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Everything posted by Adumbration

  1. I will throw you on the neighbors garden trash pile for for free if you find cremation expenses are getting out of your reach.
  2. What country are you from? Australia? Just have a solicitor in your home country draw up a will that includes a testamentary trust provision with an annual payment to your wife for a set period (to match her life expectancy). Include a clause the if she dies any residual left in your estate can be paid to (person x or charity x).
  3. Hilarious the OP has posted this. I can remember being a backpacker here 40 odd years ago and there were two eurotrash girls in front of me lining up for a bus. They both had huge front and back packs and could literally barely walk under the weight. Swedes or Swiss I presume. I was travelling with a sarong, cotton shirt, passport, money belt and headband. Too poor back then to own a camera.
  4. But does she have her parachute wings?
  5. Your post has zero value. It is an over simplification of a very complex problem.
  6. I don't complain about price, just the abissmal customer service that surrounds the sale of any Thai product.
  7. Sure...but the Farang should always be weary when his ex massage or bar girl GF tells him she wants to "Go Temple". They use it as an opportunity to chat on the phone with their other lover(s) or sponsor(s) without fear of being interupted by the guy she is staying with. It also makes her look like a good and virtuous girl when she video chats with the other fools..."see darling, I good girl, make whiteshirt". You have been warned.
  8. True that some like it some hate it. But the take away message here is that some just don't like it and that normal hereabouts. Totally different from Farang land. I have dated pehaps hundreds of girls over the years in farang land. Never bumped into one that refused to kiss.
  9. So new notification from PayPal. They are going to have another crack at blocking all your accounts later this year. Anyone else get the memo?
  10. You want me to apologise for being prudent. Welcome to my ignore list.
  11. It is for the 90% of members who are posting piffle on this thread. They think they are being clever, but they are just showing how ignorant they are.
  12. I used to trap them in the wild. But had to check their livers for mixy spots before I ate them.
  13. True enough. And those that have access to land or sea to gather, forage, hunt or fish will fair much better than those in urban centers. Personally I have just purchased a larger sea fishing boat.
  14. Most expats are not. They are deluded beer swilling mongers. All that is about to change though.
  15. The price of rice has remained reasonable for now due to stockpiles and the fact it is not really a perishable food. But it will soon start rocketing in price like chicken and pork alreay have. Flag this post for future reference. Yes Mr farang is also shielded from the reality of the recent price increases because of the arbitrage of our exchange rates. Who cares if chicken has increased from 42 baht to 110 baht...it is only 2 USD right.... What I want to discuss in this thread is not rising food prices, but the situation where there is just nothing to buy. And obviously this will be a much more serious issue in urban areas where is it not possible to grow your own produce.
  16. You posted previously in another thread that you do not like Thai food.
  17. Don't act surprised when there is no food available for you to buy. You were warned.
  18. You still don't get it. The CCP will invade not because there is food in Taiwan but because it needs to distract the starving (and probably already rioting in the streets) population back home.
  19. I don't often agree with Gecko but what he says is entirely true here. Many of the stall holders at the fresh market just buy their meats at tesco and then resell at the market for a small profit. That is why many Tescos have a maximum purchase amount on chicken breast and the like. Also a great deal of the fruit does come from China or other countries (just look at the stickers on apples at your local market as just one relevant example).
  20. It is funny that you guys are posting off hand jokes and nonsense. You need to flag this post. In the near future you will realise that this is a real and very important issue. It may well be the most significant catalyst for China moving on Taiwan also.
  21. A day or so ago there was an obscure little news article informing that PTT, the blue chip oil and gas energy stock of Thailand, is allocating millions to the development of a telephone app to manage people queing for food. I spoke to my broker here and they confirmed the news was true (and have just announced PTT as a buy because of it). The food supply crisis is going to get a lot more serious than you currently think. It is not just going to be about high and rising prices, it is going to be about there is just no food to buy. Governments will keep this issue as quiet as possible for obvious reasons (insert links to current news stories of food riots in Sri Lanka). As an investment theme, lithium is done for, and most tech for that matter, in the short term. No one is going to want to buy an electric car or fluff about on social media when they have to dig up the back yard to make space to plant potatoes. Last week I bought myself a large sea fishing boat here in Thailand. I bought it because I love fishing and diving but being able to more effectively fish for food was also at the back of my mind. What are you doing to ensure that the integrity of the food supply for your family? And what are your suggestions for food integrity stock plays on the SET, DOW and ASX. This will be a global crisis.
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