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Everything posted by Adumbration

  1. I have been self medicating now for three days here are some notes for anyone that is interested: Doxazosin I am taking 2 mg just before I go to bed and 2mg with my breakfast. I started the first dose just before I went to bed because I read it can make you light headed, dizzy and also cause fainting. It did in fact make me a little dizzy on the first night but now it seems ok with no obvious side effects. I am monitoring my BP and it appears that the 4mg is holding me in the same range as the losartan that I was on. There has been a slight increase in my urine flow, and I can cut and start the stream a little now as well. So this drug is a win for me so far. A little cheaper than Losartan and serves the dual function of managing my BP and helping me to urinate. A box of losartan only has 30 pills as well, wereas the Doxa comes in a box with 100 pills. Doxycycline First two day on this were rough. It is very harsh on the stomach so I would ensure you take it with a good meal and lots of water to wash it down. There is some infor online saying it should not be taken with food but that is misleading as it refers to small doses and not the 100mg pills I am taking. I take it with breakfast and with dinner. First dose gave me a good deal of nausea but that passed after about an hour. And the first few days I have had slight diarrhea but that is slowly getting better. The burning while I pee has gotten a little better I feel, but I still have some pain in my urethra. If I do in fact have prostatitis I have had the condition for a very long time now untreated, so I would expect that I may need to be on Doxy for 2 or 3 months to see my condition improve. I have of course also researched finasteride thoroughly, however I choose not to start it at this stage. My plan is based on my assumption that I have prostatitis and after that is cleared up I can then go for a PSA, CEA and DRE. Should these indicate that I have BPH (and not cancer) I will make an informed decision on whether or not it is prudent I start on Finasteride. Sheryl, just you personal opinion please, do you think it would be preferrable to be on Finasteride indefinitely or would it be better to bite the bullet as it were and have a Rezume, Turp, or Eurolift? And is the Eurolift procedure available in Thailand?
  2. Thanks for your input Sheryl. Dreadful photo of Thirawirot. Looks like a B grade movie superhero. I will update with my progress or failure in due course. If I had to have a turp or biopsy at Varicha (not the new clinic), surely I would not be operated on by an intern?
  3. I have had a weak urine stream for probably 18 months. Can go but low flow. During covid lockdowns I had no access to hospital facilities just local witch doctors. I can now visit Phuket. I have a raft of other medical issues....as you may recall from some of my earlier posts. About 2 months ago I had one incidence of blood in my semen. I have burning sensation when I pee and dull pain in my uretha. I am sexual active but only with my long time partner who to the best of my knowledge has not cheated on me. So no STD risk I would hope but not tested. It hurts when I ejaculate. I have not had a yet had a PSA or a DRE. Yesterday I started myself on: morning with breakfast: 100mg doxycycline, 2mg of doxazosin, 600mg ibuprofen evening with dinner: 100mg doxycycline before bed: 2mg doxazosin I have high blood pressure and was previously taking Losartan. I have replaced that hopefully with the doxazosin and so am trying to kill (manage) two birds with one stone. Over the next week I will be self monitoring my bp to ensure the doxa is keeping me in an acceptable range. I intend to stick to this medication regime for 2 months to see if there is any change in my symptoms. If there is then I will continue on with the doxycycline for another month. If there is no improvement in my symptoms after 4 weeks I will go for a PSA and DRE. No doubt you will tell me I should already of had the PSA and DRE to rule out cancer before starting my prostatitis medication, but I read that many practitioners will often commence a patient on doxy or tsm regardless. I am suffering from a morton's neuroma in my left foot that makes walking very difficult. In the last few weeks I have felt that one is also now developing in my right foot. I have flat feet and a morgan's toe. I was already taking ibuprofen to help manage the neuroma. Your thoughts and criticism are welcome.
  4. You can get the same program including chest xray at Andalab (samkong and merlin) for 990 baht. It has been that same price for over a decade.
  5. Does Vachira have a decent Urologist? And does anyone know what prostate biopsy options are available at that hospital and the various costs.
  6. I have been here a long time. On three seperate occassions, twice at different border crossing and once at swampy, immigration have not stamped my passport with an arrival stamp (and at both border crossings did not stamp and sign back of TM6 as well). I picked this up on all occassions and had to go back and request the stamps, which I got after dealing with passive agression and on last border crossing and additional wait of 1 hour. Mate of mine flew back via swampy a few weeks back and when I saw him the other day he asked my to check his passport. He had the same problem. No arrival stamp and no stamp on his TM6. He is also now late with his 90 day report because couldn't keep track of the date because no arrival stamp. So which is it ineptitude or corruption. Stupid and lazy. Or the attempt generate fines.
  7. When to the Honda shop the town closest to my village home yesterday. I want to buy three new 125 waves...cash... No stock and four month wait. I speak good Thai so no issues about misinterpretation. I was given a brochure with the lass's phone number on it and a the pricing hand written as well. 56K550 for the two colour model with alloy wheels and 54K650 for single color with steel spoked wheels. Today I had my GF call the biggest dealer in my province which is in a town about 1.5 hours drive from my village. They had one bike (steel rim version) in stock. And the price.... 60K650. I was sat next to my GF while she was making the call. But they did not know I was there and listening in so not Raka Farang. I asked my GF to cover the phone and then told her to enquire why the price was 6K more than the local dealership I went to yesterday. The sales girl ummed and rrrrred and then doubled down on her lie. The 6K was to pay for registration. I told my GF to hang up and then to call the dealership I went to yesterday. The sales girl there confirmed the price of 54K650 was all up and included on road costs as well as free helmet and shopping basket. So the sales person at the other bigger dealership is skimming 6K extra either for her own pocket or by request of her boss. Hilarious really, in first world country if a Honda dealership pulled these types of scams they would lose their franchise...and probably end up in court as well. Amazing Thailand. Any one bought a new wave 125 in the last month or so and want to share your experience and price paid?
  8. Get over yourself. Heaven forbid you had a real disability or were in a wheel chair. You would very quickly learn that accessibility is not even a word in the thai language.
  9. Slowly, but surely, things are getting back to normal here.
  10. "Chinese Missiles Strike Seas Off Taiwan, and Some Land Near Japan" https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/03/world/asia/taiwan-china-military-exercises.html
  11. I thought the same thing when Yingluck was offering 100K cash back on any new car purchase. Anyone with life enough in them to fog a mirror with their breath was signing finance to buy a new car. But there was no comensurate increase in driver training or of effective policing. If this was done by a government in a developed country there would be a class action raised.
  12. 270K Thai Baht. Title is in my long term GFs name and I have a life usufruct in my name stamped on the back. Did the usufruct myself at the land office. Total cost was 75baht pluse 2 or 3 baht for photocopies.
  13. I bought a detached split level house on red chanote 3 minutes from a gorgeous East coast beach January 2021 for 270K. Vendor paid all taxes and transfer costs.
  14. These morons still honestly believe that Thailand is a desirable and marketable desitination.
  15. Hmm so a crooked nose, bucked teeth and mono brow is now considered beautiful. Times sure have changed.
  16. Notice that the order does not prohibit police selling weed. Got to get the monthly payments for the giks fortuna from somewhere.
  17. I bought a <deleted> tin of Rubles when the war broke out. I posted a thread here about it. I was laughed at and ridiculed the imbeciles who post on this forum.
  18. Thanks. Looks like a no go then. Shame they have what I need and also the PI site. Why same products are not offered on Thai lazada I have no idea because the origin is China.
  19. Just follow the money upward. You will soon realise why no one will tell them enough already.
  20. A certain person used to say "por lel"...enough already. But there is a vacuum there now.
  21. Hi I am currently trying to buy some specialized equipment. I have searched for months now across all available platforms in Thailand. No sucess. But in my searching I have discovered that there are some solutions sold on both the Malayasian and PI Lazada sites. Can I puchase from a site in Malaysia or PI and how would I go about that?
  22. I truly hope you are trolling. Because if you are not, you must be retarded.
  23. Do you use beer as your basis for all fair value calculations? How many beers equate to the same enjoyment as getting a handjob....or eating a Big Mac?
  24. Relax it is going to 150 baht a kilo. And pork is going t 300 baht a kilo. CP is in price gouge hyperdrive at the moment using the war as an excuse. And there is absolutely no one now who will say "that is enough fellas".
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