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Posts posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. 42 minutes ago, proton said:

    It will come down to handouts as usual. Mrs got 1k already from a party meeting last week, she has no idea what the policies are ????

    On what basis to you reach your conclusions?


    ANFREL have time and again stated that handouts do not alter the outcome of Thai elections - they’ve found zero evidence of impactful cheating in any of the elections won by Thaksin’s side of politics.


    Post a link of your evidence - help enlighten us all (unless of course your just parroting the nonsense read on forums posted by racist, misogynistic failures that are to afraid to look at themselves in the mirror).

    • Like 1
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  2. 17 hours ago, scorecard said:

    "Every election won by the “Reds” allowed international observers who unanimously declared the elections free and fair (minor corruption uncovered was at a level insufficient to affect the outcome)." Not correct.


    You keep repeating the actions of the military and I repeat: IMHO totally unacceptable.

    It is indeed correct.




    In your humble opinion the actions of the military are totally unacceptable?

    Funny how your actions are that 99% of your word count is anti Thaksin nonsense - a pretty clear indication that the 1% anti military content is a mere fig leaf as we’ve reached a point where even the most hardcore fascists are too embarrassed to openly support Prayuth and his clown posse.

  3. On 11/9/2022 at 10:35 AM, lujanit said:

    Well Thaksin would know all about corruption.  He fled the country to evade justice after conviction on corruption charges.


    You think the Thai courts deliver justice.

    How laughably quaint of you.


    Why is it that instead of condemning the corruption being called out, you instead obsess about Thaksin?


    Regardless of whether the nonsense you believe about Thaksin is true or false (it’s false) - why cannot you bring yourself to condemn the rampant corruption CURRENTLY being inflicted upon the country.


    But, but Thaksin - ????????????

    • Like 2
  4. On 11/5/2022 at 10:29 AM, hotchilli said:

    Give up with the Thaksin rubbish, he's never coming back and his daughter couldn't win anything let alone an election.

    Thaksins are history... try leaving them there.

    Thaksin is the godfather of Thai politics. Anyone even remotely related to him will destroy all comers in any halfway free and fair election. His daughter couldn't lose an election against the military peanuts even if she wanted to such is the staggering dominance of Thaksin over the anti-democratic dickwads currently robbing and destroying the country. 



  5. 19 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    And the most hated.


    He divided the nation like nobody else. If she come to power, then he is in power, and history will repeat itself. When will the red mob understand that it's insane to try the same again and again and expect a different outcome? 

    If he were the most hated, why do those opposed him fear elections so much?


    Thailand was never more united than under Thaksin’s Prime Ministership. He was the first PM to complete a full term and was re-elected in the greatest landslide victory Thailand has ever seen. Hardly the achievements of a hated and decisive individual. 

    The majority love him, a minority hate him (i.e. the reverse of Prayuth’s status).


    …insane to try the same again and again and expect a different outcome you say - ????

    coup after coup, constitution after constitution and these clowns still can’t beat Thaksin (or anyone he endorses) in an election.



    • Like 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:

    You really do have a very childish way of debating.  When I criticised his war on drugs your comeback was "but what about the 30 baht health scheme".  Weird.

    And now anyone who criticises Thaksin you call them a coup or a Trump supporter.  Very childish.   You do realise it is possible to dislike Thaksin and also dislike Prayut.  It's quite easy.  You can count me as one of those people.  Disliking one does not make you a supporter of the other.

    Try and engage in a normal debate, you might make some friends.

    Some innocent people died during the 2003 "drug war" when Thaksin was PM.


    17,000 infants died annually due to the decades of extreme levels of poverty and inequality inflicted upon the nation by a greedy elite.


    Neither is good, but which is worse?


    Your outrage over the death of some innocent Thais during the drug war is confected.


    It is no more than a cowardly fabrication, third rate false outrage summoned solely to enable the espousing of horrid personal beliefs.


    Blah, blah, blah...Thaksin is the devil so I am forced to throw my support behind the oppressive, fascist, anti democratic forces in Thailand. I really do support democracy but Thaksin is just so so evil I have to support coups, censorship and arbitrary imprisonment of protesting school kids. If only Thaksin weren't so evil I wouldn't have to side with those who don't believe in elections, equality before the law and a free press. Woe is me.


    Friends... I wouldn't <deleted> on such people were they ablaze from head to toe.


  7. 14 minutes ago, bobbin said:



    I see calling your arguments dishonest stung you..you used the same word in your subsequent two posts.. including your most recent response to me..


    Also a little slow on the uptake since you just repeated the assertion that got your post removed in the first place..


    My suggestion to you is to quit while you are behind..    ????


    You believe dishonest posts that ignore the truth have value? 


    Your last two posts appeal for moderators to come to your rescue, they are appeals for authority to exercise power on your behalf - a classic trait of the type of individual that supports the likes of Prayuth and Trump.


    If one cannot be honest, one should not be surprised to be labelled dishonest.

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