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Posts posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. 25 minutes ago, h90 said:

    I was here, I have seen it......Forgotten the scandals with the ballot boxes and the scandal with the rubber stamps? Forgotten the boxes that were intentional made that it can be seen what people vote for (and the proof was the video of Thaksins wife....she voted for him as clearly visible on the video). The massive vote buying, everyone knows it because everyone got money offered (maybe with some exception in downtown Bangkok). Who dispute that is rewriting history.
    The massive yellow shirt protests did not come because the middle class got the wish for some military dictatorship they came because the saw the massive fraud and corruption.
    Is anyone claiming that there was election fraud by Prayuth in 2019?

    I was here, I saw it first hand, my wife says….blah, blah, blah.


    You do not know more or have better information than international NGO’s who exist to monitor and report on elections. You are one solitary individual blinded by prejudice. Again and again you regurgitate nonsense about Thaksin, Pheu Thai and Move Forward because you lack the kahonies to simply state that you do not believe in democracy and think that anyone with views opposed to yours should be disenfranchised, persecuted and oppressed. The Thai people are smarter than you, they are more informed than you and their collective conclusion is that Prayuth and his allies are absolute <deleted> and this is why, come this weekend, the unwanted and incompetent Prayuth regime will get its <deleted> handed to it. You are on the wrong side of history (and decency).

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  2. 10 minutes ago, h90 said:

    who was really democratic elected in Thailand? Massive vote buying....driving around and openly offering 300 Baht (that was before inflation) and bringing the people to controlled voting per bus is as much democratic as a coup. The benchmark is more how free can the people live....I don't like "democratic murdering" people on the street (war against drugs). I prefer peace and life.

    You don’t like facts.

    Multiple international agencies have observed multiple Thai elections and given them all pass marks as being free and fair…the one exception? the 2019 election where Prayuth banned international observers lest he be caught cheating. How on earth do you remain so wrong about verifiable events? Aren’t you embarrassed?

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  3. 3 hours ago, rabiedabruce said:

    Peoples memories are short. Last time Pheu Thai aka Taksin got in, the retirement fund requirement was raised from 200k to 800k, the dormant 90 day report was vigorously reinstated and the ability to buy booze went from all day to the ridiculous 2 to 5 pm. Chiang Mai Zoo's animals were introduced to the facilities restaurant, Tak Bai many died as did the 'war on drugs' 200k summarily shot dead in the streets. He refused to answer questions from the press by holding up a silly paddle with a cross on it if he didn't like what was being asked. Everyone was glad to see the back of him and his 'sister' and his (not her) rice scheme which left many in debt and suicides among rice farmers soared. Just because military bad does not make terrible Taksin 'good'.

    A fair bit of bull crap in your list, but also some truth. What does it say about the junta that despite some obviously unsavoury history, Thaksin is still vastly more popular than you beloved junta stooges. I wonder what the list of reasons the Thai people have for hating Prayuth and co so much looks like?

  4. 2 hours ago, h90 said:

    Actually dissolve should mean that the party is finished not that they do the same with other name and sister, daughter, family dog as nominee. Being the same party should be enough to destroy the new incarnation.

    How pathetic.

    Unable to accept losing like adults.

    Fancy supporting the other side being disqualified simply because they keep beating you…. what poor, poor sportsmanship.

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  5. 2 minutes ago, h90 said:

    did you came yesterday to Thailand? Look up the history of Thailand, the same drama is since 80-90 years. And whatever greedy oligarchs aren't "the good guys" it is just other guys stealing from the working people.

    Keep dreamin’

    Democracy is here to stay.

    80% of Thais are voting pro democracy, those you support are in a tiny tiny minority.


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  6. 3 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    The party of the fugitive criminal should have been dissolved years ago.

    But then, I guess it will have the biggest impact a day or two before the elections.


    Then Thaksin will cry in the desert. So sad. 

    Methinks it will be you that is crying as your beloved junta gets kicked to the kerb by the votes of over 80% of the Thai people.


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  7. 1 hour ago, h90 said:

    Where do you see an honest and upstanding politician?? The last one I know might have been Chamlong Srimuang and that is a long time ago.

    It’s sarcasm.

    You guys constantly carry on about how criminal and corrupt the pro democracy politicians are whilst conveniently ignoring the far worse criminality and corruption of the anti democracy politicians that you support. Why can’t you just be honest and say that you do not believe in democracy. It is extremely noticeable that you guys always avoid threads where the topic is junta wrongdoing and flood the threads where Thaksin or other pro democracy identities are the topic. Unfortunately for you, democracy is now here to stay - haha.

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  8. 5 minutes ago, h90 said:

    Over the last decades many new party lists came and went and the ultra left in form of Communists were already very strong in Thailand in the past so nothing new here. MF will be dissolved as there are already cases at the Election Commission and they seem pretty clear. PTP is an already illegal party that again broke the law so the system is cleaning itself. Thailand is in desperate need of HONEST political parties.

    How unlucky for all the Thais that support democracy and progressive policies that every single successful politician and political party they align with is full of crooks. Why is it all of the honest and upstanding politicians only join conservative parties in Thailand?

  9. 26 minutes ago, h90 said:

    The Move Forward is owned by an oligarch and heavily supported from outside.....So it will be only other people who feed on the tax payers money...But no one care for the poor people, they are just a way to get to the feeding trough

    The poor people vote for those they believe will best improve their lot in life.

    Unsurprisingly, all of the current polling shows PT and MF monopolising that voting segment.

    Perhaps you are not quite as informed as you believe yourself to be.


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  10. 3 hours ago, h90 said:

    Sure.....but that doesn't mean much. I recall the forming of the Abhisit government where they had to take the mobile phones and lock them into a hotel, as Thaksins wife called them one by one and offered more money. And buying out a few of them collapse everything.
    The complete system is rotten.
    The 250 are not a sure thing. If Prayut is second and best would be with the majority of votes (like last time) they can easily vote for him. But if he is third or 4th it will be difficult to explain. They can't make a looser to be premier .... well they can but I think the wouldn't do it....I hope for some 10 party coalition. Because as more they block themself as less they can do.....as less the government can do as better for the people. (being cynical)

    Your recall is wrong.

    The judiciary removed the elected government on trumped up charges whilst the yellow shirt mobs shut down the airports.

    The military then twisted arms and offered huge bribes for MPs to switch sides to Abhisit.


    ...Abhisit came to power illegitimately with the connivance of the military and other parts of the traditional Thai ruling class who were fearful of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra's 


    ...the Democrats, would become the government after 5 years absent from power with the Army appointed Abhisit Vejjajiva from the barracks.

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  11. 24 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

    Is this the same freight train that came in 1932, 1933, 1939, 1947, 1951, 1957, 1958, 1971, 1976, 1991, 2006 and 2014?


    Having 'caught' the last four, I can honsetly say that I can hardly wait.


    As some Thai's like to remind us, “The past is already gone, the future is not yet here. There's only one moment for you to live, and that is the present moment.” However, with regard to Thai politics, I think its more like, "plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose."

    Aahh... you think that things are set in stone, that what was will always be.


    If one were able to jump into a time machine and travel back to 1932, 1933, 1939, 1947, 1951, 1957, 1958, 1971, 1976, 1991, 2006 or 2014 and present to any Thai citizen Move Forwards campaign platform and inform that citizen that this party, with this platform is currently sitting in second place in opinion polls and rapidly rising not a single person would believe you were telling the truth.


    Things change, sometimes quickly, sometimes over many many decades, but change they do.


    You are correct in that you caught the last four as there will be no more.

    The good guys have won.

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  12. 4 hours ago, NanLaew said:

    Where's the bwah-ha-ha-ha emoji when you really need it?


    PS: I'm commenting on the pariah bit, not losing his ar5e in the election. With the possible exception of Plaek Phibunsongkhram, there's not a single coup leader and former Prime Minister who has ever become a pariah. Ever. Most moved on to work in goverment, politics and business with a few being elevated to the Privy Council.

    You’re stuck in the past.

    Open your eyes, the freight train is coming.

  13. 18 minutes ago, Brewster67 said:

    Oh he could list them and so could I but why should we sift through internet archives so your lazy ass can't be bothered. If he is crime free ask yourself why he fled the country and can't come back????......  Because he is a corrupt serial criminal.... End of story.

    Another one who can’t support spurious claims. Why do you have to sift through anything, if you are making these statements shouldn’t you already know the facts? Why is it so hard to simply list the top 2 or 3 crimes you believe Thaksin is guilty of?


    Do you also believe all of the Thai nationals that have fled the country over the past 20 years, seeking asylum in various other countries, are criminals?


    The Thaksin obsession by junta lovers is bewildering, a great many of you have lost touch with reality. Fancy supporting the overthrow of democracy, how disgraceful.

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