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Everything posted by Adumbration

  1. Just move to Pattaya. 100% of the population there has herpes. Enjoy you sex life
  2. These guys have enough money to own a new porsche in Thailand. Cops have gone in hard here because they know there is lots of brown paper bags on the horizon. The guys will get the best Thai lawyer their money can buy any the negotiations will be underway. That is why no bail is granted....cops don't want their farang meals tickets doing a BOSS on them.
  3. Massive landslide on top of "Mount Mayhem" has just destroyed the road from Kathu to Patong. Looking at the photos it will take them months to repair it properly and billions of baht. Sorry I have some photos here of the damage but I am getting servor error messages when I try to upload.
  4. It is just following the bull trap rally on the US markets....AUD is a risk adverse currency....stayed tuned for more doom and gloom shortly.
  5. Check all of the things that papa al has suggested. But also make sure that you check the two bolts that mount the dream carby to the intake manifold. They can work loose and cause air to enter the manofold between it and the carby. Check that the gasket there is also intact. If you are sucking air that will cause the problems you describe.
  6. Thanks for the tip. The motorbike riding is an issue because it is my only transport option at the moment. It is about 15 minute ride, maybe I can put a pillow on my scooter seat?? Quoted price from Andalab for the PSA was 750 baht.
  7. There is a bulk supermarket called SuperCheap in Phuket. It is just across the road from the bus station on Thepkrassatri road. It is a huge store. At the back they have a big pharmacy that sells drugs at wholesale prices. I buy them in person not online.
  8. Emailed the girl I have dealt with for over ten years when renewing my car insurance with the AXA office in Phuket. No reply....but today I get an email from another staff telling me my go to girl has moved on (she was a hottie). Anyway the new girl has sent me a information brochure and individual application form for their Accident Insurance. I will try to uploaded here with this post for anyone that is interested: Sale Material__Exclusive MED_10062021.pdf Individual PA application form_26032020 (002).pdf
  9. Was planning on getting a PSA done today, but totally flooded out in Phuket.
  10. Hello Thanks for your input and your heads up on doxazasin. I have been on that drug now for a month or more. Intial doses a little giddyness, but that quickly subsided and no other notable side effects to date. As I reported above, it was a bit of a win for me moving to that drug. I was taking blood pressure meds anyway and I have successfully substituted my prevous drug with doxa. It definitely does help me pee. Not a lot but it does help. So I am handling two problems, BP and urination, with one drug (which is also cheaper than my other BP meds I was using). I am taking Cardoxa 2mg and I take one pill with breakfast and then one pill before bed. It is cheap. I can buy a box of 10 sheets, 100 pills for 145 baht, so less than 3 baht per day on current dosage.
  11. My first try was Angin Goreng in Timor Timor. I knew exactly what it was but they were so poor that was the only meat available. That same trip I saw an injured dugong float into the harbor in Kupang. A mob of guys clambered into the water hosted the beast up on the sidewalk, slaughtered it in the gutter then started selling the meat to passers by of the cement pavement.
  12. Hello Sheryl I have finished a course of Doxycycline...morning and night for 28 days. No longer have burning when I pee however still have dull pain in my urethra and below my testicles. I have purchased Ciprofloxacin 500mg 10 sheets (100 capsules) so enough for 28 day treatment at 2 capsules per day. But I have not yet started taking it. You might recall from some of my other posts that I have Haemochromatosis and I know from genetic testing years ago that I am C282Y. I read a new research paper this morning that concludes that male p.C282Y homozygotes have a 32% higher risk of developing prostate cancer so I am now quiet anxious: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.02.28.22271621v1 I have a number of questions and I would be grateful for your kind input on each: 1. In the last month or so I have been burping after eating. This is unusual because I have never had it before in my life. Could it be linked to my prostrate problems? 2. Should I start the course of Cipro now? 3. What are the cheapest steps/ways to move forward to identify what the issue is with my prostate? Due to cost, and also my distrust of Thai doctors, I would like to self manage anything that is possible. As you already know I have access to AndaLab for blood and other tests. 4. Should I have prostate cancer, what are the usual steps for treatment and likely associated costs here in Thailand. 5. Do you think it would be more prudent to have any required surgeries and/or treatments here or return back to Australia (please note that I have no family whatsoever for support back there). Thanks
  13. Not true. The OAP is portable but you will lose all of any supplements...and they add up to a great deal more than 1 cent.
  14. Why can't you just rent your house in Oz out? That would be an initial first good step anyway. And no Centrelink will not count property in Thailand as your primary residence for the purpose of their assets test.
  15. Why did you not get a urine test for bacteria?
  16. I worked in as a volunteer with Mother Teresa in a street hospital in Calcutta when I was a lad.
  17. So do you think that you had prostatitis as opposed to an enlarged prostate?
  18. I have AXA car insurance. I have just emailed them about this policy. I do not have work permit...non-o visa retired. Will let you know how I go.
  19. Thanks very much for your detailed report. I am currently using doxasozin and it is helping a little. Did you try that drug previously? Also did you try finasteride? And would that have any effect on the lobe as opposed to the prostate?
  20. Bar stool piffle. I should state upfront that I have lived, worked, and traveled extensively in India. I do not like Indian people and chose to avoid them if possible. However, I have seen first hand large groups of the young Indians that are now visiting Thailand. They are not sikhs, but rather young up and coming professionals who are working in tech and other progressive industries. They are the young entrants to India's growing middle class. They are not just single men, there are also couples travelling as well. The are clean, tidy, speak excellent English and are very well and fashionably dressed. Most of them would have income far surpassing that of the fat stinking singha tank top wearing slobs that rely on the age old 1 drink 3 straws mantra to prop up their own delusions of self worth.
  21. Also, what is the doctor's view regarding the improvements....what is the expected shelf life and chances that you will have to go back for another treatment?
  22. Also did you stay in hospital overnight or was it day surgery?
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