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J Branche

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  1. A tax strategy is bring the Visa, Condo, large amount in when you are in Thailand 179 days or less. Not a Thai Tax Resident. The other strategy is POR 162 that allows Accessable Income earned prior to Jan 1 2024 to be remitted Tax Free in 2024 or following years
  2. Study a lot of Behavioral Psychology. Some people can't prevent themselves from drugs or gambling All the time. Yes with the right group/family support and motivation they can reduce it. What is wrong with the Government trying to prevent/help people from doing self or financial harm? Do you have a better recommendation to determine risky behavior that is reasonable, practical, and will be followed consistently. I support the Dream that everyone will do the right thing but my training, experience and knowledge have proven some people need assistance
  3. Government 🙄 They do what they want. You elect them but have Zero control after the election. If they require an Entry Fee to Thai Citizens it may limit the potential for loosing money to the groups with more disposable income. Additionally 0 entry fee for Foreigners targets the wealth transfer from other countries to the benefit of Thailand. Taxes, any increase in tourism or businesses that support the Casino and Entertainment Complex. The negative, Who is going to supervise the Casino is collecting the entry fee on Thai Citizens? Who is going to enforce this? So we know the answer and likely the Casino is calculating I can make an extra 50 million Baht - minus 5 million in Bribes so 45 million is worth the risk. Online Gambling, please educate me How this is a good idea at all. Creates fewer jobs, pays less taxes, creates Zero Tourism, Zero increase in businesses that support a Physical Casino/Entertainment Complex. Risks, Thais who do not have disposable income fall deeper into financial ruin and debt. What safe guards will be in place to help limit the damage to Thai citizens familes and financial futures?
  4. So Double Standard for Foreigners. Thai people can be poor, have little savings, cause no problems and live a happy free life in Thailand. Regarding your proposed 10 or 20 million Baht. False the better Class of people, Do and Will live in Europe, Singapore, etc because they can Afford a better location with Less pollution and is already developed and already has the better Class of people. Additionally only a FOOL would leave 10 or 20 million Baht in a bank earning No Interest, that little they give you doesn't cover yearly inflation. The Banks Additionally leverage your Bank Deposits and charge customers A lot more interest making the Bank A lot more money. Thailand has many, many great people. The short time Tourist, and Foreigners seems to be main problem. Then you have some idiot Foreigners setting up Scams, Call Centers who Eventually are arrested. Same happens in the USA that many foreign countries admire.
  5. In Pattaya the local Thai drivers are mostly fine. Bangkok license plate 95% chance you will have a problem, Rental Car, Tourist, Foreigners who visit for weeks or a month Problem. Every city has its own driving style, locations that pedestrians and vehicles know to be careful when using. Tourist and Foreigners know none of this. But, What can you do? Maybe avoid certain areas, at certain times and drive carefully, that's about it. We do raise and wave are arm when crossing the road now, seems to help.
  6. Please review the definition of Steal. She stole the money, if important documents were inside, they had his name on them. Did she contact the Police and report the property was left by someone?
  7. So as it was paid with stolen money, the bank, debt holder for car would be required to return the money. The lady would owe all outstanding debt and any late fees. The foreigner would need to win a court case that he is owed. Can a subordinate lien be placed on the car? Nice to continually read that there is an abundance of people, who are willing to part with large amounts of cash with very little effort to safeguard the money.
  8. The temporary migrant worker visa program is Not be changed that I'm aware. Trump is trying to reduce the burden unfairly placed on the US and US taxpayers. US needs to reduce spending, you can't allow excessive migration for many years and all the services and money spent to support those programs to continue without a balance.
  9. So, person is owed 120 baht, Is given a lottery ticket. The person giving wants 50,000 baht from lottery win. The receiver of the ticket is now missing. Failed to meet to pay 50,000 baht. Some people. If it were true she left ticket as collateral, Not payment you would owe approximately 5,999,880 back to the person. I Thought All the Giving in Thailand brings Good Luck to the giver. Is this a Huge Thai Scam? Do Thai people truly Not follow and believe this concept of giving and Good Luck?
  10. My opinion is they are hoping that X% comply, they receive enough Additional tax money for funding the Future Government and Projects. (High Speed Train, Paying very poor a little money if they prove they qualify, infrastructure, Healthcare, etc.) I believe they understand to Target wealthy individuals who possibly owe a substantial tax payment to Thailand. (The efforts need to pay for cost of labor) After publishing and notifying Thai Tax Residents of the changes they will have the "Ability" to review Some people who should be paying Thai Tax. Taxes owed would again be worth their efforts. Additionally some foreigners will comply and pay a small amount of taxes. Enough foreigners Contribute the government has the Potential to subsidize Education X%, and other worth while projects. That's my dream at least.
  11. My knowledge is of the US Marshall's service. They need to notify and usually work with the Police in the Foreign country example Thailand. I do know of an instance in Ecuador were someone was captured who was wanted and extracted Without prior notification to Ecuador. They stated that do to the corruption and knowledge of an insider working for the Police in that area they did Not notify first. Luckily Ecuador was cool with it but these things can cause Big problems depending on the country
  12. I went up to city hall and complained. I think the Pattaya Police on Beach Road next. Some think the City and Police read This Forum, they don't. You have to have multiple people complain many times to get action most times. Next ask the City and Police to walk down the footpath around Festival Central and tell the people and businesses to "Remove any signs and merchandise on the foot path" Like mentioned most Don't care. If you have to walk over, around, into the street, trip over merchandise, they will only do something when told by Police or the City because they can fine or close their business temporarily.
  13. What made our will finalized is that the Lawyer who Is the Executor has the Legal Will on File. The relatives are instructed to contact the Law Firm if anything happens. If you update the Will or use another Lawyer you would also notify relatives of the new Lawyers Contact info
  14. The US Embassy in Thailand is to assist the US and Thailand with Goverment affairs. You do understand the purpose of an Embassy. If from the US you are NOT paying the Same fair share of tax. The Dual Tax Agreement allows you to cancel or deduct a percentage of tax that may be owed. The deductions and allowances given to all Thai Tax residents allow you to further reduce tax owed. That is on top of the deductions and allowances in the USA.
  15. Then the process is to contact your home country Embassy in Thailand. List what benefits you think are fair for a tax resident in Thailand. Example: 1. Access to Thai Healthcare system at Thai Price 2. No Dual Pricing at government facilities 3. No Dual Pricing allowed on Foreigner Tax residents in Thailand Etc. Any other recommendations Please Add them. Follow up with Embassy on who to, and how to contact the officials in Bangkok who make decisions on these matters. I will within 1 week be sending a request to the US Embassy for assistance.

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