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Posts posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. 13 minutes ago, mania said:

    Hahah so you’re saying if you take vaccines your immune system is defense against those things you list? No Im guessing childish attempt at sarcasm

    No, what I am questioning, is what other areas of medicine do you think that you are better placed / more informed to confidently stride off in the opposite direction to the expert scientific studied position of medical professionals who have devoted their lives to advancing their chosen fields?


    13 minutes ago, mania said:

    That aside yes I am quite expert at my health & at 66 am still in excellent health BECAUSE of the care I give my body

    Daily 3+ hour exercise, Diet low in fat,sugar etc, low cholesterol low BP low triglycerides

    ( all naturally thank you)

    no drinking or smoking you know just a self reliant person not a bot looking for the Big Pharma to keep me moving thanks.


    But you do you ????

    Excellent health….for a 66 year old - which is an entirely different thing from being in excellent health.




    Big Pharma ‘bout to be your best friend bro.


    • Haha 2
  2. 5 hours ago, mania said:

    I never thought that "But They are All We Got"


    I was always more willing to exercise my immune system to fight it as i did.

    I always knew "That" is what I have & it has served me well my whole life.


    I am not saying there are not those that "may have" benefit from a vaccine but I never considered myself in that group.


    Yet the way the world went total sky is falling & started blaming those who did not vaccinate as if they were the spreaders or the cause the virus was not dying off quicker. (total nonsense) That is what caused folks like myself to seek the single dose smallest impact to my otherwise healthy system. Because IMO putting that vac in my system was the biggest threat of the whole Covid mess.


    In hindsight it is a sad story of how humanity reacted & how they responded to this with their finger pointing sky is falling rhetoric. I would not want to be near any of them in a real emergency



    It would be interesting to see a list of other ailments you’re “willing to exercise your immune system” combatting…. Cancer?, Diabetes?, High Blood Pressure? Tuberculoses?, Hepatitus?…etc, 


    Or is your area of expertise restricted to just Covid?

    • Haha 2
  3. 6 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Why not 450B? Or 670B?


    It's an election promise and to make it simple for simple minded people just double the current 300B per day.

    I guess now all those minimum workers will think that with double the money in their pockets they will be able to afford double the number of things. Or maybe not?

    If all the shop attendees and workers and restaurant service will get double, who will pay for that? Obviously things have to get more expensive. And if all supplies and suppliers are more expensive than all products will be more expensive. And then? What is left from the idea to spend all that extra money?


    IMHO salaries should be paid according to what makes sense. Some people with more skills will earn more money and others with low skills or lazy people will earn less. And then there are obviously all those international companies who think twice if they want to pay double in Thailand or invest somewhere else. Or they hire foreign workers in Thailand who work for less.


    So why was it promised? Because it makes sense? Or because lots of gullible people will vote for those nice Shinawatras who only want the best for the poor people?

    It would be funny if it wouldn't be so sad and cynical.

    PT’s policy to raise the minimum wage is very similar to those being either proposed or already enacted around the world. 

    The primary driving force - making up for lost ground as labours share of the pie has spent decade after decade trending downward.


  4. 17 minutes ago, puchooay said:

    Maybe they could but it wouldn't make any difference.


    Prices would rise. The 600b would only be worth the same as what they get now.


    That's the problem with Thai economics. People only think about what they receive. They don't think about what they need to spend.



    Since wage-push inflation’s birth, research has debunked its theoretical role as a cause of inflation. Instead of higher wages leading to higher prices and inflation, higher prices lead to higher wages.

    In other words, wages do not push up prices—instead, it’s the other way around.




  5. 1 hour ago, unheard said:

    I'm not sure if you're aware of the sustained labor shortage experienced by the Thai "industries".

    Farmers are not forced to stay in their villages.

    Most of the older generation own their parcel and prefer not to move.

    Unlike the younger ones.

    You can hardly find any young, capable or rudimentary ambitious person still working in the fields.

    The vast majority have already moved out of countryside into the industrial areas.

    Thaksin wins election after election because of the massive population in the north of Thailand.

    Bangkok is as developed as any major first world city.

    The rest of Thailand is as underdeveloped as its neighbours Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar.



    In 2010 52% of Thais lived in the North / North East yet government expenditure was only 13%. 



    • Thanks 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Neeranam said:

    It makes no difference what the minimum wage is, the richer people will continue to pay below it. As usual, the Shiniwat family are focusing on the poor people for votes as the more educated can see through their scams like giving free phones to people then milking them for services. The poor will vote for the "possibility" of extra money as they are desperate, even willing to ignore the 1000s of extrajudicial killings by the clan. 

    I used to teach this entitled brat, who arrived in a brown Bentley (bought with money her father got by crashing the economy when he was Finance minister or Dept PM to "Banhan' the most corrupt PM ever or 'Big Jew') when she was at school in Bangkok around 1997.


  7. 10 minutes ago, unheard said:

    30% agriculture is not sustainable?

    The last time I've checked there's a huge shortage of cheaper foods in the world.

    The situation that is been forecasted to get only worse in the coming years.

    China's massive economic growth has been propelled by the foreign investment.

    Migration patterns were the result of the incoming investment that in turn has fueled the industrial growth, not the other way around.

    30% of the workforce in agriculture is unsustainable in the modern global economy.


    Labourers on rice farms in Thailand exist barely above subsistence levels, hardly a plausible foundation to launch Thailand into a first world economy status.


    How many people does it take to do the work of a single tractor?

    • Like 1
  8. 12 minutes ago, fondue zoo said:

    from the Time article in 2018  ????

    This is what I want you to understand about how I took this position. Personally, I never wanted to obtain power this way, never imagine becoming the prime minister like this. [The nation] was at the brink of destruction, and I could never let that happen.

    Yingluck dissolved parliament and called an election - the correct course of action, returning power to the people, letting them decide who is best to lead the country going forward. 

    We all know who would have won the election, therefore, we all know why the election was not allowed to occur.


    No coup was necessary.

    As for Prayuth, for someone who never wanted the position, he sure seems incredibly reluctant to leave.

    • Like 2
  9. 46 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

    Surely then, raising the minimum wage is also making Thai workers redundant!

    It will make certain jobs in certain industries disappear, no doubt, but it will also create new opportunities in other industries.

    30% of the Thai workforce is in agriculture; this is unsustainable.


    China’s massive economic growth over the past 30 years has been fuelled by rural to urban migration.

  10. 1 hour ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

    Also true- taxes on imported alcohol are around 400% in Thailand. Huge cost difference for imports.


    Either Thai rice farms will simply close, or they will have to increase their prices to a point it will no longer be competitive vs Vietnamese/Cambodian rice which will cost much less. Of course the government can "fix" this with tariffs on imported rice, but that effectively means inflation/higher cost of living AND rice exports will suffer anyway because other countries will choose cheaper alternatives.



    Raising the minimum wage will provide the impetus to consolidate and mechanise agriculture in Thailand; the results of which will be increased production efficiency and improved global competitiveness.


    The Vietnamese and Cambodians won’t be taking any Thai rice farming jobs - machines and scale efficiency will render these jobs redundant.

  11. 1 hour ago, lessismore said:


    1. The president of international markets at Pfizer saying at the European Parlement that Covid-19 vaccine has not been tested for its impact on transmission prior to its release is a fact.

    2. The studies that didn't show any efficacity on transmission have been published in the most prestigious medical and scientific journals:




    Or maybe these top scientists who are questionning the efficacity of the covid vaccine on transmission, and who are published in the most renowned journals are just guided by "prejudice, self interest and delusion"?

    I would be glad to read your answer to that, MrMojoRisin.

    The anti vax position is just ridiculous.


    I am fully aware that both logic and reason have long been abandoned by the basement dwellers who bewilderingly think they’re qualified to debate medical experts.


    Seatbelts do not prevent 100% of motor vehicle accident fatalities, I still use them.





    • Like 2
  12. 2 hours ago, lessismore said:

    Hello sandyf,

    Could you be please tell us how being vaccinated would reduce the risk for others since it doesn't prevent transmission?

    Here are the facts:


    1. The vaccine wasn't tested  for its impact on transmission prior to its release.

    "On 11 October, Dutch MEP Rob Roos tweeted a video clip from part of a Covid hearing at the European Parliament the previous day where he asked Janine Small, president of international markets at Pfizer, whether its Covid-19 vaccine was tested for its impact on transmission prior to its release. 

    Ms Small confirmed it was not tested in that way before release."

    Source https://fullfact.org/health/coronavirus-vaccine-pfizer-transmission-test/


    2. Further studies could'nt show any efficacity on reducing transmisson.

    "the impact of vaccination on community transmission of circulating variants of SARS-CoV-2 appeared to be not significantly different from the impact among unvaccinated people."

    Source: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(21)00768-4/fulltext


    How does being vaccinated reduce the risk to others, is to me, such an absurd question that highlights just how far down the rabbit hole some have tumbled.


    How on earth have we reached a point where facts and truth and science are so wilfully disregarded in favour of prejudice, self interest and delusion.


    Those who proudly proclaim ”I do my own research” and shout with all their might “fake news” may very well bring about the end of democracy if not humanity itself.


    Poor white Americans protesting against expanding healthcare….????

    • Like 1
  13. 5 hours ago, cmsally said:

    Covid can exacerbate some other conditions (as can the flu) but that doesn't mean it killed you; it just means you are in poor health. If someone has stage 4 cancer and dies with Covid, do we say they died from Covid? If someone dies from old age and they happen to have Covid, what did they die from?

    YLL (years of life lost) is the measurement.


    If your cancer patient had a 12 month life expectancy but died due to Covid complications in month 1 of that period - then 11 months of life has been lost due to Covid.


    • Like 1
  14. 2 hours ago, pacovl46 said:

    Mate, take your Thaksin Fanboy blinders off and do some objective research on the 30 Baht health scheme and find the truth yourself! 


    It's a fact, that the number of doctors decreased in the countryside after the implementation of the 30 Bahtl health scheme. But it's alright, keep your head in the sand about it! 


    By the way, you're allowing your blind love for Thaksin to totally and utterly cloud your judgement!  


    He's not the MESSIAH, he's not the SAVIOR and he is most definitely NOT innocent! 


    He's a criminal, corrupt, manipulative megalomaniac! That's a fact and nothing you can say and no matter how much  you gonna try to twist and turn that, will change that! 


    That's all im gonna have to say to you! Enjoy the rest of your life! 


    Educate yourself.





  15. 34 minutes ago, phetphet said:

    Just because they promise it, doesn't mean they have to keep that promise. They can always come up with an excuse not to pay.

    Economy not doing as well as expected. Other social costs must take priority. etc.

    Just because someone voted for them in one election it doesn’t mean they will vote for them in the following election.


    Elections are practically the only recourse the average citizen has to keep politicians reasonably honest.


    Can you guess why one side prefers coups to elections?

  16. 25 minutes ago, zzaa09 said:

    Are you inquiring rhetorically? Understanding the base reasons behind the numerous [and omnipresent] coups and a little knowledge of contemporary Thai history might aid. 


    Consider who or what circle benefits from protective coups and a strong and loyal military presence. 



    “If you see a turtle on a fence post, you know it didn’t get there by itself”

    - Bill Clinton


    It is no accident Thailand is as she is.

  17. 1 hour ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Let's pretend that will happen, and let's pretend Thaksin's daughter will be PM. And then?

    Another attempted whitewash of the fugitive criminal?

    And then?

    Will history repeat itself?


    Obviously Thais should vote who they want to vote for. But think twice about the consequences.

    Do they want stability in Thailand? Or more division? 

    No need to pretend anything, it’s a done deal….gonna be a landslide no amount of military cheating can contain.


    As for stability, coup after coup obviously doesn’t work, may as well give democracy a go lest we end up with a revolution.

    • Like 1
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  18. 7 hours ago, ericthai said:

    So how will farmers make out paying 600B a day for a worker?

    Growing rice, they make very little money.

    The industry will have to consolidate.

    Flushing excess labour out of agriculture is one of the aims of this PT policy.

    Outside of Bangkok, Thailand is very underdeveloped. Once PT enact their policies, there’ll pretty soon be an available workforce to begin rectifying this.

    7 hours ago, ericthai said:

    Sure big companies can handle it and make less profit, but it's the smaller companies that will fold because it gets to a point your operation costs are too high doesn't matter how well you manage a company.

    Sounds exactly how the free market is meant to work.

    7 hours ago, ericthai said:

    Don't get me wrong Thais should get paid more, but doubling the minimum wage again, more jobs will be lost to Vietnam and Cambodia. 

    How are the Vietnamese and Cambodians going to take Thai rice farming jobs?

  19. 2 hours ago, Robin said:

    Election promises like this are the main reason why critical thinking is not taught in Thai schools.

    Double the minimum wage, the government can pay it, they can make more money.  So esy to print more 1000 baht notes, and they do no cost much.

    Thailand has the potential to support faster and sustained income growth of rural households,” said Fabrizio Zarcone, World Bank Country Manager for Thailand. 

  20. 7 hours ago, ericthai said:

    keep thinking like that. Prices go up higher than what you increased wages, that's the problem. 


    Luckily I sold my company several years ago, but if I had to start paying more for labor I would've started investment in automated processes and get rid of the workers. Then more workers are out of jobs. 


    There is a point where labor costs get too high and your only option is to invest in automation, reduce work force,  employ illegal workers (paying them less) or last resort move your production to different country.  

    Empty threats, businesses aren't charities - if they could reduce costs or do away with employees - they would regardless of whatever the minimum wage is.


    The result of reducing employee exploitation is that poorly managed businesses will fold and well managed businesses will thrive.


    Raising the minimum wage isn’t just pro worker; it is also pro economic growth.


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