agenda.


    That would be a democracy that includes a 10,000 Baht inducement to vote for you?

    As long as it is a free and fair election I care not who wins. Why is it so hard for you junta fanatics to simply accept the will of the people (i.e. democracy). You all twist and distort yourselves into gordian knots trying to defend the indefensible. 

    • Thanks 1
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  7. 1 minute ago, h90 said:

    I know several were shot by the military....and also several military were shot by the protestors.
    But that does not justify to burn some random houses.
    And my point was: I don't want to have that again, no matter if the red shirts, the man in Dubai or the military is the greater evil. I would rather don't have any of it and boring peace instead.

    Accept democracy and there is no street violence.

    • Haha 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, SoilSpoil said:

    I was there as well. Walked though the 'fort' a couple of times. All the red, yellow, blue and white uprisings have the Shinawatra clan and their policies at heart. 

    Conservative refusal to accept democracy is at the heart of all the political strife of the past 20 years.


    But don’t worry, the good guys have finally won and democracy is now here to stay.

    • Confused 1
  9. 10 minutes ago, h90 said:

    my evidence is, I was there and saw the burned houses and everything still smell like burned things.....The evidence were my own eyes. But I am sure you can google and find photos of it. The fires are hardly a conspiration theory and if I remember right the owner even got some money.
    (And I am not a fan of Abhisit and I don't think the handling of it was good)

    Did you see the 100 people shot dead by the military?

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, zzaa09 said:

    What kind of changes might you [et al] expect after this stirring election?



    At some stage, there will be a new democratic constitution - that is a given.

    With every year that passes the electoral proportion of the younger generations of Thais will grow and grow until they utterly dominate.


    Inequality will reduce because democracy will be firmly established.

    Rural areas (everything outside Bangkok) will see a spurt of long overdue development

    It could even go as far as seeing Generals in jail. The military will most certainly be stripped of their “business interests”.

    Future Forward will likely win an election and form government within a decade.

    Thailand and Thais will be freer than they have ever been.


    And of course, Thaksin will be back home this year.


    • Confused 1
  11. 40 minutes ago, h90 said:

    Coups hurt who, a few oligarchs only

    I can't see here any point that would hurt a regular Thai. How does it hurt a hard working Thai labor if some oligarch party got banned?
    Thailand was always famous for book banning. Internet censorship was worst under Thaksin and he was proud of it.....He was proud of hiring 10.000 people to find and ban webpages. I can't see any increase in corruption. Poverty yes because of Covid, but I doubt that any party would have handled it much different.
    People want to earn more money, want to have a car, house, aircondition and a future for their children. That did not improve, but also didn't go worse because of rice scam, self inflicted floods, massive government corruption, etc.. That government just ignored the normal people (beside Kratom, Marijuana liberalization which surprised me)

    The election result will show who the coup hurt. 

    If, as expected, Pheu Thai win in a landslide, what do you think is the reasoning? Do you think people who are enjoying life under Prayuth are going to not vote for him? If so why? Your entire line of thought lacks rationality.

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