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Everything posted by novacova

  1. Probably not a 12 foot ladder, most likely a 4 meter ladder ????
  2. Fell fall, open ended statement. Jumped, slipped. Pushed, tossed, thrown or flung. All fit the definition of fell/fall.
  3. Sure you can ask. The answer is zero mimi zilch nada no graffiti on any of my body parts
  4. Good grief, and I thought I had all the bad luck with dentist in the US. CM definitely has a lot of good dentist, just be patient and mindful of who you decide to go to.
  5. Oh poor fella, too poor for a razor and hair cut? Or cave man? งง
  6. I have an instant camera built in my phone. Works pretty good and it automatically develops and stores the photos right on the phone instantly. Quite handy and amazing actually
  7. Unless of course you’re a left field batter from the US, then everything is racist…which is racism in of itself
  8. novacova


    Be mindful when ordering, many verities
  9. novacova


    I stumbled upon this place in mae fahluang. I have him send me the premium dark and pea berry, I blend the dark 70% pea berry 30%, very smooth low acidity, the best coffee I’ve found yet.
  10. Isn’t it required to have $20,000 Covid insurance to enter Malaysia?
  11. …and murder. I’ve at least two reports on Amerin in the last year. My wife says there are a lot of fake and crooked monks.
  12. If you plan on driving a motorcycle and have a motorcycle endorsement on your idp and drivers license then it will be a lot easier. I did not have a motorcycle endorsement and I wanted both a driver license and motorcycle license so I went to CM Driving School in saraphi took a 3 day course for the motorcycle since I didn’t have an endorsement. And a for the car license I watched a 45 minute video, that was it for the car license.. They made sure all the paper work (certificate of residence, passport, idp including valid drivers license from my country, health certificate…anything else?? can’t remember) was in order before I went to the dlt in hangdong, the school changed me about 1000 or 2000฿? I don’t remember how much I paid it wasn’t much. Can’t remember what dlt charged me, it was a nominal amount, 200฿ for both?, it was a slow time of day there and I was out of there in about 20 minutes. Without a valid drivers license including idp then you’ll have to go through the entire routine.
  13. For sure, talk with some of the older folks. Hopefully someone will give you a good lead
  14. I’ve personally never have had issues with with village workers. My experience has always been good, maybe because I supervise the projects and know a few solid workers. I keep it to two or three workers. I’m not going to go into detail of how to deal with the locals, though it’s always good to be firm yet polite with them, it will go a long way especially if you find a good crew. Though I’m sure crappy workers can found everywhere on the planet at the same ratio as anywhere
  15. There’s a lot of good multi trade tradesmen. If you’re in the city and want a good price, then you’re best bet would be to find someone in a village outside of the city. Show him what you want, hop in the truck with him and get the supplies. Sit and watch them work and have buy them lunch, and beer whiskey and munchies for them every day after work. Average 500฿ a day per person
  16. Degenerative brain damage is the issue. I can’t really sympathize with debased weak mindedness, just can’t relate, sorry
  17. Good grief, some here only chime in to insult. It’s indicative of the measure of lack of one’s intelligence. I suppose some are so unhappy with life they only find joy by coming here and putting others down.
  18. Hopefully he’ll keep his promise and not light up it up again
  19. The problem with most sex offenders, especially child violators is that they have the propensity to continue violating victims after they’re released from incarceration. So it’s imperative to be 100% sure that the accused is a perpetrator. So yes, the perpetrators need severe punishment for disrupting and destroying a persons life for a selfish act
  20. No, it should be done publicly on a tamarind chopping block
  21. Being under pressure is where one’s character is tested. So is the argument here is that he lost his composure in a foreign land? Good grief! I sure hope I don’t lose it here
  22. What people? The people on this thread or Thais? It doesn’t change my perception because Mr Pumpkin never took the time to talk to older folks and get to know the general and local culture of the people whose families have for the most part been in their local region for 2000 years. If he took the time I’m sure he wouldn’t have done this. We gain no insight being presumptuous about any culture that differs from our own. So many blow in the country and never take the time, even after many years. And what does her village and family think? I’m pretty sure it’s ควาย! Next time you hear a Thai say’s that foreigners are “funny” take a moment and think what might really be behind that statement
  23. I have known a lot of Chinese nationals, most are unable to comprehend a defiance of the formed/trained submissive allegiance that’s been ironed in since birth. That’s the order of communist regimes, much like what’s currently being worked on in the US
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