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Posts posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. 6 hours ago, bobbin said:

    You have an interesting, and somewhat infuriating, style of communication. I heartily suggest you review my first post in this thread. I did not curse Thaksin. I have acknowledged his success with the 30 Baht program. There is no cheer-leading of the present government, yet you attribute your projections to me with the use of "you" liberally sprinkled through your post. This is dishonest discourse....


    Because it was recent, I clearly remember your first direct response to me in another thread. You stated my posts were worthless. Your post was removed, as was my gentle reply to you, because that's how it's done here. The offending post and all direct replies to it are excised.


    And history will be the judge of who is on the wrong side of history, not you.



    I stated dishonest posts that ignore the truth are worthless - they are.

  2. 6 hours ago, ericthai said:

    First off let me state I dont support the current government!

    As for my feelings on Thaksin, I thought he was ok for a PM, he did do some good things and the economy was doing good.


    However, you talk about Thaksin like he's a saint, yes he did some good things, but he was just as corrupt as everyone else. There were no free and fair elections, Thaksin had people outside the voting booths giving money away to vote for him.


    Lastly, Thaksin didn't like foreigners and he is the one that started all the changes in immigration.


    Indeed, Thaksin was no saint.

    Here’s the thing, there will never be a saint who saves the day.
    Cheerleading coup after coup because elected governments are not perfect is a road to nowhere. 
    Imperfect progress is still progress.

    Thanathorn was a perfectly fine individual, not a saint, but a good many steps in the right direction and what happened to him?

    Bashing Thaksin for not being perfect is just the cowards way of supporting the policies and practices of the anti democratic establishment. It is weak and dishonest… certainly not saintly.


    There is no doubt, absolutely zero doubt that any free and fair election held in Thailand over the last 20 years would be won by Thaksin in a landslide. It is Q Anon level delusion to believe anything else. 

    Thaksin hates foreigners… good for him. Just because the guy is not perfect you’ll never find me supporting a coup, supporting taking away the civil rights and freedoms of an entire population and condemning generation after generation to economic exploitation. I am no saint, but I am a damn site better than that - how about you?

  3. 1 hour ago, josephbloggs said:

    Why do you just deflect each time, you never respond to any question, just deflect.  

    The 30 baht healthcare was a great thing and by far the best thing he did and I congratulate him for it, it has benefitted a lot of people.

    See, unlike you I am not blinkered, I just look at the facts.  Good stuff = good, bad stuff = bad.  The war on drugs' extrajudicial killings = bad.  Now over to you, can you admit that?

    You're like a stuck record.  We are talking about the war on drugs which gave the police carte blanche to kill whoever they wanted, many of whom had nothing to do with drugs.  I personally know two innocents who were executed.  

    Can you confirm you believe this didn't happen?  I have asked you before but you deflect, just answer a simple question.

    And to think you say I have an obsession, it is hilarious.  I am only stating facts, good and bad.  You are making things up and presenting no facts, no evidence, just going on the attack.  So please, answer a simple question.

    For sure innocent people were murdered during the drug war.

    Nowhere near 2000 (let alone 2500 or 3000), but still, even one innocent is too many.

    Thaksin was PM at the time and bears much responsibility for these crimes.

    Ditto Tak Bai.


    Who else should be in the dock alongside Thaksin?

    This is the heart of the issue.


    There is barely a metric where the unelected coup regimes are not considerably worse than the elected governments of Thailand yet the expat closet fascists never hold the usurpers to the same standard (how else could they publicly justify their abhorrent beliefs?).


    Who called for the drug war to commence?

    Who continued to praise the drug war as the death toll mounted?


    Is there any doubt that high ranking Thai military personnel profit the most from drugs (and prostitution)?


    Has getting rid of Thaksin (and democracy) made Thailand a better or worse place for the average Thai -  is there more or less poverty and unnecessary death in the country now than there would be had democracy been preserved and nurtured?


    Thaksin is not the problem, he never was, he represented the country moving towards a fully fledged free and open democratic society - this could not be tolerated by those who had been greedily robbing the people and land for centuries. 


    Only fools believe Thaksin is/was the problem, whether it be the drug war, government corruption, censorship, widespread extreme inequality and an injudicious judiciary.








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  4. 2 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:

    Yep.  Remember Nong Fluke?

    Yet Mr Mojo believes none of this happened.

    Prior to Thaksin’s 30 baht healthcare policy, 17,000 Thai infants died needlessly every year from easily treatable conditions. These deaths stopped within the first year of Thaksin’s universal healthcare.


    Your obsession with Thaksin blinds you to the truth.


    Where does the real evil lie?


    Why are the Thai elites so fearful of democracy?


    Most importantly, could you justify your political views without “evil Thaksin” nonsense as an excuse for what are abhorrent beliefs?


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  5. 46 minutes ago, Puwa said:

    If you read the link posted above you will learn much more about what happened, with footnotes and citations. 

    The article in the link states “ …left nearly 2000 people dead…”


    So we’ve already dropped the death toll by 500?




    500 seems to be quite a high number of mistaken deaths, don’t you think?


    How / why do you think such an egregious error has been made?

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  6. 19 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

    Absolutely.. yet it doesn't solve the issue of murders by nutters.

    They just use something else.


    And the something else is a more or less effective killing implement resulting in a higher or lower death toll?


    Without access to a gun, how many nutters would refrain from going on a spree in the first place given the odds not being so tilted to their advantage if they lack the decisive difference maker that guns are?


    The recent mass shooting at a school in Texas had police officers to scared to confront a shooter armed with an assault rifle - they lingered outside for an hour whilst kids were being shot. This would not be the case had the “nutter” had a knife instead of an AR15 assault rifle.



  7. 8 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

    So are we to have an amnesty where we all surrender knives so that no-one can be stabbed to death?

    Classic straw man argument. ????


    The simple fact is less guns = less gun deaths.


    Additionally, knives have practical everyday applications in day to day life, guns do not - assault rifles such as the AR15 definitely do not belong in civilian hands.


    I am quite sure, should there be a study conducted, it would quickly be proven that the smaller a man’s  penis, the greater man’s love of guns.

  8. 17 minutes ago, couchpotato said:

    And you will be the one to reveal these goings on/conspiracies..we will all be waiting for your posts, of course once democracy is restored.????

    No, not I …the democratically elected government will expose the misdeeds of the unelected regimes and their lackeys.


    You, however, I suspect will more than likely be forever banging on about Thaksin - facts be damned.

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  9. 2 hours ago, josephbloggs said:

    So now you are saying it did happen??  Make your mind up.

    And I have no idea where you are going with this quote, nor do I want to get in to it.  It does not detract from Thaksin's murderous, inhumane killing spree.  

    Instead of playing games - first of all you said it didn't happen, now you seem to be saying it did - would you care to spell out your position without riddles?  Say it clearly, it will make this discussion much easier.

    Monkfish is correct, you are not.

  10. 2 hours ago, Slip said:

    I remember it well.  Shockingly awful.  It seems we have a revisionist here.

    History, is written by the victors.

    The Generals have a vested interest in demonising Thaksin and nothing to gain from truthfulness.

    Once democracy is restored, the truth about a great many goings on in the kingdom will be revealed, at which point I expect there’ll be a great many here revising their post histories. ????



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  11. 1 hour ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    The last two coups would not have happened if Thaksin and his family wouldn't be so greedy and behave like they are above the law.

    If lots of uneducated farmers want to vote again for the criminals, then I can't change that. But they also shouldn't be surprised if history repeats itself.


    If they want a competent and honest government then they should vote for competent and honest politicians (as much as that is possible). That shouldn't be too difficult to understand... 







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