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Posts posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. 1 hour ago, lujanit said:

    Try telling that to the victims families of his extrajudicial killings.  You want a return to that?  Suggest you need to see a shrink asap.



    You think there has been no extra judicial killings in the 8 years since the coup. 

    Washing up dead on the banks of the Mekong with a torso full of concrete is death by natural causes?


    Anyone who thinks Thaksin was the driving force behind the war on drugs is (probably deliberately) ill informed. It doesn’t take a lot of effort scrolling through the internet to locate the facts about  the reasons, the timing and the actual death toll of the “war on drugs”


    You should probably follow your own advice and get in touch with that shrink.



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  2. 3 hours ago, 2baht said:

    I think the majority don't really care, as long as they have rice for their next meal, everything is ok! What have they done to change things in the past 8 years? 10,000 protesters? Irrelevant!

    I’d be pretty confident that a great many Thais have, in the fight for democracy, done (and risked) an awful lot more than you ever have. 

    Why don’t you tell us about the last time you ever got off the barstool and risked life and limb for a cause.

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  3. 4 hours ago, smedly said:

    Thaksin you are just as bad as those in power right now - this country needs huge reform - it does not need greedy corrupt ### returning to do pretty much what those in power are doing right now 


    The people need to be able to vote for individuals into government - not a party which allows that party to put in place people they never directly elected - THAT IS NOT DEMACRACY - who voted for Prawit ? who voted for Anutin - and the cheese on the cake - who voted for Prayut ?????????? - nobody - the Thaipeople think they have demacracy - if they understood it they would realise that the people running the country were not put in place by them .........maybe their party won but they didn't

    Thaksin is nowhere even close to being in the same ballpark as the villains currently riding roughshod over the country.


    Your post history is littered with sycophantic cheerleading of anti-democratic, oppressive and corrupt coup makers.


    What Thailand needs is less you and more Thaksin.

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  4. 17 minutes ago, AustinRacing said:

    I take your point except the racism thing. You my friend are wasting your precious time thinking about it. The average Thai was brought up in a corrupt mindset environment. Those that are not now are easily swayed into becoming one. National pride and integrity easily gives way to personal gain. Public servants on 30k salaries looking at their colleagues driving a nice car and having a nice house bought by corruption is good incentive to wave future of their country away. Just about every Thai is willing to make that trade off after all despite what some outsiders who think Buddhist are spiritual people. Far from it as the first thing they want to know about you is how much money you have! 

    You take issue with the “racism thing” then spend the last two thirds of your post in a racist rant?

    The equivalent viewpoint of a Thai on Americans would be “All Americans are Q Anon halfwits who believe Democrats are lizard people and JFK Jr is coming back to life to be Trumps running mate in 2024”


    Your post is as idiotic and untrue as the above statement.


    As for the wasting my precious time but, I disagree. 

    Firstly, your assumption that all expats are old and at deaths door is incorrect (who’d have thunk just because you say something doesn’t make it true).


    Secondly, Thai politics is fascinating. We have a front row seat to the real time upheaval of an entire nation and culture. We are watching the last flailings of on old undemocratic exploitive and repressive establishment as it is about to be swamped by a pro democracy, pro freedom demographic tsunami. By observing events here there is a great deal each of us can learn about the power structures and the architecture supporting those structures in our own countries. 

    You, my friend, appear to be a glass half empty type of person - what a miserable way to choose to exist.

  5. 4 minutes ago, AustinRacing said:

    I’m amazed by the passion and detailed discussions from “visitors” to this country about its politics. We the “traitors” who left our country for greener pastures (cheaper booze, younger flesh etc) need to take a chill pill and relax. It won’t do you any good whatsoever other than shorten the few years you got left to enjoy life. 
    They deserve the government they have. My highly educated Thai colleagues’ main interests are TikTok, food, money, soap operas to name a few. Never hear anything remotely about politics or the future of their country. 

    Perhaps your sampling of Thais, like your knowledge of the past 20 years of Thai politics is insufficient. A great many Thais, on both sides, are fervently political and never miss an opportunity to join a street mob or weeks long sit in protest. Over the past year and a half tens of thousands of students have taken up the cause of trying to oust the current illegitimate regime, many of whom have landed in jail. Hardly worthy of being labelled apathetic. Sober up, tone down the racism and you my cynical friend may very well see the light.

  6. 8 hours ago, GarryP said:

    You are the one who is delusional. There are many who no longer support Prayuth and Palang Pracharat, but they still hate Thaksin. So they will vote for other parties. And I never said Thaksin wasn't popular. He certainly is in the North and North East. But the Pheu Thai party should also be looking at the central and southern areas and winning over former supporters of the current regime but they won't do that with Thaksin still in the picture. 

    Great strategy, discard your number one asset to pick up a few disenchanted central and southern votes… throw away 1000 baht for the chance to pick up 20 baht - you my friend are an A grade, level one, top of the heap political genius.

  7. 5 hours ago, scorecard said:

    What absolute total rubbish, full of misinformation, way way less than accurate re the shin mob. I was here in Thailand all through this decade+, there is plenty of specific evidence. No I don't want the little general, and by the way if you get yourself out of your buuble there's several other very credible without baggage possibilities. 

    You were here in Thailand all through this decade+…..meaningless. Going by your post history you’ve spent the decade+ with your head in the sand obsessed with anti Thaksin nonsense and rendered yourself clueless when it comes to what is actually true.


    Why don’t you list a few links to the “specific evidence” against Thaksin. You can’t because there ain’t any, ditto for Yingluck and Thanathorn. Again, clueless.


     Whenever someone becomes a credible option in politics the establishment loads them up (falsely) with baggage and then bars them and their party from politics. Like I said - clueless.


    So now you don’t want the little General, your post history is nothing but anti Thaksin pro junta cheerleading for a decade+. You are very late to the party, I guess that is to be expected though, given how clueless we have established you to be.

  8. 2 hours ago, GarryP said:

    The problem is that many people will not vote for Pheu Thai as long as the Shinawatras are involved. If he kept his mouth shut and kept his family away from this party, I believe they would win even more votes/seats. The party introduced some good policies and gave people of the North and North East their voice (probably to support his party rather than any real concerns for the people, but that seems to be the norm in Thai politics), and is recognized for this. Even so, I know I will not vote for this party as long as the Shins are involved, no matter how good their policies are.  

    More garbage. Some people won’t vote for Pheu Thai because they don’t like Thaksin, that’s true, just as it’s true that millions do vote for Pheu Thai because they love Thaksin. He is a net vote winner, has been for 20 years. You have wandered off the reservation old chap, you should think about dropping the prejudices and coming back to reality.

    • Like 1
  9. 6 hours ago, scorecard said:

    There's also plenty of Thais who don't want him or her to ever return to Thailand, both are convicted and have sentenced to time behind bars, (and I mean of real crimes, and no they weren't kangarooo courts, and there are still serious charges outstanding against him). 

    What absolute nonsense. A minority of Thais do not want Thaksin and Yingluck to return. I am afraid you are projecting your misinformed drivel upon the Thai people - a very common form of self delusion amongst the lackeys of the authoritarian right. Both are convicted of trumped up garbage by rigged courts - any half wit can see the obvious there. Why has Thaksin never faced charges in relation to the drug war deaths or the Takbai incident? Your post brings to mind Rudy Guiliani’s comments on his bosses (Trump) claims the election was stolen - “we have lots of theories, we just don’t have any evidence” except in your case it’s “ we have lots of yellow shirt propaganda, we just don’t have any evidence”

    If the Thai people could vote on who they would like exiled: Thaksin or Prayuth - this my simple friend, is the only election that Prayuth could ever win.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Bert got kinky said:

    This thread is not a place for you to spout about your political beliefs.

    If you feel the need to protect corrupt politicians, make you own thread.


    To quote you in this thread:


    “he should take himself outside and shoot himself. In fact drugs or no drugs he should still take himself outside and shoot himself, do the Thais a favour.”


    It appears you believe this thread is not a place for me to spout about politics but instead a haven for hypocrites.


    Please leave the moderating to the educated.

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  11. 9 hours ago, garyk said:

    Sure thing big T, and lets see. You are banned for life from Thailand for being a sweet, lovable and honest fellow..  

    He is not banned from Thailand. He can come back whenever he pleases. He hasn’t returned as he, quite correctly, has no desire to face a corrupted Thai legal system. Sweet, lovable and honest has nothing to do with the predicament he finds himself in - he is in exile as the anti democratic forces of Thailand know that any election the has any semblance of fairness will result yet another absolutely crushing landslide victory to Thaksin which would inevitably lead to a significant loss of income to all of those on the pro-coup side.

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  12. 10 hours ago, josephbloggs said:

    The most despicable self serving t**t that has ever held power in Thailand - and that is saying a lot.

    It's equal to opium?  No it isn't!!  Saw someone overdose and want to jump off a building who'd smoked a spliff?  Must be a world's first.  But he witnessed it with his own eyes so must be true.

    How many did he kill for marijuana during his war on drugs?  

    Asean Now should be absolutely condemned for publishing this nonsense and giving this convicted criminal media exposure.  Shame on them.  If anyone is too dumb to see what his agenda is then shame on them too.

    And....Tony Woodsome????

    Such vitriol over a few comments from Dr T on what can only be described as a minor side issue when it comes to the affairs of state. Me thinks you’re one of the unenlightened coup supporting neophytes who are always ever so quick to see the twig in Dr T’s eye but are never quite able to bring yourself to see the log in Prayuth and company’s eye.

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  13. 10 hours ago, robblok said:

    Of course he would be against it given that his enemies came up with it. What an idiot comparing both. I bet he does not demonize alcohol because he made money with it. 


    Kinda like the Mayor of BKK who talked about the first death from marijuana and then in the autopsy it was shown that the guy did not even had THC in his blood and an heart condition.


    Kinda like the US reefer madness model. You either ban alcohol and mariuana as the fist is far more dangerous or you let them both be.


    He is right about education about marijuana but same should go for alcohol too, how much violence it causes and road deaths. Its a smart thing to educate people about he dangers but it should be realistic because if you make it overly negative then people  wont believe you. It should be based up by real facts, not made to steer you in a certain direction. Otherwise people will not believe the information your trying to teach.

    Where exactly does he say he is against legalising marijuana?

    • Confused 3
  14. 3 hours ago, hotchilli said:

    Thailand has a history of coups, and history seems to repeat itself.

    Check-out Plaek Phibunsongkran, he was a beauty.

    Thailands history of coups is indeed a fact, however, there are significant societal differences in today’s Thailand that suggest the times are indeed a changing:


    1. The Internet - universal access to uncensored information, both national and international as well as the ability for the individual to review and correct the historical record falsely constructed under a veil of repression and  censorship


    2. Social Media - unfettered ability by all to communicate, coordinate and share real time information on encrypted messaging services


    3. Globilsation - economic exposure to the whims of a faltering global financial system has never been so great. Globalisation has also magnified the impacts of what we’re previously mostly localised issues such as COVID and the war in Ukraine. Juntas aren’t equipped to navigate these choppy waters.


    4. Lack of moral pillar for the conservative forces to rally around. Every prior coup has been justified by one reason and this reason no longer holds weight with the majority


    4. Demographics - Thailand is young, an ever growing number of Thais have come of age in a time when state run

    propaganda has been rendered useless


    5. Positive Example - The average Thai has now seen what an elected government answerable to the people via democracy can mean to their quality of life. For all the expat drivel on forums such as this one accusing Thaksin of being the devil, the fact remains that the Thai people would unequivocally prefer an elected government over an unelected ultra nationalist conservative military oligarch-backed junta. This why denying democracy is the main priority of those who favour coups - the genie is, however, out of the bottle


    Don’t get me wrong, there will certainly be future coup attempts… I just don’t believe they will succeed.

    Perhaps the only thing that will end the cycle is swift and severe punishment for any and all participating in any attempted coup.



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  15. On 6/3/2022 at 3:48 AM, smedly said:

    and quite frankly Pheu Thai would do no different 

    Not true. 

    There are significant differences under the current regime compared to the elected Pheu Thai governments.


    First, the permanent institutions, such as the courts, NACC and military etc were actively opposed to the elected governments and did all they could to retard their ability to implement policy - up to and including prosecuting false charges and illegally dismissing members of the government from their roles. There was constant scrutiny.  Prayuth does not have these concerns.


    Secondly, there was much much greater freedom of the press and freedom for the public to both investigate and voice any and all concerns about the governments actions or proposed actions. Prayuth does not have these concerns.


    Thirdly, the elected Pheu Thai governments had to exist under far more democratic constitutions that imposed far stricter electoral processes making the governments accountable to the public at regular intervals via national elections. Prayuth does not have these concerns.


    You are comparing mountains to molehills and somehow reaching the absurd conclusion that they are of the same order of magnitude.


    How silly.



  16. 16 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

    Seems more like an opinion piece.  Do they back it up with any evidence?


    As I said, I don't feel the need to waste my time as it's likely you'll ignore it.  Your failure to grasp the concept of fact vs. opinion bodes particularly badly.  You can if you want.  Just google "Thaksin vote buying" and you'll find a lot of evidence of it.


    Bizarre and childish comment.  More ad hom?  Do you know they say that when you resort to ad hom attacks, you've already lost the argument.  What on Earth does any of this have to do with Trump?!!


    Click the link, read it and comment, or of course, you could decide not to and stick to your guns, doubling down on ignorance and prejudice.


  17. 39 minutes ago, BangkokReady said:

    An opinion is a person's belief, feeling, or judgment about something. It is a subjective or value judgment, and it cannot be proven.


    A fact is a statement that can be tested by experimentation, observation, or research and shown to be true or untrue.


    Incorrect. See definition above.


    Incorrect. You attempted to claim, incorrectly, that the only reason I could possibly think that Thaksin wasn't freely and finally elected, or that the coup was better than the Thaksin dynasty was because I was prejudiced. I pointed out that the facts are what make me believe that, not anything to do with prejudice.


    You're argument is unravelling and becoming a little incoherent. I recommend reviewing all replies before responding.


    Can you give any examples of this from around 2014?


    Because you have the metrics wrong? Do you even have any?


    Just your opinion. You being wrong is another answer.


    Nope. I'm not going out of my way at all.


    Interesting opinion, but I don't believe the facts support this.


    You're not only wrong about the elected part, but even the reason for the coup.


    I wonder why you're going to so much effort to argue against the coup, and in favour of Thaksin, when you clearly don't know what happened.


    Interesting. That's close to describing the Thaksin dynasty as well.


    Haha. "Agree with me or you're an X!" Very original. ????

    You are “confused” (that’s a euphemism for wrong).


    Opinions come in different varieties. Any opinion that covers personal preferences is always right (e.g. you may have the opinion “I like Prayuth more then Thaksin”). Even if I don’t agree with this, the opinion is still correct. However, any opinion based on false evidence can be proven wrong, thus making it a wrong opinion.


    When an opinion is wrong, we can point to evidence to prove it is in fact wrong. You see, opinions are subservient to facts. 

    Normal rational people accept this and have the maturity to change their views when presented with evidence contrary to their currently held beliefs. Others however, particularly those with long held firmly entrenched prejudices or those whose lives have been a dismal failure do not react this way. They are unwilling to believe the facts as they are, rather preferring to wallow in the warmth of their ignorance and exist in a self imposed cloud of delusion. To these people, to challenge their opinions is to challenge both their intelligence and their way of life. Their great fear is that should the edifice they have constructed fall they would be forced to look in the mirror and realise that all of their inadequacies, their failures and their shortcomings are solely due to their own ineptitude.





  18. 4 minutes ago, BangkokReady said:

    Well, yes, I'm not going to waste my time for you.  That is the truth.  ????‍♂️


    I've searched many times, that's why I know it.  I'm surprised you haven't, to be honest.  How can you be sure of what you are saying if you haven't?


    I'm not ignorant, nor am I prejudiced.  What would I even be prejudiced against?  Or are you just throwing around words you heard somewhere else that you thought sounded cool?


    I've recalled the facts.  It's supporting evidence that I don't wish to waste my time searching for.


    How can an opinion be erroneous?  Do you actually know the difference between an opinion and a fact?


    Nope.  ????

    Opinions are wrong when they contradict facts. For example if one were of the opinion that the earth is flat, one’s opinion would be wrong.


    Prejudice is holding a preconceived opinion that is not based on facts, reason or actual experience. With this in mind, let us examine your position on supporting Prayuth’s coup - let’s use an analogy:


    Suppose a patient presented at the emergency room with a small but deep laceration to their pinky finger. The attending Dr offers two options for treatment: 1 - a couple of stitches or 2 - amputate the arm at the shoulder. Both these options solve the issue of the lacerated pinky, but only one makes any sense. Amputating at the shoulder is an absurd over-reaction… much the same as abandoning democracy via a military coup is an absurd over-reaction to rectify the minor deficiencies of the elected governments of Thailand since 2000.


    The pertinent question for you is this, why is it that you can see the obvious with the lacerated pinky finger but are so completely blind to the obvious in regards to the coup? The reason, my friend, is prejudice. You are blind to reason and logic  and evidence and facts because of your political prejudices. It is the exact same reason the senseless slaughter of 19 school children in America cannot in the slightest amount cause the gun nutters to alter their stance and support even the weakest proposals for gun regulation. 

    What a sad and sorry way to live a life.





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