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J Branche

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  1. This would make a good topic for Bangkok to address and tackle a long term solution for garbage disposal. I'm sure there are more expenses and challenges than I realize.
  2. No need to worry the Foreign Sourced Income Tax will fill the gaps. Cha-Ching
  3. We all laughed watching this guy throw a tantrum like a Big Baby on Amarin TV Quality entertainment. See these entitled people sometimes and they don't care. They visit some place and think they are VIP guests and should be allowed to do as they wish. Us long term residents officially apologize for these foreigners behavior. These people are why I left the US. Maybe send the video to the respective Embassy so they understand why they need to relax visa requirements for Thai tourists.
  4. Yes SHLD paid 15% for 6 months plus a little dividend. Not bad. It use to be taboo to be a weapons manufacturer now everyone sees the money and wants a piece. Palantir, Anduril see the size of the checks the Military Budget is handing out and are tired of dinosaur companies getting paid.
  5. It's all good. They always say "wink wink" it will be okay. Until your money and efforts of your hard work are seized. They want foreign investment when the terms are advantageous to them. Watch School of Hard Knocks on YouTube. Riches people around the world say "Always have full control of the money" "Never be desperate and be willing to walk away" Many, many other places to Invest where things are much more advantageous and opportunities are just as great, where the foreign investor has a more even playing field
  6. We won the war on Spending and increasing our National Debt to the critical point all by ourselves. For our next party trick we will let Healthcare become so expensive that only the Elite and Rich can afford it. Then the loan for a 4 year degree at a good college will take 20 years to repay. Then the US will be like Thailand were everyone is underwater with to much Debt.
  7. People struggling to eat and have a place to live and some idiot wants to show how rich he is by installing a gold toilet. If it wasn't stolen then it would have been stolen soon after with their Temu security system protecting it.
  8. If you are near the Taxi Stand the normal custom is Ask. We have been allowed many times told to park elsewhere a few. Definitely not worth a beat down to park.
  9. Yep, you don't make an example and they will make you the very last person they pay after buying whiskey, food, partying with friends, etc. That is why you don't break rule 1. Never lend a Thai money you ever want to see again.
  10. Unixx in Pattaya I think they are on to you. That little blue building with TouchPad entry lock and tons of lock boxes across from the motorbike taxi stand has been exposed. Years ago the Airbnb owner in Bangkok told me tell the staff I am his friend and visiting for a few days, do not tell them I am renting.
  11. How about making everyone pay for trash collection in the annual property taxes. Then have the supervisor follow the trash truck route and note any areas that they can Then dispatch a street cleaning crew. Oh, I forgot, these adults (big children) need someone to tell them No, don't put trash on the ground when the trash bin is a 5 second walk away. How about this. Punishment for littering is to pick up trash for 1 hour. 2nd offense 3 hours. 3rd offense 6 hours. The public outrage would be comical why they have to pickup trash. Here is a scenario. Keep the residential areas clean and then property values will increase, property values increase and more transfer tax is charged, your ROI would easily pay for the workers keeping areas clean.
  12. Out by Khao Yai plenty of people coughing and sick. Here all the well people wear mask and sick people don't. I think we need to send them to Japan to understand the correct way to reduce the spread of flu.
  13. For the tourist they probably don't want to spend the time and effort to build a relationship on a dating site prior to arrival and hope to get boom boom. They walk down the street, find someone they like, a few drinks, and get down to business. My friend who is a decent looking guy nothing wrong with him likes the freedom. Likes being able to do what he wants when he wants with whoever he wants. To each their own. Enjoy. I'm from the US and totally understand why someone wants to have fun and be alone for a while.
  14. Just cost average into it then. Bring some in at 39+ and more in if it hits 40. The problem with people thinking I will wait until it hits some nice even number like 40 is the currency market doesn't fluctuate between nice even numbers generally
  15. Thai man is being Thai man. Ever watch Amarin TV, nothing new here. Again it is targeted, I'm sure the Thai man didn't wake up saying I feel like going for a jog through traffic with a big knife and scare some foreigners.
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